centos root密码

In Linux, when you forget your account password, you can easily reset it using a root account. But when you forget your root account password, then you're in a bad situation.

在Linux中,如果您忘记了帐户密码,则可以使用root帐户轻松地将其重置。 但是,如果您忘记了root帐户密码,那么您的处境很糟。

You can’t reset your root account password using a regular user account as a user account can't perform such tasks in general.


In this article we’ll be covering how to recover your CentOS root password. So let's see how to do it.

在本文中,我们将介绍如何恢复您的CentOS根密码。 因此,让我们来看看如何做。

如何恢复您的root密码-分步操作 (How to recover your root password - step-by-step)

In CentOS, it’s possible to have the scripts that run from the initramfs debug the shell at certain points, provide a root shell, and continue when that shell exists.


While this is mostly meant for debugging, it can also be used to recover a lost root password.


Follow these steps to recover your lost root password.


First, reboot the system.


Interrupt the boot loader countdown by pressing any key.


Move the cursor to the entry that needs to be booted.


Press “e” to select that entry. After selecting that entry, the below kernel commands will appear.

按“ e”选择该条目。 选择该条目后,将出现以下内核命令。

In the kernel command line, move the cursor to the line that starts with linux16.


Press the “End” key to move the cursor to the end of it. Type “rd.break” (This will break just before control is handed from the initramfs to the actual system).

按“结束”键将光标移到其末尾。 输入“ rd.break”(这将在从initramfs传递控制权之前中断。 到实际系统)。

Then press “Ctrl+x” to save those changes. The Initramfs debug shell will appear.

然后按“ Ctrl + x”保存这些更改。 将显示Initramfs调试外壳。

Next, we have to provide read and write permissions to /sysroot by typing the below command:

接下来,我们必须通过输入以下命令来提供对/ sysroot的读写权限:

mount -o remount,rw /sysroot/

Now switch into chroot jail.


chroot /sysroot

In here, /sysroot is treated as the root of the file system tree.

在这里,/ sysroot被视为文件系统树的根。

Next you'll set a new root password.


passwd root

And relabel the files.


touch /.autorelabel

Finally, type “exit” twice.


The first one will exit from the chroot jail.


The next one will exit from the initramfs debug shell and reboots the system.


Now you can login as root with your updated password.


Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. You can contact and connect with me on Twitter.

如有任何疑问,请随时告诉我。 您可以在Twitter上与我联系并建立联系。

Thank you for reading.


Happy Coding!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-recover-your-lost-root-password-in-centos/

centos root密码

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