March 8th Women’s Day, Jinmaoyuan also has a festival

You rarely have a lover with the same paragraph, and we have a capacitor “March 8th” Women’s Day with the same model, opening Jinmaoyuan’s first monthly meeting in 2019, first come to a beautiful afternoon tea.

A Sister to one of Thank u, Nexk, surely we all know A Sister, yes, it is that Mimi girl, she listens to hear the cries of love, but I heard Look what you taught me The meaning of this sentence is to sing look at what you taught me

As the saying goes, there is no goal, no self-summary, you don’t know that you should create a love story that you and the capacitor fans should have. Let us carry out the first part of the monthly meeting, and please share all the cute little friends of Jin Maoyuan.

Frist: Data summary
A blank piece of paper, I can’t see anything, but a report it is spikes the audience, and the friends are sharing with Mars.

Second: Expand yourself
Then there are the two small partners who are out of the company to share the learning gains. As the saying goes, a famous saying goes to everyone: learning is bottomless, moving forward, a good company, it should pursue what it wants is with its friends. Grow together and win with the goal.

Three: She joined the second anniversary
On this special day, a beautiful goddess Wang Lei, today is the 2nd anniversary of her joining Jinmaoyuan. James thanked her and sent a mysterious anniversary gift.

Four: Meet the best of you
The next step, just because I met you in the crowd, the company has come to several new partners. Because of the fate, let us grow up with the company in the new year and share their recent normal appearance.

Five: January to February Awards
A hard work, a receipt, efforts will certainly pay off, every time we are particularly looking forward to one thing, this time who is the biggest win? let us see

The process of growing up is very difficult
But the process of growing up is actually very sweet.
Like today, a festival like love
I would like to thank all the small partners of Jinmaoyuan for their hard work and hard work.

Summary of the monthly meeting in January and February相关推荐

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