【Machine Learning 学习笔记】Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent for SVM 代码实现

通过本篇博客记录一下Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent for SVM 代码实现,数据集使用sklearn的breast cancer。

Dual representation of the optimal hyperplane

Dual Soft-Margin SVM

Kernel trick


import sys
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, auc, roc_curve, roc_auc_score# load the data
X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)  # X input, y output
print(X.shape, y.shape)# to convert the {0,1} output into {-1,+1}
y = 2 * y - 1# X is the input matrix
mdata, ndim = X.shape
# normalization by L infinity norm
scaling = 1
if scaling == 1:    # L infinity normX /= np.outer(np.ones(mdata), np.max(np.abs(X), 0))
elif scaling == 2:  # L2 normx_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(X ** 2, 1))x_norm += (x_norm == 0)X /= np.outer(x_norm, np.ones(X.shape[1]))# number of iteration
niter = 10# penalty constant for the of the Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent algorithm
C = 1000# dual stochastic gradient algorithm
# initialize alpha
alpha = np.zeros(mdata)# compute the linear kernel
K = np.dot(X, X.T)for iter in range(niter):for i in range(mdata):# process all sample examples sequentially# sum on i!=j alpha[i] = (1-y[i]*(np.sum(K[i]*y*alpha)-alpha[i]*y[i]*K[i,i]))/K[i, i]# Clip to satisfy the constraintsalpha[i] = min(C/mdata, max(0, alpha[i]))# accuracy of the full data
X_test = X
m_test = X.shape[0]# Linear kernel
K_cross = np.dot(X, X_test.T)
# Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent for SVM prediction
ysdca = np.sign(np.sum(np.outer(y*alpha, np.ones(m_test))*K_cross, 0))sdca_f1 = f1_score(y, ysdca)
sdca_auc = roc_auc_score(y, ysdca)
tsdca_roc = roc_curve(y, ysdca)
sdca_auc2 = auc(tsdca_roc[0], tsdca_roc[1])# result
print("Dual stochastic gradient F1: {}".format(sdca_f1))
print("Dual stochastic gradient AUC: {}".format(sdca_auc))
print("Dual stochastic gradient AUC2: {}".format(sdca_auc2))


Dual stochastic gradient F1: 0.9633649932157395
Dual stochastic gradient AUC: 0.9382366154008773
Dual stochastic gradient AUC2: 0.9382366154008773

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