
In this article you will know about advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.


Database management system is an efficient way to create, manage and update databases and also is a prolific replacement of the old file systems which were earlier used to store and retrieve records. The DBMS facilitates the users to work with large amount of databases with much ease and efficiency but it is very important to know the advantages and disadvantages of the same before we start working with it. So, let have a look on it.

数据库管理系统是创建,管理和更新数据库的有效方法,并且是对以前用于存储和检索记录的旧文件系统的丰富替代。 DBMS可以使用户轻松而高效地使用大量数据库,但是在开始使用DBMS之前,了解数据库的优缺点非常重要。 因此,让我们看一下。

Also Read: Difference between File System and DBMS

另请参阅: 文件系统和DBMS之间的区别

DBMS的优势 (Advantages of DBMS)

1.数据抽象 (1. Data Abstraction)

This is one of the most required characteristics of any software system and DBMS works quite efficiently in this field too. It hides the unnecessary details from the end user and just shows what is useful to him for completion of his task. Thus, it also reduces the overhead of hidden complexities and makes it an easy system to work with.

这是任何软件系统中最需要的特性之一,DBMS在该领域也非常有效。 它向最终用户隐藏了不必要的细节,仅显示了对他完成任务有用的东西。 因此,它还减少了隐藏的复杂性的开销,并使其易于使用。

2.数据冗余控制 (2. Data Redundancy Control)

Database Management System also removes the redundancy in the record system efficiently by using the ACID  (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) and normalization properties.


3.最小化数据不一致 (3. Minimization of Data Inconsistency)

Since the Database Management System reduces the redundancy of the system it also easily makes the system consistent by removing all the inconsistencies.


4.简化数据处理 (4. Ease in Data Manipulation)

The DBMS uses database manipulative languages such as SQL with commands like SELECT (used for selection of records from one or more tables), INSERT (for insertion of a record into tables), UPDATE (updates the existing information of records) and DELETE (for removing one or more records from a table) to manipulate the information of the database so that it is always easily updated.


5.数据安全 (5. Data Security)

The Database Management System, unlike the former file system comes with a secured login password (separate for admin and the user), through which the user and admin (also for changes) access can be secured up to a large extent.


6.数据库的并发访问 (6. Concurrent Access of Database)

Multiple users can access the same database and thus data sharing is made possible easily. Users don’t have to worry about being only at a particular place for using the database; they may use it according to their ease and as per the basic software and hardware requirements of the database.

多个用户可以访问同一个数据库,因此可以轻松实现数据共享。 用户不必担心仅在特定位置使用数据库。 他们可以根据其易用性以及数据库的基本软件和硬件要求来使用它。

7.改进的数据访问 (7. Improved Data Access)

The data is stored in a sorted manner which makes the data access very efficient and easy. The user can directly retrieve what he wants to without bothering about the excess and redundant records other than what is required by him. This also saves a lot of time.

数据以分类的方式存储,这使得数据访问非常高效且容易。 用户可以直接检索他想要的内容,而不必担心多余的记录和多余的记录(除了他所需要的之外)。 这也节省了很多时间。

8.数据独立性 (8. Data Independence)

The data stored in a particular database is totally independent of any other data. We can look for the data of our choice without considering any other data.

存储在特定数据库中的数据完全独立于任何其他数据。 我们可以在不考虑任何其他数据的情况下查找我们选择的数据。

DBMS的缺点 (Disadvantages of DBMS)

1.成本增加 (1. Increased Cost)

In order to have a Database Management System, we need to have a high speed processor along with a large memory size which requires an expensive hardware and hence correspondingly expensive software too.


Also, in order to convert our data into a Database Management System we need to spend a lot which adds on to the cost of the Database Management System.


In order to work with a Database Management System we also require a trained and educated staff and this also requires a good amount.


So, Database Management System results in a costlier system altogether.


2.管理的复杂性 (2. Management Complexity)

Once you have equipped Database Management System it is not a child’s game to manage the same. You need to have good staff with management capabilities; at times it becomes quite complicated to decide from where to pick data and where to save that data.

一旦您配备了数据库管理系统,就不能再由孩子来管理它了。 您需要拥有具备管理能力的优秀员工; 有时,决定从哪里选择数据以及在哪里保存该数据变得非常复杂。

3.维修费用 (3. Maintenance Cost)

Database Management System also calls for a high maintenance cost which includes the cost to maintain the Database Management System once it is made.


4.频率升级/更换周期 (4. Frequency Upgrade/Replacement Cycle)

There need to be frequent upgrades and changes in the Database Management System in order to stay up-to-date and in accordance with the latest technological trends and developments in the markets. Sometimes these changes and updating are so fast that the users don’t feel easy working with the systems and even the admin may find it a bit difficult to keep up with the system’s changes (learning new commands and understanding them every time a new update is made).

为了经常更新并与市场上的最新技术趋势和发展保持一致,需要对数据库管理系统进行频繁的升级和更改。 有时,这些更改和更新是如此之快,以至于用户对系统的使用感到不轻松,甚至管理员也可能难以跟上系统的更改(学习新命令并在每次进行新更新时都了解它们)制作)。

DBMS is a wide area and before working in this field it is very important how it can be useful to us as per our needs. The above points give a great idea around that prospect.

DBMS是一个广泛的领域,在从事这一领域之前,如何根据我们的需求对我们有用是非常重要的。 以上几点围绕这个前景给出了一个好主意。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/12/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-dbms.html



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