最近公司用户量暴涨,领导笑嘻嘻,搬砖的心里***,服务器压力骤然上升,最近大数据集群在跑Spark任务时老是报“Container exited with a non-zero exit code 137”这样的错误,详细日志如下:

WARN YarnSchedulerBackend$YarnSchedulerEndpoint: Requesting driver to remove executor 4 for reason Container marked as failed: container_e52_1650941597513_0076_01_000007 on host: host0. Exit status: 137. Diagnostics:Container killed on request. Exit code is 137
Container exited with a non-zero exit code 137. 
Killed by external signal


最开始的时候百度了一下找到一篇文章(Spark 中的“Container killed on request.Exit code is 137”)讲了这个问题,但是折腾半天不好使,后面仔细分析一下问题,才发现是Spark executor运行时占用内存太多而物理内存不足,Linux内核开启了oom killer机制(Linux内核OOM机制的详细分析),Linux内核会根据一定机制选择内存占用过大的进程kill掉。而错误日志里的“Killed by external signal”中的“external signal”指的是“kill -9”(SIGKILL)这个信号(Linux Signal信号详解),而这个信号对应的进程退出码(Linux and Unix exit code tutorial with examples)就是137。而且在Spark报137错误时,能够在被killed 掉的容器所在的主机上的日志文件/var/log/messages能看到如下的日志:

host0 kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 12290 (java) score 152 or sacrifice child
host0 kernel: Killed process 12290 (java), UID 1011, total-vm:23715088kB, anon-rss:8738028kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:20kB
host0 kernel: java invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201da, order=0, oom_score_adj=0

日志里面我们会看到“Out of memory”、“java invoked oom-killer”字样。

现在知道这个问题是我们的服务器内存不足导致的,但是怎么解决呢?把oom killer机制关了?这个属于掩耳盗铃。申请升级服务器?不好意思预算紧张。总不能用我的工资升级服务器吧,所以还得自己想其他办法节省内存来规避这个问题。对于Spark要节省内存无非一下几个办法:




通过观察Spark UI中Storage页面可以看到持久化的具体统计数据,项目代码里StorageLevel原本设置为MEMORY_ONLY,这会占用大量的内存,可以在启动参数中把--executor-memory适当调小,并在代码中把StorageLevel设置为 MEMORY_AND_DISK或者MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER(MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER会占用更少的存储空间,但是会占用更多的CPU时间)甚至于DISK_ONLY。虽然这样使一部分数据持久化在磁盘里,但是总比容器被killed然后有重启付出的代价少,而且现在很多云服务器可以用SSD,相比HDD也是鸟枪换了炮。






最后还想说一点就是在分析这个问题的时候发现Spark on YARN在生成运行executor的脚本文件(就是launch_container.sh)时,最后生成运行executor的shell命令如下:

exec /bin/bash -c "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/lib/native:/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client/lib/native/Linux-amd64-64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -server -Xmx10240m '-XX:+UseNUMA' -Djava.io.tmpdir=$PWD/tmp '-Dspark.history.ui.port=18081' '-Dspark.driver.port=37119' -Dspark.yarn.app.container.log.dir=/hadoop/yarn/log/application_1650941597513_0025/container_e52_1650941597513_0025_01_000003 -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError='kill %p' org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend --driver-url spark://CoarseGrainedScheduler@had3:37119 --executor-id 2 --hostname had3 --cores 3 --app-id application_1650941597513_0025 --user-class-path file:$PWD/__app__.jar 1>/hadoop/yarn/log/application_1650941597513_0025/container_e52_1650941597513_0025_01_000003/stdout 2>/hadoop/yarn/log/application_1650941597513_0025/container_e52_1650941597513_0025_01_000003/stderr"

其中-Xmx10240m中的数值就对应的是--executor-memory的设置,而且会默认添加一个参数:-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError='kill %p',意思是当出现OutOfMemory时会执行kill命令将当前的进程杀死,至于Spark为什么要这样做源代码解释如下:

  /*** Kill if OOM is raised - leverage yarn's failure handling to cause rescheduling.* Not killing the task leaves various aspects of the executor and (to some extent) the jvm in* an inconsistent state.* TODO: If the OOM is not recoverable by rescheduling it on different node, then do* 'something' to fail job ... akin to blacklisting trackers in mapred ?** The handler if an OOM Exception is thrown by the JVM must be configured on Windows* differently: the 'taskkill' command should be used, whereas Unix-based systems use 'kill'.** As the JVM interprets both %p and %%p as the same, we can use either of them. However,* some tests on Windows computers suggest, that the JVM only accepts '%%p'.** Furthermore, the behavior of the character '%' on the Windows command line differs from* the behavior of '%' in a .cmd file: it gets interpreted as an incomplete environment* variable. Windows .cmd files escape a '%' by '%%'. Thus, the correct way of writing* '%%p' in an escaped way is '%%%%p'.*/private[yarn] def addOutOfMemoryErrorArgument(javaOpts: ListBuffer[String]): Unit = {if (!javaOpts.exists(_.contains("-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError"))) {if (Utils.isWindows) {javaOpts += escapeForShell("-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=taskkill /F /PID %%%%p")} else {javaOpts += "-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError='kill %p'"}}}

最开始的怀疑kill的问题跟这个有关,但是其实不是的,因为kill对于的退出码是143,而137对应的是“kill -9”,应该是在jvm出现OutOfMemoryError之前就已经被Linux给kill掉了,如果你的日志里面出现的exit code是143,那么大概率是出现了OutOfMemoryError。

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