教你如何使用filezilla server(教你如何使用filezilla server)

教你如何使用filezilla server(教你如何使用filezilla server)

Teach you how to use FileZilla Server

Filazilla is a very popular open source, free FTP client, server side project, and now its client software, Filezilla Client 3, has a very wide market.

The main advantages of Filezilla are: high security and high performance. The security of Filazilla comes from its open source. Why does open source guarantee security? After the birth of each software product, many people try to find out its vulnerability to attack to obtain privileges and other benefits. If it is open source software, the attacker will download the source code of the software, from the source analysis of its internal vulnerability there, and attack. The bigger the open source, the more people who download and read the source code, and the more popular the software. With its gradual improvement, fewer vulnerabilities, and finally become recognized, very secure software, which is the contribution of tens of thousands of programmers in the Internet is inseparable. Representatives of such software is Linux platform, Apache, PHP, MySQL, Bind, Vsftpd and a large number of high reliability software. Without open source software, people can not study it, so it can only be treated as "black box". There is no source code in the process of research, and it is difficult to find the error. Even if you find some bugs, there are more bugs hidden in the code, but because the code is not public, so people can not find in the short term, late use will expose a lot of problems. Some closed source software even retains "back door" to facilitate remote control, such as Windows, such as Serv-U. The open source software code is open, if the developer inside implanted in the back door and other dangerous code, the Internet will be the majority of programmers correct, therefore, here it can be seen that the open source, is the best guarantee of security.

Filezilla's high performance from its code development platform is C/C++, its own foun

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