


用法: os.pipe()




# Python program to explain os.pipe() method

# importing os module

import os

# Create a pipe

r, w = os.pipe()

# The returned file descriptor r and w

# can be used for reading and

# writing respectively.

# We will create a child process

# and using these file descriptor

# the parent process will write

# some text and child process will

# read the text written by the parent process

# Create a child process

pid = os.fork()

# pid greater than 0 represents

# the parent process

if pid > 0:

# This is the parent process

# Closes file descriptor r


# Write some text to file descriptor w

print("Parent process is writing")

text = b"Hello child process"

os.write(w, text)

print("Written text:", text.decode())


# This is the parent process

# Closes file descriptor w


# Read the text written by parent process

print("\nChild Process is reading")

r = os.fdopen(r)

print("Read text:",


Parent process is writing

Text written:Hello child process

Child Process is reading

Text read:Hello child process

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