原文地址: https://developer.paypal.com/home/



2. Get Start

3. API Executor

4. PayPal Demo

5.PayPal Sandbox

6. Dev Docs for Existing Integrations


PayPal Commerce Platform Docs

Integrate once and add capabilities as you need them.


For Business, Build a full-stack solution for small to medium-sized businesses.


For Marketplaces and Platforms,

Build a marketplace for sellers to connect and sell through.



For Enterprise,

Explore our robust payment solutions for large enterprises.



2. Get Start

Create a developer account, get your credentials, and set up sandbox accounts for testing. We’ll guide you through the steps to become a PayPal developer.


3. API Executor

Try out PayPal API requests and responses in multiple programming languages. Choose interactive mode to make calls using your own credentials or use mock mode to simulate API calls.

尝试使用多种编程语言进行PayPal API请求和响应。选择交互模式来使用您自己的凭证进行调用,或者使用模拟模式来模拟API调用。

4. PayPal Demo

Explore PayPal product experiences from the customer's perspective, including simulated online stores and checkout flows. You can also download sample code for multiple PayPal products


5.PayPal Sandbox

Visit the PayPal sandbox, a virtual simulation of the actual PayPal site. See our Get started guide to create test buyer and seller credentials, then log in to the sandbox to test transactions.


6. Dev Docs for Existing Integrations——现有集成的开发文档

Looking for docs for an existing integration? See our complete catalog of global solutions.

If you’re integrating for the first time, we recommend using PayPal Commerce Platform. This full-stack solution supports adding capabilities without needing to reintegrate.


如果您是第一次集成,我们建议使用PayPal Commerce Platform。这个全栈解决方案支持添加功能,而无需重新集成。

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