
Recently, Gamesindustry.biz, which focuses on the business behind the business of gaming, presented a live stream called State of Games. This was a series of presentations from various industry data and analytics firms detailing stats, trends, and the impact of COVID-19 across the globe on the hobby we all love.Here is Part 2 of the series, covering the effects of the pandemic around the world.

最近, 专注于游戏业务背后的业务的 Gamesindustry.biz 展示了一个名为 “游戏状态”的 实时直播 这是来自不同行业数据和分析公司的一系列演讲,详细介绍了全球的统计数据,趋势以及COVID-19对我们所有人所钟爱的爱好 的影响,这是该系列的 第2部分 ,涵盖了围绕大流行的影响世界。

There’s a lot of information to digest, so I have broken it down into a series of topics and articles (with this being the first part). Before diving in, let’s start by looking at some key trends and facts that were echoed in nearly all of the presentations.

Ť 这里有大量的信息来消化,所以我已经打破它分解成一系列的主题和文章的(这个是第一部分)。 在深入探讨之前,让我们先来看一下几乎所有演示文稿中都反映的一些关键趋势和事实。

First, most of the surveys conducted by the presenters asked about the personal aspects of gaming during COVID lock-down. These all indicated that games led to positive feelings among those who played them. Large percentages of these people reported feeling happier and less isolated, and more connected to people during lockdown conditions. A surprising (to me) number of people over 55 reported playing more, or in some cases for the first time, during lock-down and feeling mentally stimulated from that interaction. Parents also reported playing more games with their kids, which they used for the educational value as well as a way to connect with them.

首先,主持人进行的大多数调查都询问了COVID锁定期间游戏的个人方面。 这些都表明游戏在玩游戏的人中带来了积极的感觉。 这些人中有很大比例的人报告说,在禁闭状态下,他们感到更快乐,更孤立,并且与人的联系更多。 对我来说,令人惊讶的数字是55岁以上的人报告说在锁定期间玩的更多,或者在某些情况下是第一次,在这种互动中,人们感到精神上受到了刺激。 父母还报告说,与孩子一起玩更多的游戏,他们将其用于教育价值以及与孩子建立联系的方式。

Another universal aspect, which has been reported on rather widely in general terms, was the increase in money spent on games during the pandemic. This encompasses both hardware and software, across all consoles and other gaming devices, and we will get into specifics within each region’s presentation a bit later on. There was a ton of information presented, so we are going to break this article down into 3 parts. Without further ado, here we go!

普遍报道的另一个普遍方面是大流行期间花在游戏上的钱增加了。 它涵盖了所有控制台和其他游戏设备上的硬件和软件,稍后我们将在每个区域的演示文稿中详细介绍。 提供了大量信息,因此我们将把本文分为三部分。 事不宜迟,我们出发了!

将号码投放到美国市场 (Putting Numbers to the US Market)

All data courtesy of Entertainment Software Association, unless noted.

除非另有说明,否则 所有数据均由 娱乐软件协会 提供

The US faced roughly two months of COVID-induced lockdown earlier this year, and it’s no surprise that, as mentioned above, consumers spent a lot of money on video games. In fact, this first quarter saw the highest total of spending on video game products in US history, up 9% over Q1 of 2019. Things really took off in the second quarter, with April showing a 73% increase year over year, May coming in at +52%, and June at +26% (Data from NPD).

今年年初,美国面对了大约两个月由COVID引发的锁定,因此,如上所述,消费者在视频游戏上花了很多钱也就不足为奇了。 实际上,今年第一季度在美国视频游戏产品上的支出总额是美国历史上最高的,比2019年第一季度增长了9%。事情在第二季度才真正开始发展,4月同比增长了73%,5月即将到来增长+ 52%,6月增长+ 26%(NPD数据)。

All facets of the gaming world saw increases and huge numbers, with the Nintendo Switch sales up 24% and selling out in many locations. During the early part of lockdown in April, it wasn’t uncommon to find online retailers out of stock as well. Hand in hand with this was the massive success of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which at the time of the data had sold more than 13 million copies. Microsoft was reaping the benefits as well, as they reported cresting the 10 million subscriber mark for their Game Pass subscription service. Microsoft also shared that they have seen a 130% increase in multiplayer gaming on their Xbox Live service.

游戏世界的方方面面都在增长,数量巨大,Nintendo Switch的销售额增长了24%,并且在许多地方都销售一空。 在四月锁定的初期,发现在线零售商也脱销的情况并不少见。 与之并驾齐驱的是《 动物穿越:新视野》的巨大成功,在数据发布之时,它已经售出了1300万本。 微软也从中受益,因为他们报告称其Game Pass订阅服务的订户达到了1000万。 微软还表示,他们的Xbox Live服务的多人游戏增长了130%。

The ESA rattled off some really interesting stats next, and they are all hugely positive (and a few surprising) for the games industry. First, they found that US gamers report a 45% increase in time spent playing games, of course owing in part to the pandemic-enforced lockdown measures and work closures. While the circumstances may change, leading to some drop-off in the time spent playing, you will see in the next set of statistics that more people than ever are playing games. It follows that many of those will stick with the hobby even after the pandemic wanes, in some form or fashion.

接下来,ESA公布了一些非常有趣的统计数据,它们对游戏行业都非常有利(有些令人惊讶)。 首先,他们发现美国游戏玩家报告的游戏时间增加了45%,这当然是由于大流行病强制执行的锁定措施和工作停工。 尽管情况可能会发生变化,导致玩游戏的时间有所减少,但在下一组统计数据中,您会发现玩游戏的人数比以往任何时候都要多。 由此可见,即使在流行病以某种形式或方式消失之后,许多人仍会坚持这一爱好。

As the ESA puts it, the US is a nation of gamers, with 65% of the total population, almost 215 million people, playing games in some way. 70% of all US kids and 64% of adults play games and broken down by gender, it’s 59% male and 41% female. The presentation pointed out that depending on the year, female gamer numbers range between 41 and 44%, with adult females making up roughly 46% of that population.

正如ESA所说,美国是游戏玩家国,占总人口的65%,将近2.15亿人以某种方式玩游戏。 美国有70%的孩子和64%的成年人在玩游戏,并且按性别细分,分别是男性59%和女性41%。 演讲指出,根据年份的不同,女性玩家的数量介于41%至44%之间,成年女性约占该人口的46%。

Perhaps the most surprising revelation was that the segment of gamers over the age of 50 is growing, with as many players by percentage (21%) as the under-18 group. The AARP (American Association of Retired People) says that in 2019, 44% of people over 50 reported playing games at least once per month, up from 38% in 2016.

也许最令人惊讶的发现是,年龄在50岁以上的游戏玩家群体正在增长,与18岁以下的人群所占的百分比(21%)一样多。 美国退休人员协会(AARP)表示,2019年,年龄在50岁以上的人中有44%的人每月至少玩一次游戏,而2016年为38%。

Further showing the ubiquity of games, the study reveals that 75% of households in the US have at least one gamer among them. A companion study from the AbleGamers Charity revealed that 46 million gamers in the US are differently-abled. This gives light to the necessity for better accessibility options in games, a trend we see gaining steam with recent major releases such as The Last of Us Part II.

这项研究进一步显示了游戏的普遍性,发现美国75%的家庭中至少有一位游戏玩家。 AbleGamers慈善机构的一项伴随研究表明,美国有4600万游戏玩家拥有不同的能力。 这说明了在游戏中提供更好的辅助功能选项的必要性,这一趋势在最近的主要发行版(如《我们的最后一部分》第二版)中得到了Swift发展

Looking at why and how we play games, the survey found that 65% of gamers play with others, either online or in person. 50% of gamers say it helps them spend time with family, and nearly 80% say that it provides mental stimulation and stress relief. 30% say they have met good friends or a spouse/partner through gaming, and as another presentation put it, gaming has become the new social media and meeting place for all sorts of people.

调查我们玩游戏的原因和方式后,调查发现有65%的游戏玩家与其他人在线或亲自玩游戏。 50%的游戏玩家说它可以帮助他们与家人共度时光,而近80%的游戏玩家说它可以提供精神刺激和压力缓解。 30%的人说他们通过游戏认识了好朋友或配偶/伴侣,正如另一场演讲所说,游戏已成为各种人的新社交媒体和聚会场所。

The highest percentage of gamers (61%) play on smartphones, no doubt a product of the ubiquity of those devices and the relatively low barriers to entry for gaming on those devices, with users reporting “casual games” as their most popular genres. The numbers are slightly lower for consoles (52%) and PC (49%) gaming, but those devices have much higher market penetration in the US than almost anywhere else in the world.

最高比例的游戏玩家(61%)在智能手机上玩游戏,这无疑是这些设备无处不在以及这些设备上游戏进入门槛相对较低的产物,用户报告“休闲游戏”是最受欢迎的类型。 对于游戏机(52%)和PC(49%)游戏,这一数字略低,但这些设备在美国的市场渗透率远高于世界上其他任何地方。

Finally, in another great sign for the future viability of the industry, half of all gamers say they have picked up the hobby in the last 15 years or less. This would have brought them into the hobby in the PS3/Xbox 360/Nintendo Wii era, so they have still have a world of classic and retro games they can discover, alongside the next-generation consoles and inevitable technological advances. It is truly a growing market that shows no signs of slowing down in the US.

最后,这是该行业未来生存能力的又一个好兆头,所有游戏玩家中有一半说,他们在过去的15年或更短的时间里就开始了这种爱好。 这将使他们成为PS3 / Xbox 360 /任天堂Wii时代的爱好,因此,除了下一代游戏机和不可避免的技术进步之外,他们仍然拥有可以发现的经典和复古游戏世界。 这确实是一个正在成长的市场,在美国没有丝毫放缓的迹象。

PS: The ESA has a super cool office. Look at that Pac-Man table and VR setup!

PS: ESA的办公室非常酷。 看看那个吃豆人桌和VR设置!

Officesnapshots.com.Officesnapshots.com 。

欧洲大流行和衰退的影响 (Pandemic & Recession Effects in Europe)

All data courtesy of B2Boost and ISFE Game Sales Data (GSD).

所有数据 均由B2Boost ISFE游戏销售数据(GSD)提供

The next presentation focused on the European market, and what the period just before the COVID-19 pandemic looks like contrasted with the data from the lockdown period and adjusted market forecasts. Looking at a 22-week period roughly split in half by the lockdown measures in the EU, it showed that in the weeks before COVID-19 became a global nightmare, spending on game software and hardware was down 16% compared to the same time in 2019.

下一次演讲的重点是欧洲市场,以及COVID-19大流行之前的时期与锁定期和调整后的市场预测中的数据形成了鲜明对比。 根据欧盟的锁定措施,我们将22周的时间大致分为一半,结果显示,在COVID-19成为全球噩梦之前的几周内,游戏软件和硬件方面的支出与2008年同期相比下降了16% 2019。

Lockdown truly started in week 12 and showed a 51% increase in spending year over year with 2019. Week 12 just happened to be the same week as Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out, which undeniably helped those numbers. For the total 22 week period, spending was up 13%.

锁定真正开始于第12周,并且显示出2019年的支出比去年同期增长了51%。第12周恰好与《 动物穿越:新视野》发布的同一周,这无疑帮助了这些数字。 在整个22周的时间内,支出增长了13%。

Unsurprisingly, games sales drove the increased spending, as people were encouraged to stay home. As shops were closing across Europe, digital software sales showed record growth, in some cases triple-digit percentage increases in some territories. One of the most interesting threads to follow as things begin to return to “normal” is whether gamers will stick with the digital purchase model or will return in some way to physical game copies. The physical market and those retailers were already under existential threat, so it remains to be seen if their demise has been hastened.

毫不奇怪,随着人们被鼓励留在家中,游戏销售带动了支出的增长。 随着欧洲各地商店的关闭,数字软件的销售显示出创纪录的增长,在某些情况下,某些地区的百分比增长了三位数。 当事情开始恢复到“正常”状态时,遵循的最有趣的线索之一是游戏玩家将坚持数字购买模式还是以某种方式返回实体游戏副本。 实体市场和那些零售商已经受到生存威胁,因此,是否可以加快其消亡尚待观察。

It wasn’t just software that saw major gains, however, as Europeans began to prepare for lock-down a few weeks prior by purchasing systems in huge numbers. System sales were up 32% in total over the 22 week survey period, and in the 10-week lock-down period the numbers were even gaudier. PS4 sales were up 62%, Switch was up by 106% (helped by the Animal Crossing release) and Xbox One was up 41%.

然而,不仅仅是软件获得了重大收益,因为欧洲人在几周前开始通过大量购买系统来准备锁定产品。 在为期22周的调查期内,系统销售总额增长了32%,在10周的锁定期内,这一数字甚至更高。 PS4销量增长了62%,Switch增长了106%(在Animal Crossing版本的帮助下),Xbox One增长了41%。

Moving forward, the top three software publishers — Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, and Activision — have forecast growth while GDP and consumer confidence are forecast sharp declines in the EU. It remains to be seen the extent of the economic decline and if it will prove the publishers correct. The near future outlook is good due to the remaining big game releases in 2020, the next-generation systems, and the increased popularity of Xbox Game Pass.

展望未来,排名前三的软件发行商-电子艺界,育碧和动视-预测增长​​,而欧盟的GDP和消费者信心则预计将急剧下降。 经济下滑的程度以及是否可以证明出版商的正确性还有待观察。 由于2020年剩余的大型游戏发行,下一代系统以及Xbox Game Pass的日益普及,近期的前景良好。

Other encouraging factors include a more positive attitude toward video games from the general public, as well as an increase in female gamers. As in the US, the future is bright for the industry, though concerns remain over the impact that the post-pandemic economy will have on the industry.

其他令人鼓舞的因素包括,公众对视频游戏的态度更加积极,以及女性游戏玩家的增加。 与美国一样,该行业的前途一片光明,尽管人们仍然担心大流行后经济将对该行业产生的影响。

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we will cover the pre and post-pandemic situation in the UK, as well as a look at the global games market for all segments. See you soon!

请继续关注第2部分,我们将介绍英国大流行前后的情况以及所有细分市场的全球游戏市场。 再见!

Fletcher Pride. Feature image by Fletcher Pride撰写 。 Umberto.Umberto的专题图片。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-state-of-gaming-in-the-usa-and-europe-in-2020-a45133b53b32




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  13. CSS中的伪类选择器、颜色、度量单位、文本字体及文本样式设置
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  1. 树形结构数据封装(及拉平)的几种方法
  2. 骁龙 820 车用处理器
  3. 数仓搭建——ODS层
  4. WPF TabControl 隐藏标头
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  6. 地下暗管探测技术方案——探地雷达(暗管探测仪)
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