
There may be a time when you have an ISO image that you need to burn to a CD or DVD for use in a computer or other device. Today we show you how to do it using ImgBurn, ISO Recorder, and Windows Disc Image Burner in Windows 7.

有时候,您需要将ISO映像刻录到CD或DVD上以用于计算机或其他设备。 今天,我们向您展示如何在Windows 7中使用ImgBurn,ISO Recorder和Windows Disc Image Burner进行此操作。

You might need to burn an ISO of an operating system, software app, CD, DVD…etc. It doesn’t matter what the ISO image is, burning an image is a fairly straight-forward process and here we’ll take a look at three free options to accomplish it.

您可能需要刻录操作系统,软件应用程序,CD,DVD等的ISO。 ISO映像是什么都没有关系,刻录映像是一个相当简单的过程,在这里我们将介绍三种免费的实现方法。

Using ImgBurn


ImgBurn is an awesome free utility that will create ISO images, allow out burn almost anything, and a lot more. Although there are a lot advanced features available, burning an ISO to disc is easy. Download and install ImgBurn (link below) taking the defaults in the install wizard.

ImgBurn是一个很棒的免费实用程序,它将创建ISO映像,允许刻录几乎所有内容以及更多内容。 尽管有很多高级功能可用,但是将ISO刻录到光盘很容易。 使用安装向导中的默认值下载并安装ImgBurn (下面的链接)

The easiest way to use ImgBurn is to burn an image to disc is pop in a blank disc to the CD/DVD drive, right-click on the ISO file, and select Burn using ImgBurn.

使用ImgBurn的最简单方法是将映像刻录到光盘,将空白光盘弹出到CD / DVD驱动器中,右键单击ISO文件,然后选择“使用ImgBurn刻录”

ImgBurn opens up with the source and destination fields already filled in. You can leave the default settings, then click the Write button.


You’ll notice that the ImgBurn Log screen opens, this is by default and is meant to show error messages you may receive during the writing process.

您会注意到ImgBurn Log屏幕打开,这是默认设置,用来显示在编写过程中可能会收到的错误消息。

A successful burn! That is all there is to it…click Ok and close out of ImgBurn.

成功燃烧! 就是所有这些……单击确定,然后关闭ImgBurn。

Use ISO Recorder


ISO Recorder (link below) is another great utility for burning ISO images to disc. They have a version for XP, Vista, and Windows 7 (32 & 64-bit Versions). Pop your blank disc into your CD/DVD drive and right-click on the ISO image file and select Copy image to CD from the Context Menu.

ISO记录器(下面的链接)是另一个用于将ISO映像刻录到光盘的实用程序。 它们具有适用于XP,Vista和Windows 7的版本(32和64位版本)。 将空白光盘弹出到CD / DVD驱动器中,然后右键单击ISO映像文件,然后从上下文菜单中选择“ 将映像复制到CD ”。

In the next screen the image file path is in the Source Image file field. Under Recorder select the drive with your blank disc, select a recording speed and click Next.

在下一个屏幕中,图像文件路径位于“源图像文件”字段中。 在“刻录机”下,选择包含空白光盘的驱动器,选择刻录速度,然后单击“下一步”。

You’ll see a progress screen while the data is written to the disc and finalizing…


That’s it! Your disc will pop out and you can click Finish to close out of ISO Recorder.

而已! 光盘将弹出,您可以单击“完成”以退出ISO记录器。

Use Windows 7

使用Windows 7

If You’re using Windows 7, use the built in Windows Disc Image Burner feature to burn ISO images to disc.

如果您使用的是Windows 7,请使用内置的Windows Disc Image Burner功能将ISO映像刻录到光盘。

The process is very straight-forward, and for a full walkthrough on this, check out our article on how to burn an ISO image in Windows 7.

该过程非常简单,有关此内容的完整演练,请查看我们有关如何在Windows 7中刻录ISO映像的文章。



You don’t need an expensive commercial application to burn an ISO image to disc. Using any one of these free utilities will get the job done quite nicely.

您不需要昂贵的商业应用程序即可将ISO映像刻录到光盘。 使用这些免费实用程序中的任何一种都可以很好地完成工作。

Download ImgBurn from Ninite


Download ISO Recorder


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14183/beginner-geek-how-to-burn-an-iso-image-to-a-disc/



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