
Accept payments收款

Accept and process PayPal, cards, and alternative payment methods in a single, modern integration. Store customer and payment information to reduce friction at checkout.


Online payments在线支付

Set up online payments quickly with Checkout. Offer PayPal and other popular payment methods, and customize your debit and credit card payment fields.

通过收银台快速建立在线支付。提供 PayPal和其他流行的支付方式,并定制您的借记卡和信用卡支付字段。

Payment methods


Add payment methods to your checkout experience that your customers want, including:

  • PayPal, Venmo, and PayPal Credit
  • Debit and credit cards(借记卡和信用卡)
  • Alternative payment methods(替代支付方式)


Standard 标准

  • Add a basic integration with our JavaScript SDK, which includes the PayPal button, out-of-the-box card processing, and alternative payment methods.

添加一个基本的集成与我们的JavaScript SDK,其中包括贝宝按钮,开箱即用的卡处理,和替代支付方法。

  • PCI Compliance


Advanced 高级

Replaces basic debit and credit cards from the standard integration with a payment form for debit and credit cards that you can build with the right level of customization for your needs.


Global reach全球影响力

Accept payments in multiple countries and currencies.



Get started with our Invoicing API to send custom invoices. Use your customer's email or phone number to request payments for goods or services.

开始使用我们的Invoicing  API来发送自定义发票。使用客户的电子邮件或电话号码来请求支付货款或服务。


Help your customers make recurring payments with our Subscriptions API.

使用我们的Subscriptions API帮助您的客户进行多次支付


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