
2013届 分类号:TP311




姓 名

学 号  Abstract

With the development of the society and the continuous development of the modernized level, people's number and variety of information in the double growth, every day to deal with a lot of personal information, and the information management is very inconvenience. So arises at the historic moment, IC card IC card using range is very wide, it can help us solve the problem, make our life become convenient.

First discusses the research background, design and significance of topics, design requirements, the working principle of the hardware is based on AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer as the core, and introduces the internal structure of IC card and the principle of figure, elaborated this graduate design using the hardware interface technology and the function of each interface module and working process. This system is based on C language to achieve software design, instruction execution speed is fast. Last it describes the various functional modules of software and hardware debugging and analysis, the dominant idea of writing is the combination of software and hardware, on the basis of the hardware and software as the main body, to the preparation of the each function module. IC card read-write system based on single-chip computer storage capacity, safety and privacy is good, easy to use, with data processing ability, long service life, in addition to cover the whole function of the traditional magnetic card, it has extended to many fields of magnetic CARDS are by. Based on SCM IC card read-write device design research is a very meaningful topic.

Keywords:AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer; IC card; Reading and writing systems; Data exchange; A serial port communication前 言1





第一章 IC卡芯片方案选择3

1.1 IC卡选取和单片机的选取3

1.1.1 IC卡芯片的特点3

1.1.2 引脚配置3

1.1.3 芯片功能4



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