there have many kinds OEM bmw key programmers in china market, And which one clone car key programmer is the best for BMW remote key?

Question: if anyone want to bought BMW Key Programmer, any suggestion and good choose? If i need to read and write both EWS and CAS car key information, what key programming tool should I use?


These are some frequenlty mentioned BMW key programmer in the china market.

OEM products:


Original items:

BMW Multi Tool

So what do they do and it is good? Continuing…

1.AK300+ BMW CAS Key Maker is only for BMW from 2002 -2009 years with new BMW CAS,CAS2,CAS3,CAS3+.

2. AK90+ BMW Key Programmer with EWS – it supports read all EWS key information from EWS2.1/EWS2.2/EWS3/EWS3.3/EWS4/EWS4.4 system from 1995-2009.

3. YanHua CKM100 car key master support BMW system and model list


BMW 1/3/5/6/X (E87.E90.E91.E92.E60.E61.E63.E70.E71) series black shell

BMW 1/3/5/6/X (E87.E90.E91.E92.E60.E61.E63.E64.E70.E71) series black shell CAS 3/3+

BMW 7 series E65, E66, CAS


4. BMW Multi Tool is much better. It supports BMW CAS 1 CAS2 CAS3 CAS3+ key programming, it can operate by OBD2 port, provide great convenient for customer who need match new BMW keys. With BMW CAS4 adapter, it will also do BMW CAS4 programming.


5. VVDI 2

If you are well off, VVDI 2 certainly the best choice.

VVDI 2=VVDI options + BMW Multi Tool options+ Porsche options +J2534 (free)+ Tango (free)+ remote control generation(free) …more other function will be added.

Xhorse Multi Tool is the best key programmer for BMW CAS1, CAS2, CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4 (with CAS4 adapter). VVDI2 has completely inherited all the function of Multi Tool, and it will do CAS4+ all key lost which Multi tool cannot.


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