
We all know that feeling: you record a video on your iPhone in portrait mode, and then try to watch it in landscape and everything is sideways. Luckily, you can correct a video’s rotation in just a few simple steps.

我们都知道这种感觉:您以人像模式在iPhone上录制视频,然后尝试以横向观看,一切都向侧面。 幸运的是,您只需几个简单的步骤就可以纠正视频的旋转。

选项一:使用iMovie (Option One: Use iMovie)

Apple’s iMovie has this ability built in, and it’s free for all iPhones purchased after September 1, 2013. If you’re running a pre-5c iPhone and don’t want to pay $4.99 for iMovie, then check out the app we recommend in the second section below.

Apple的iMovie内置了此功能,并且对于2013年9月1日之后购买的所有iPhone免费。如果您运行的是5c之前的iPhone,并且不想为iMovie支付$ 4.99,请查看我们推荐的应用下面的第二部分。

Otherwise, head over to the App Store and download it.

否则,请前往App Store并下载 。

Once iMovie is installed, open it and tap “Video” and then choose the video you want to fix.


At the bottom of the screen, tap the share button.


On the resulting screen, choose “Create Video”.


Now, take your thumb and forefinger and turn the video so it is rotated correctly.


Now your portrait video will be in landscape mode.


Once again, tap the Share icon and then “Save Video”.


Save the video in the resolution that matches your original video’s quality, which will be the highest quality available, in this case “HD – 1080p”. Note: you can save in 4K, but only if you originally recorded in 4K. If you want to record your videos in higher quality, you’ll need to change a setting first.

以与原始视频质量相匹配的分辨率保存视频,这将是可获得的最高质量,在这种情况下为“ HD – 1080p”。 注意:您可以以4K格式保存,但前提是您最初以4K格式录制。 如果您想以更高的质量录制视频,则需要先更改设置 。

Once iMovie is done saving your video, it will be available in your Photo Library.


Now you can rotate and fix any videos that you may have unwittingly filmed in portrait.


选项二:使用旋转和翻转 (Option Two: Use Rotate & Flip)

If you don’t want to pay for iMovie, you can use a free app called Rotate & Flip—designed to do exactly what it sounds like. It does have ads, however—you can remove them by paying $2.99, but if you’re willing to pay, you probably went with option one above.

如果您不想为iMovie付费,则可以使用一个名为Rotate&Flip的免费应用程序,该应用程序旨在完全按照其听起来的方式工作。 不过,它确实有广告-您可以支付2.99美元来删除广告,但如果您愿意付款,则可以选择上面的第一种方法。

Download Rotate & Flip from the App Store and start it up.

从App Store下载Rotate&Flip并启动它。

To rotate a video, tap on it so that it is outlined in yellow, then tap “Select” in the upper-right corner.


Now, simply use the buttons at the bottom to fix your video. These buttons will let you rotate left, right, reverse, and flip it vertically. When you’re satisfied, tap “Export” in the upper-right corner.

现在,只需使用底部的按钮即可修复视频。 这些按钮可让您左右旋转,垂直翻转。 满意后,请点击右上角的“导出”。

A dialog box will appear next asking you what kind of compatibility you want. The ideal option is to make your video compatible with all video players, which means the app will rotate each frame of the video. The other option is for the app to modify the orientation flag, which means that it will appear rotated in iOS and Quicktime, but may not appear so in other video players.

接下来将出现一个对话框,询问您所需的兼容性。 理想的选择是使您的视频与所有视频播放器兼容,这意味着该应用将旋转视频的每一帧。 应用程序的另一个选项是修改方向标志,这意味着它会在iOS和Quicktime中旋转显示,但在其他视频播放器中可能不会显示。

The first option is better for compatibility, but the second option will fix it without any loss in quality. (Though to be fair, it’s unlikely you’ll notice the loss in quality you get from the first option.) The first option will also take a little longer, since it has to re-encode the video entirely.

第一种选择具有更好的兼容性,但是第二种选择将对其进行修复而不会造成质量损失。 (尽管公平地说,您不太可能会注意到从第一种选择中获得的质量损失。)第一种选择也将花费更长的时间,因为它必须完全重新编码视频。

Once your video has been processed, the Share dialog will appear. Tap “Save Video” to store it on your iPhone, or you can save it to the cloud if those options are available. Alternatively, you can share it directly through a message, Facebook, email, or elsewhere.

处理完视频后,将出现“共享”对话框。 点击“保存视频”将其存储在您的iPhone上,或者如果这些选项可用,则可以将其保存到云中。 或者,您可以直接通过消息,Facebook,电子邮件或其他方式共享它。

If you save the video to your iPhone, it will be now available in your Photos Library.


Rotating videos on the iPhone doesn’t have to be a difficult task. It’s actually quite easy and shouldn’t take a terribly long time. iMovie is obviously an option, but many folks prefer the simplicity of Rotate & Flip.

在iPhone上旋转视频并不是一件容易的事。 实际上,这很容易,不需要花费很长时间。 iMovie显然是一种选择,但许多人更喜欢Rotate&Flip的简单性。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/284116/how-to-rotate-videos-on-the-iphone/



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