
* Document Management Store, organize, index, and search across all types of documents / IP * * With PCM, all users have a close-looped process to keep all internal and external users in synch on the latest product record. From Design Teams to Procurement to Suppliers and Manufacturing Partners, all stakeholders remain on the same page on the Product Record including the BOM, Specs, Cost and Risk information through an integrated, collaborate solution. * * * * * * Document Management Store, organize, index, and search across all types of documents / IP * Document Management Store, organize, index, and search across all types of documents / IP * * Document Management Store, organize, index, and search across all types of documents / IP * Document Management Store, organize, index, and search across all types of documents / IP * Agile Engineering Collaboration helps you to Integrate, Collaborate and Publish Design Data. INTEGRATE Design data comes in many flavors: Mechanical CAD, Electrical CAD, 2D CAD, Office Documents, Graphical illustrations, etc. Design data has important structure, which we’ll talk about later, that needs to stay in tact. EC allows your diverse team working on multiple tools or tool versions, in multiple disciplines (types of systems) and multiple geographies to integrate this data in a single managed repository (Agile PLM DDM - design data management) giving you IP protection and control at all times while maintaining each tool’s native structure. COLLABORATE With design data managed and maintained in a central repository, collaboration and access to data is a must. Any team member with access rights can obtain this IP and start using it immediately. Engineering Collaboration uses Agile PLM’s Distributed File System-DFM (a network of vaults and viewers) to replicate and share design data with anyone on your team, in your enterprise or belonging to your project. Design Collaboration enables advanced viewing, markup and c

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