In Microsoft Excel, it’s a common task to refer to cells on other worksheets or even in different Excel files. At first, this can seem a little daunting and confusing, but once you understand how it works, it’s not so hard.

在Microsoft Excel中,引用其他工作表上甚至不同Excel文件中的单元格是一项常见的任务。 刚开始时,这似乎有些令人生畏和令人困惑,但是一旦您了解了它的工作原理,就没那么难了。

In this article, we’ll look at how to reference another sheet in the same Excel file and how to reference a different Excel file. We’ll also cover things like how to reference a cell range in a function, how to make things simpler with defined names, and how to use VLOOKUP for dynamic references.

在本文中,我们将研究如何在同一Excel文件中引用另一个工作表,以及如何引用另一个Excel文件。 我们还将介绍诸如如何在函数中引用单元格范围,如何通过定义的名称使事情更简单以及如何将VLOOKUP用于动态引用等内容。

如何在同一Excel文件中引用另一个工作表 (How to Reference Another Sheet in the Same Excel File)

A basic cell reference is written as the column letter followed by the row number.


So the cell reference B3 refers to the cell at the intersection of column B and row 3.


When referring to cells on other sheets, this cell reference is preceded with the other sheet’s name. For example, below is a reference to cell B3 on a sheet name “January.”

当引用其他工作表上的单元格时,此单元格引用之前是另一工作表的名称。 例如,下面是对工作表名称“ January”上的单元格B3的引用。


The exclamation point (!) separates the sheet name from the cell address.


If the sheet name contains spaces, then you must enclose the name with single quotation marks in the reference.


='January Sales'!B3

To create these references, you can type them directly into the cell. However, it is easier and more reliable to let Excel write the reference for you.

要创建这些引用,您可以将它们直接键入到单元格中。 但是,让Excel为您编写参考更加容易和可靠。

Type an equal sign (=) into a cell, click on the Sheet tab, and then click the cell that you want to cross-reference.


As you do this, Excel writes the reference for you in the Formula Bar.


Press Enter to complete the formula.


如何引用另一个Excel文件 (How to Reference Another Excel File)

You can refer to cells of another workbook using the same method. Just be sure that you have the other Excel file open before you begin typing the formula.

您可以使用相同的方法引用另一个工作簿的单元格。 只需确保在开始键入公式之前已打开另一个Excel文件。

Type an equal sign (=), switch to the other file, and then click the cell in that file you want to reference. Press Enter when you’re done.

键入一个等号(=),切换到另一个文件,然后单击该文件中要引用的单元格。 完成后,按Enter键。

The completed cross-reference contains the other workbook name enclosed in square brackets, followed by the sheet name and cell number.



If the file or sheet name contains spaces, then you’ll need to enclose the file reference (including the square brackets) in single quotation marks.


='[New York.xlsx]January'!B3

In this example, you can see dollar signs ($) amongst the cell address. This is an absolute cell reference (Find out more about absolute cell references).

在此示例中,您可以在单元格地址中看到美元符号($)。 这是绝对单元格引用(有关绝对单元格引用的更多信息)。

When referencing cells and ranges on different Excel files, the references are made absolute by default. You can change this to a relative reference if required.

当引用不同Excel文件上的单元格和范围时,默认情况下将引用设为绝对引用。 如果需要,可以将其更改为相对参考。

If you look at the formula when the referenced workbook is closed, it will contain the entire path to that file.


Although creating references to other workbooks is straightforward, they are more susceptible to issues. Users creating or renaming folders and moving files can break these references and cause errors.

尽管创建对其他工作簿的引用很简单,但是它们更容易出现问题。 用户创建或重命名文件夹以及移动文件可能会破坏这些引用并导致错误。

Keeping data in one workbook, if possible, is more reliable.


如何交叉引用函数中的单元格范围 (How to Cross Reference a Cell Range in a Function)

Referencing a single cell is useful enough. But you might want to write a function (such as SUM) that references a range of cells on another worksheet or workbook.

引用单个单元格就足够了。 但是您可能想编写一个引用另一个工作表或工作簿上的单元格范围的函数(例如SUM)。

Start the function as usual and then click on the sheet and the range of cells—the same way you did in the previous examples.


In the following example, a SUM function is summing the values from range B2:B6 on a worksheet named Sales.



如何为简单的交叉引用使用定义的名称 (How to Use Defined Names for Simple Cross References)

In Excel, you can assign a name to a cell or range of cells. This is more meaningful than a cell or range address when you look back at them. If you use a lot of references in your spreadsheet, naming those references can make it much easier to see what you’ve done.

在Excel中,您可以为一个单元格或单元格区域分配一个名称。 当您回顾它们时,这比单元格或范围地址更有意义。 如果您在电子表格中使用了大量引用,则对这些引用进行命名可以使您更轻松地查看已完成的操作。

Even better, this name is unique for all the worksheets in that Excel file.


For example, we could name a cell ‘ChicagoTotal’ and then the cross-reference would read:

例如,我们可以将单元格命名为“ ChicagoTotal”,然后交叉引用将显示为:


This is a more meaningful alternative to a standard reference like this:



It’s easy to create a defined name. Start by selecting the cell or range of cells that you want to name.

创建定义的名称很容易。 首先选择要命名的单元格或单元格范围。

Click in the Name Box in the top left corner, type the name you want to assign, and then press Enter.


When creating defined names, you cannot use spaces. Therefore, in this example, the words have been joined in the name and separated by a capital letter. You could also separate words with characters like a hyphen (-) or underscore (_).

创建定义的名称时,不能使用空格。 因此,在此示例中,单词已加入名称并以大写字母分隔。 您还可以使用连字符(-)或下划线(_)等字符分隔单词。

Excel also has a Name Manager that makes monitoring these names in the future easy. Click Formulas > Name Manager. In the Name Manager window, you can see a list of all of the defined names in the workbook, where they are, and what values they currently store.

Excel还具有一个名称管理器,使将来监视这些名称变得容易。 单击公式>名称管理器。 在“名称管理器”窗口中,您可以看到工作簿中所有已定义名称的列表,它们的位置以及它们当前存储的值。

You can then use the buttons along the top to edit and delete these defined names.


如何将数据格式化为表格 (How to Format Data as a Table)

When working with an extensive list of related data, using Excel’s Format as Table feature can simplify the way that you reference data in it.


Take the following simple table.


This could be formatted as a table.


Click on a cell in the list, switch to the “Home” tab, click the “Format as Table” button, and then select a style.


Confirm that the range of cells is correct and that your table has headers.


You can then assign a meaningful name to your table from the “Design” tab.


Then, if we needed to sum the sales of Chicago, we could refer to the table by its name (from any sheet), followed by a square bracket ([) to see a list of the table’s columns.


Select the column by double-clicking it in the list and enter a closing square bracket. The resulting formula would look something like this:

在列表中双击以选择该列,然后输入一个方括号。 结果公式如下所示:


You can see how tables can make referencing data for aggregation functions such as SUM and AVERAGE easier than standard sheet references.


This table is small for the purposes of demonstration. The larger the table and the more sheets you have in a workbook, the more benefits you’ll see.

该表很小,仅用于演示目的。 表格越大,工作簿中的表格越多,您将看到更多的好处。

如何将VLOOKUP函数用于动态引用 (How to Use the VLOOKUP Function for Dynamic References)

The references used in the examples thus far have all been fixed to a specific cell or range of cells. That’s great and is often sufficient for your needs.

到目前为止,示例中使用的参考文献都已固定到特定的单元格或单元格范围。 很好,通常足以满足您的需求。

However, what if the cell you are referencing has the potential to change when new rows are inserted, or somebody sorts the list?


In those scenarios, you could not guarantee the value you want will still be in the same cell that you initially referenced.


An alternative in these scenarios is to use a lookup function within Excel to search for the value in a list. This makes it more durable against changes to the sheet.

在这些情况下,一种替代方法是在Excel中使用查找功能来搜索列表中的值。 这使得它更耐用,不会更改纸张。

In the following example, we use the VLOOKUP function to look up an employee on another sheet by their employee ID and then return their start date.


Below is the example list of employees.


The VLOOKUP function looks down the first column of a table and then returns information from a specified column to the right.


The following VLOOKUP function searches for the employee ID entered into cell A2 in the list shown above and returns the date joined from column 4 (fourth column of the table).



Below is an illustration of how this formula searches the list and returns the correct information.


The great thing about this VLOOKUP over the previous examples is that the employee will be found even if the list changes in order.


Note: VLOOKUP is an incredibly useful formula, and we’ve only scratched the surface of its value in this article. You can find out more about how to use VLOOKUP from our article on the subject.

注意: VLOOKUP是一个非常有用的公式,在本文中我们仅涉及其值的表面。 您可以从有关该主题的文章中找到有关如何使用VLOOKUP的更多信息。

In this article, we have looked at multiple ways to cross-reference between Excel spreadsheets and workbooks. Choose the approach that works for your task at hand, and that you feel comfortable working with.

在本文中,我们研究了在Excel电子表格和工作簿之间进行交叉引用的多种方法。 选择适合您手头任务的方法,并让您感到自在。


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