
Reinstalling Windows is one of the easiest ways to fix software problems on your computer, whether it’s running slow or infected by viruses. You should also reinstall Windows before you get rid of an old PC.

重新安装Windows是修复计算机上软件问题的最简单方法之一,无论计算机运行缓慢还是被病毒感染。 在删除旧PC之前,您还应该重新安装Windows。

Depending on your version of Windows and how you installed it – or whether it came with your computer – there are a number of different ways to reinstall Windows.


重新安装Windows之前 (Before Reinstalling Windows)

The process of reinstalling Windows will erase all the data on your computer. Your files, the programs you’ve installed, and the settings you’ve configured on your computer will be wiped out. (Note that, if you use the Refresh feature in Windows 8, your personal files will be kept.)

重新安装Windows的过程将删除计算机上的所有数据。 您的文件,已安装的程序以及在计算机上配置的设置都将被清除。 (请注意,如果您在Windows 8中使用“刷新”功能,则将保留您的个人文件。)

Before reinstalling Windows, you should make backup copies of all your personal data – of course, you should always have up-to-date backup copies anyway, because hard drives could fail at any time. However, when you reinstall Windows, these backup copies will be the only copies. Ensure you have up-to-date backups of all your important files before continuing.

在重新安装Windows之前,您应该为所有个人数据制作备份副本–当然,无论如何,您都应该始终拥有最新的备份副本,因为硬盘驱动器随时可能出现故障。 但是,当您重新安装Windows时,这些备份副本将是唯一的副本。 在继续之前,请确保您具有所有重要文件的最新备份。

Read More: Checklist Guide for Reinstalling Windows


在Windows 8或10上刷新和重置(Refreshing and Resetting on Windows 8 or 10)

If you’re using Windows 8 or 10, reinstalling Windows is easier than ever. Instead of installing from a Windows disc or activating a recovery partition, you can use the Refresh your PC or Reset your PC options built into Windows. These options will quickly reinstall Windows for you, automatically saving and restoring your data and not asking any questions during installation.

如果您使用的是Windows 8或10,则重新安装Windows比以往任何时候都容易。 可以从Windows内置的“刷新PC或重置PC”选项,而不是从Windows光盘安装或激活恢复分区。 这些选项将为您快速重新安装Windows,自动保存和还原数据,并且在安装过程中不问任何问题。

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Refreshing and Resetting Your Windows 8 or 10 PC

:有关刷新和重置Windows 8或10 PC所需的一切

您的计算机附带Windows(Your Computer Came With Windows)

if your computer came with Windows, the easiest way to get it back to its factory default state is by using its recovery partition. You can also use recovery discs – computers generally don’t come with recovery discs anymore, but you may have been asked to burn the discs when you set up your computer.

如果您的计算机随附Windows,将其恢复为出厂默认状态的最简单方法是使用其恢复分区。 您也可以使用恢复光盘–计算机通常不再附带恢复光盘,但是在设置计算机时可能会要求您刻录光盘。

To use your computer’s recovery partition, restart your computer and press the key that appears on-screen during the start-up process. If you don’t see this key, consult your computer’s manual (or use Google) to find the necessary key for your specific model of computer.

要使用计算机的恢复分区,请重新启动计算机,然后按启动过程中屏幕上显示的键。 如果看不到此密钥,请查阅计算机手册(或使用Google)以找到适合您特定型号计算机的必要密钥。

To use recovery discs, insert the first disc into your computer’s disc drive and restart your computer. You should see the recovery environment appear. (If it doesn’t, you’ll need to change the boot order in your computer’s BIOS so the computer boots from the disc drive.)

要使用恢复光盘,请将第一张光盘插入计算机的光盘驱动器中,然后重新启动计算机。 您应该看到恢复环境出现。 (如果没有,则需要在计算机的BIOS中更改启动顺序,以便计算机从光盘驱动器启动。)

You should now be in the recovery environment. With a few clicks, you can instruct your computer to reset itself back to its factory default state. You’ll have to set up your computer like you did when you first acquired it, providing a username, reinstalling your programs, and configuring it.

您现在应该处于恢复环境中。 只需单击几下,即可指示计算机将自身重置为出厂默认状态。 您必须像初次购买计算机时那样设置计算机,提供用户名,重新安装程序并进行配置。

您安装了Windows或升级了计算机的Windows版本 (You Installed Windows or Upgraded Your Computer’s Version of Windows)

If you installed Windows yourself or installed a new version of Windows on a computer that came with an older version of Windows, you’ll have a Windows installation disc lying around. You can use that Windows installation disc to reinstall Windows. (Some geeks also like doing this on computers that come with Windows to perform a fresh installation, getting rid of the junk software preinstalled by computer manufacturers.)

如果您自己安装Windows或在较旧版本的Windows附带的计算机上安装了Windows的新版本,则将随处附有Windows安装光盘。 您可以使用该Windows安装光盘来重新安装Windows。 (一些极客也喜欢在Windows附带的计算机上执行全新安装,从而摆脱了计算机制造商预先安装的垃圾软件。)

First, insert the Windows installation disc into your computer’s disc drive and restart your computer. You should see the Windows installer appear. (If it doesn’t, you’ll need to change the boot order in your computer’s BIOS so the computer boots from the CD or DVD drive.)

首先,将Windows安装光盘插入计算机的光盘驱动器中,然后重新启动计算机。 您应该看到Windows安装程序出现。 (如果没有,则需要在计算机的BIOS中更改启动顺序,以便计算机从CD或DVD驱动器引导。)

If your computer doesn’t include a physical disc drive, you can use the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool to place the Windows installation files on a USB drive (this method works with both Windows 7 and Windows 8 or 10.)

如果您的计算机不包括物理磁盘驱动器,则可以使用Windows 7 USB / DVD下载工具将Windows安装文件放置在USB驱动器上(此方法适用于Windows 7和Windows 8或10。)

Complete the installation process, answering all the questions and providing your Windows product key. Once you’re done, you’ll need to install the hardware drivers for your computer’s hardware and all your favorite software.

完成安装过程,回答所有问题并提供Windows产品密钥。 完成后,您需要为计算机的硬件和所有喜欢的软件安装硬件驱动程序。

If you frequently reinstall Windows 7, or install it on many computers, you may want to create a customized Windows 7 installation disc.

如果您经常重新安装Windows 7或将其安装在许多计算机上,则可能需要创建自定义的Windows 7安装光盘。

Reinstalling Windows used to be scarier, but the days of manually loading SATA drivers and using a text-mode environment to reinstall Windows XP are behind us. Reinstalling Windows – or restoring from a factory partition – is very simple, especially with Windows 8.

重新安装Windows过去比较可怕,但是手动加载SATA驱动程序和使用文本模式环境重新安装Windows XP的日子已经过去。 重新安装Windows(或从工厂分区还原)非常简单,尤其是在Windows 8中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/133254/beginner-geek-how-to-reinstall-windows-on-your-computer/



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