英语作文 (2000字)

英语作文 (2000字)

题目For or Against Tourist Trade 要求

Directions: It is believed that the booming tourist trade helps tourists develop greater understanding of other nations/places. Do you agree? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




With the developing of China and the reform and opening-up policy being carried out, the recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of Chinese people traveling abroad. Thousands upon thousands of visitors are crowding into other country , as a result, tourism is developing rapidly all over the world. Thus, there is a hot discussion about that whether the booming tourist trade helps tourists develop greater understanding of other nations/places or not. For my part, I agree with the former opinion for the following reasons.

On one hand, from the level of direct terms, tourism provides people with a good opportunity to have a better understanding of the culture, history and customs in foreign countries. Culture is different from country to country. The differences of culture between different countries are easier to be accepted by people when they travel to other country even than through the Internet, attributable to culture should be experienced by us. On the other hand, from the level of indirect terms, tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between people from different countries, which will unqu

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