以下内容摘自英文版的信号完整性分析一书(SIGNAL INTEGRITY By Eric Bogatin):

The noise between two adjacent transmission lines can be measured in the configuration shown in Figure 10-3. A signal is injected into one end of the line, with the far end terminated to eliminate the reflection at the end of the line. The voltage noise is measured on the two ends of the adjacent quiet line. Connecting the ends of the quiet line to the input channels of the fast scope will effectively terminate the quiet line.

两条相邻传输线之间的噪声可以由下图所示的结构来量测,信号从传输线的一端输入,在远端进行端接以消除传输线末端的反射。电压噪声在两条相邻的不受干扰的传输线(quiet line)两端来量测。将quiet line的两端连接到示波器的输入通道,可以有效地端接quiet line。

Figure 10-3. Configuration to measure the cross talk between an active and quiet net, looking on the near end and far end of the quiet line

Figure 10-4 shows the measured voltage noise in a quiet line adjacent to an active signal line that is driven by a fast rising edge. In this case, the two 50-Ohm microstrip transmission lines are about 4 inches long, with a spacing about equal to their line width. The ends of each line are terminated in 50 Ohms, so the reflections are negligible.

下图显示了当快速上升边沿驱动active line的时候,在与之相邻的quiet line内量测到的电压噪声。此处,两条50Ohm的微带线长约4inch,间距约等于线宽,每条线的两端均端接了50Ohm电阻,所以反射可以忽略不计。

Figure 10-4. Measured noise on the quiet line when the active line is driven with a 200-mV, 50-psec rise-time signal. Measured with an Agilent DCA TDR and GigaTest Labs Probe Station.

The measured noise voltage has a very different pattern on each end. To distinguish the two ends, we label the end nearest the source "the near end" and the end farthest from the source "the far end." The ends are also defined in terms of the direction the signal is traveling. The far end is in the "forward" direction to the signal propagation direction. The near end is in the "backward" direction to the signal propagation direction.


When the ends of the lines are terminated so multiple reflections do not play a role, the patterns of noise appearing at the near and far ends have a special shape. The near-end noise rises up quickly to a constant value. It stays up at this level for a time equal to twice the time delay of the coupling length and then drops down. We label the constant, saturated amount of near-end noise the near-end cross talk (or NEXT) coefficient. In the example shown above, the NEXT is about 13 mV. With an incident signal of 200 mV, the NEXT is about 6.5%.


The NEXT value is special in that it is defined as the near-end noise when the coupling length is long enough to reach the constant, flat value and in the special case of matched terminations. Any change in the terminations may change the amount of near-end noise. Obviously, the value of the NEXT will depend on the separation of the traces. Unfortunately, the only way of decreasing the NEXT is to move the traces farther apart.


The far end has a very different signature than the near end. There is no far-end noise until one time of flight after the signal starts. Then it comes out very rapidly and lasts for a short time. The width of the pulse is the rise time of the signal. The peak voltage value is labeled as the far-end cross talk (or FEXT) coefficient. In the example above, the FEXT voltage is about 60 mV. This is with a signal of 200 mV, or a FEXT ratio of nearly 30%. This is a huge amount of noise.


If the terminations are not matched and reflections affect the magnitude of the noise, we still refer to the far-end cross talk, but the magnitude is no longer labeled as FEXT. This coefficient is the special case when the terminations are matched.




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