A Simple Math Problem | JXNUOJhttps://acs.jxnu.edu.cn/problem/ICPCJX2020A


Huanhuan challenges you to a simple math problem.(Huanhuan用一个简单的数学问题向你发起挑战)

Define F(x) as the sum of the decimal digits of x.(定义F(x)为x的十进制数之和)

For example: F(123)=1+2+3=6, F(700)=7+0+0=7.(例如:F(123)=1+2+3=6 ,F(700)=7+0+0=7)

Huanhuan wants you to calculate the sum of F(j) for every i,j that satisfy 1≤j≤i≤n and i,j are coprime.(Huanhuan想要计算F(j)的和对于每一个I,j满足1≤j≤i≤n,且I,j互为质数)

More formally, calculate ∑i=1n∑j=1i[gcd(j,i)=1]F(j).(更正式地式子是,计算∑i=1n∑j=1i[gcd(j,i)=1]F(j))


There are only one test case with a single integer n(1≤n≤105)n(1≤n≤105).(仅仅只有一个测试例子带有一个整数n(1≤n≤105)n(1≤n≤105))


Print one integer, the answer of ∑i=1n∑j=1i[gcd(j,i)=1]F(j).


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