
If you are a web designer or web developer, you know there are tons of scripts, many CMS and technologies that are being used to create a website. Yesterday while browsing, I landed on a website and I found the design was very good, so I wanted to figure out what all technologies are being used to create that.

如果您是Web设计师或Web开发人员,那么您会知道大量的脚本,许多CMS和创建网站所使用的技术。 昨天浏览时,我登陆了一个网站,发现该设计非常好,因此我想弄清楚用于创建该外观的所有技术。

Being a web developer myself, first thing I did was to use view source and browser inspect tool to get the CMS information, I got to know that jQuery and Font Awesome are being used. But then it’s manual process and this is not something that only I am interested in, so there must be some easy way to get this details.

作为我自己的Web开发人员,我要做的第一件事就是使用视图源和浏览器检查工具来获取CMS信息,我知道正在使用jQuery和Font Awesome。 但这是手动过程,这不是我唯一感兴趣的事情,因此必须有一些简单的方法来获取此详细信息。

I looked online and there were many suggestions, below are some of the most recommended one.


  • BuiltWith内建
  • CMS DetectorCMS检测器
  • Chrome SnifferChrome嗅探器
  • WappalyzerWappalyzer

The problem with first two is that I have to go to another website and then enter the URL and get the details, that is again manual process. Chrome Sniffer and Wappalyzer looked good because they are browser extensions and you don’t have to leave the page.

前两个的问题是我必须转到另一个网站,然后输入URL并获取详细信息,这又是手动过程。 Chrome Sniffer和Wappalyzer看起来不错,因为它们是浏览器扩展程序,您无需离开页面。

But I was looking for a single solution, I tried both of them and found Wappalyzer is the far better than Chrome Sniffer. Some of the reasons are:

但是我一直在寻找一个解决方案,我对它们都进行了尝试,发现Wappalyzer比Chrome Sniffer更好。 一些原因是:

  • Wappalyzer supports both my favorite browser – Chrome and FirefoxWappalyzer支持我最喜欢的浏览器-Chrome和Firefox
  • Wappalyzer UI is far better than Chrome SnifferWappalyzer UI远胜于Chrome Sniffer
  • Wappalyzer provides more information than Chrome Sniffer. It even provides server details and it has vast set of scripts and plugins analyzed.Wappalyzer比Chrome Sniffer提供更多信息。 它甚至提供服务器详细信息,并分析了大量的脚本和插件。

For example, below is the analysis for my own website. It’s so much informative and it’s showing my webserver details too.

例如,以下是我自己的网站的分析。 它提供了很多信息,并且还显示了我的网络服务器详细信息。

So this is my go to tool whenever I want to inspect any website to get the CMS or technology details being used.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/10706/how-to-find-cms-scripts-servers-technology-used-by-a-website



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