


            case 4:cout << "请输入查找的名字" << endl;string new_name;cin >> new_name;break;case 0:        // <-----报错break;default:       // <-----报错break;


F:\C++\txl\main.cpp:105: error:   crosses initialization of 'std::string new_name'string new_name;^




case labels are really a lot like dreaded goto labels; they do not constitute a new scope. Consequently, a switch selecting the correct case label to jump to is, for better or worse, a lot like goto statement jumping to a label. The jump is not allowed to cross the initialisation of your various objects - exactly as the error messages say.

简单说一下就是,switch 就是像是 goto 语句,他不会创建一个新scope(这个怎么翻译?大概是的意思?),在由goto关键词到label之间,创建变量是不被允许的


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