
Password managers help you by saving those complex passwords that can be pretty difficult to remember. If you’ve forgotten your Snapchat password, you can’t really recover that same password, but it’s easy enough to recover your account by resetting your password to something new.

密码管理器通过保存那些很难记住的复杂密码来帮助您。 如果您忘记了Snapchat密码,则无法真正恢复相同的密码,但是通过将密码重置为新的密码来恢复帐户非常容易。

Whether you’ve forgotten your Snapchat password, or suspect someone else changed it without your permission, Snapchat offers a pretty simple way to recover your account. And what we’re talking about here is recovering your account if you’ve totally forgotten your password. Changing your Snapchat password is a little different—that’s when you know your current password, but just want to change it to a new one.

无论您忘记了Snapchat密码,还是怀疑有人未经您的许可更改了密码,Snapchat都提供了一种非常简单的方法来恢复您的帐户。 如果您完全忘记了密码,我们在这里谈论的就是恢复您的帐户。 更改Snapchat密码有点不同-那时您知道当前密码,但只想将其更改为新密码。

从网站重置密码 (Reset Your Password From The Website)

First, head on over to Snapchat’s website and click the “Forgot Password” link.


On the next page, type the email associated with your Snapchat account, and then click the “Submit” button.


You may have to perform a quick security check to prove you’re human. When you’re done, click the “Next” button.

您可能必须执行快速安全检查以证明您是人。 完成后,单击“下一步”按钮。

An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password.


When you receive the email, click the link provided to reset your password.


Type your new password (and make it a strong one), type it again to confirm, and then click the “Change Password” button.


After your password has been changed, you’ll need to re-sign into your account on any device where you use that account.


从应用程序重置密码 (Reset Your Password From The App)

Resetting your password from the Snapchat app is just as easy. We’re using the Android version for our example here, but it works pretty much the same on iPhone or iPad.

从Snapchat应用程序重置密码同样简单。 我们在这里使用Android版本作为示例,但在iPhone或iPad上其工作原理几乎相同。

Open up the Snapchat app, and then tap the “Log In” button.


Next, type your username or email address, and then tap the “Forgot Your Password” link.


You’ll have the choice of receiving a verification code via an SMS text message to your phone or using your email address to reset it. Using your email address works identically to how it does when resetting your password on the website and, because we covered that in the previous section, we’re going to look at the “Via Phone” option here.

您可以选择通过短信发送短信到手机或使用电子邮件地址重置验证码。 使用您的电子邮件地址的方法与在网站上重置密码的方法相同,并且由于我们在上一节中进行了介绍,因此我们将在此处查看“通过电话”选项。

You’ll need to prove you’re not a robot (like robots forget their passwords!), and then tap the “Continue” button.


Type the phone number you have on file, and then tap the “Continue” button.


You can have a code sent to you via SMS or get an automated call. Both methods are similar, but we’re going to choose to receive the code via SMS.

您可以通过短信发送代码给您,也可以自动拨打电话。 两种方法相似,但是我们将选择通过SMS接收代码。

Once you get the code, input it into the field provided, and then tap the “Continue” button.


On the next screen, you’ll be able to create a new password to secure your account. Type in your new password (remember to make it a strong, secure one), and then tap the “Continue” button.

在下一个屏幕上,您将能够创建一个新密码来保护您的帐户。 输入您的新密码(记住要设置一个安全的密码),然后点击“继续”按钮。

That’s all there is to it! You’ve successfully recovered and reset your Snapchat password.

这里的所有都是它的! 您已成功恢复并重置了Snapchat密码。




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