这篇论文发表在 2014 ICLR 会议,是第一篇研究将CNN泛化到非欧式空间的论文,老师给我的时候注明了这是“第一代GCN” 。



  • 图卷积网络概述
  • graph中卷积的实现
  • 图卷积神经网络详述
  • 知乎一个比较不错的回答

黄色的文字为2020.02.24更新,主要是对图卷积的 spatial 方法有了新的理解,但是对于 spectral 方法还是抱有疑问,可能要去问问老师了。另外就是讲一些关于CNN和GCN的背景知识放到了后面。


  • 论文笔记之Spectral Networks and Deep Locally Connected Networks on Graphs
  • 论文笔记:Spectral Networks and Deep Locally Connected Networks on Graphs


  • two constructions of GCN
    • spatial construction:deep locally connected networks
      • 局部连接的实现:
      • 下采样的实现:
      • 深度局部连接的实现:
        • 各变量的含义:
        • 核心公式:
        • 每层的计算结果:
      • 模型评价:
        • 优点:
        • 缺点:
    • spectral construction:spectrum of the graph Laplacian
      • 原理
      • 两种 Laplacian
        • combinatorial Laplacian
        • graph Laplacian
          • 符号解释:
      • 核心公式:
      • 公式解析:
      • smooth spectral:
      • 频域的对角操作子的好处和弊端:
        • 好处:
        • 弊端
      • translation invariant (平移不变性) 的实现:
      • spatial subsampling (空间下采样) 的实现:
      • 局部连接和位置共享的实现:
  • 背景知识
    • CNN在image和audio recognition表现出色的原因 :
    • CNN的结构特点:
    • 由于gird的性质,使得CNN可以有以下的特点:
    • CNN的局限
    • CNN的适用范围以及GCN与GCN的联系:
      • CNN适用范围:
      • GCN与CNN的联系:

two constructions of GCN

spatial construction:deep locally connected networks






input all the feature maps over a cluster, and output a single feature for that cluster.




  • locally:neighborhoods
  • connected:每层与每层之间的神经元数目通过聚类而成。上一层的聚类结果对应下层的神经元。
  • Ω:各个层的输入信号。其中Ω0是原始的输入信号。
  • K scales:网络的层数。
  • dk clusters:第k层的下采样的cluster数,用于决定下一次输入feature的维度。
  • Nk,i:第k层的第i个neighborhoods,局部连接的接收域。(见figure 1)
  • fk:第k层的滤波器数目,graph中每一个点的特征数。



xk+1,j=Lkh(∑i=1fk−1Fk,i,jxk,i)(j=1…fk)x_{k+1,j}=L_k h (\sum_{i=1}^{f_{k-1}} F_{k,i,j} x_{k,i}) (j=1…f_k) xk+1,j=Lkh(i=1fk1Fk,i,jxk,i)(j=1fk)


  • xk,i :第k层的信号的第i个特征。
  • Fk,i,j :第k层的第j种滤波器的第i个值。Fk,i,j is a dk−1 × dk−1 sparse matrix with nonzero entries in the locations given by Nk
  • h:非线性激活函数。
  • Lk :第k层的池化操作。Lk outputs the result of a pooling operation over each cluster in k

(∑i=1fk−1Fk,i,jxk,i)(\sum_{i=1}^{f_{k-1}} F_{k,i,j} x_{k,i})(i=1fk1Fk,i,jxk,i) 是对信号 xkx_{k}xk 进行滤波器 Fk,jF_{k,j}Fk,j 操作,局部性体现在滤波器中(滤波器由neighborhoods给定),表示其他的邻域内的信息向中心节点汇聚。之后经过 hhh 的非线性激活和 LkL_kLk 的池化(figure1 所示的聚类操作),得到下一层的信号。


Each layer of the transformation loses spatial resolution but increases the number of filters.

即每层有两个结果(结合 Figure 2):

  • loses spatial resolution:空间分辨率降低,即空间点数减少
  • increases the number of filters:滤波器数目增加,即每个点特征数 dkd_kdk

那么对 spatial 方法来总结一下:

信号输入到model后,卷积操作通过与滤波器 FFF 实现(FFF 由 neighborhoods 决定,实现 locally),之后通过聚类实现空间上的下采样,得到该层的输出结果。



it requires relatively weak regularity assumptions on the graph. Graphs having low intrinsic dimension have localized neighborhoods, even if no nice global embedding exists.

即:对于弱规则结构的graph依旧适用,且对于无良好global embedding的低维图也适用(原因是:低维图依旧存在 localized neighborhoods)。


no easy way to induce weight sharing across different locations of the graph。

即:对于graph的不同位置,需采用不同的滤波器,从而导致==无法实现 weight sharing==权重共享。

CNN的单次卷积操作是由一个 filter 在整个数据立方(grid)上进行滑动(即 stride convolutions ),使得数据立方的不同位置可以使用同一个 fliter,而这个操作无法在 spatial constructionGCN 中实现。

spectral construction:spectrum of the graph Laplacian


draws on the properties of convolutions in the Fourier domain.

In Rd , convolutions are linear operators diagonalised by the Fourier basis exp(iω·t), ω, t ∈ Rd.

One may then extend convolutions to general graphs by finding the corresponding “Fourier” basis.

This equivalence is given through the graph Laplacian, an operator which provides an harmonic analysis on the graphs.


对这个概念进行推广,就是找到对graph而言的“傅里叶”基底,即 graph Laplacian。通过 graph Laplacian 得到 equivalence.

两种 Laplacian

combinatorial Laplacian

L=D−WL = D − W L=DW

graph Laplacian

L=I−D−1/2WD−1/2L = I − D^{−1/2}W D^{−1/2} L=ID1/2WD1/2

  • DDD :graph 的度矩阵 degree matric。
  • WWW :权重矩阵
  • III :对角矩阵


xk+1,j=h(V∑i=1fk−1Fk,i,jVTxk,i)(j=1…fk)x_{k+1,j}=h (V\sum_{i=1}^{f_{k-1}} F_{k,i,j}V^T x_{k,i}) (j=1…f_k) xk+1,j=h(Vi=1fk1Fk,i,jVTxk,i)(j=1fk)


  • xk,ix_{k,i}xk,i:第 k 层的信号的第 i 个特征。
  • Fk,i,jF_{k,i,j}Fk,i,j:第 k 层的第 **j **种滤波器的第 i 个值。Fk,i,jF_{k,i,j}Fk,i,j is a diagonal matrix.
  • hhh:实值非线性激活。
  • VVVgraph Laplacian LLL 的特征向量,由特征值排序。the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian LLL, ordered by eigenvalue.

需要注意的是,此时 Fk,i,jF_{k,i,j}Fk,i,j 并不能被 shared across locations,这要经由 smooth spectral multipliers 来实现。


graph Laplacian LLL谱分解(或称为特征分解:将 LLL 表示为特征值 λ\lambdaλ 和特征向量矩阵 VVV 之积)可表示为
L=VΛV−1=VΛVT=V((λ1⋱λn))VTL=V \Lambda V^{-1} =V\Lambda V^{T}=V(\begin{pmatrix} \lambda_1& & \\ \ & \ddots& \\ & &\lambda_n\\ \end{pmatrix})V^{T} L=VΛV1=VΛVT=V(λ1λn)VT
注意:V−1V^{-1}V1可写为VTV^TVT的条件为特征向量 eigenvectors 正交,此处满足条件。

graph 上的 Fourier 变换表示为
X(N×1)=V(N×N)Tx(N×1)X_{(N×1)} = V^T_{(N×N)} x_{(N×1)} X(N×1)=V(N×N)Tx(N×1)
对应 Fourier 逆变换为
x(N×1)=V(N×N)X(N×1)x_{(N×1)} = V_{(N×N)} X_{(N×1)} x(N×1)=V(N×N)X(N×1)
滤波器(卷积核)的 Fourier 变换为 FFF,即==FFF 为定义在频谱上的滤波器,为对角矩阵==。

通过计算出 LLL 的特征向量 vvv 组成特征向量矩阵 VVV,利用矩阵 VVV,对权重进行对角化操作,来达到frenquency和smoothness的目的,并且可以将参数从m2m^2m2个降到mmm

F(f(t)∗g(t))=F(ω)⋅G(ω)F(f(t)*g(t))=F(\omega)·G(\omega) F(f(t)g(t))=F(ω)G(ω)
综上所述:VTxk,iV^T x_{k,i}VTxk,i 为对信号xk,ix_{k,i}xk,i进行 Fourier 变换。∑i=1fk−1Fk,i,jVTxk,i\sum_{i=1}^{f_{k-1}} F_{k,i,j}V^T x_{k,i}i=1fk1Fk,i,jVTxk,i 为频域上的信号和卷积核(滤波器)的卷积操作,通过 V∑i=1fk−1Fk,i,jVTxk,iV\sum_{i=1}^{f_{k-1}} F_{k,i,j}V^T x_{k,i}Vi=1fk1Fk,i,jVTxk,i 中的 VVV 再变回时域,从而完成时域的卷积操作。

需要注意的是,$V\sum_{i=1}^{f_{k-1}} F_{k,i,j}V^T $ 是线性操作子,非线性由 hhh 引入。

(f∗g)G=U[(UTh)⊙(UTf)](f*g)_G = U[ (U^T h) \odot (U^T f) ] (fg)G=U[(UTh)(UTf)]

smooth spectral:

Often, only the first ddd eigenvectors of the Laplacian are useful in practice, which carry the smooth geometry of the graph. The cutoff frequency ddd depends upon the intrinsic regularity of the graph and also the sample size. In that case, we can replace in (5) VVV by VdV_dVd, obtained by keeping the first ddd columns of VVV.

从信号的角度来看,信号的高频成份携带有信号的细节部分,去除其高频成份,即可实现 smooth

实现 smooth 的方法就是仅仅保留特征向量矩阵 VVV 中前 ddd特征向量,原因是特征向量的排序是按照特征值的排序



将参数数目从 O(n2)O(n^2)O(n2) 降低到 O(n)O(n)O(n).


most graphs have meaningful eigenvectors only for the very top of the spectrum.

Even when the individual high frequency eigenvectors are not meaningful, a cohort of high frequency eigenvectors may contain meaningful information.

However this construction may not be able to access this information because it is nearly diagonal at the highest frequencies.

简单来说,对于绝大多数 graph 而言,very top of the spectrum 的 eigenvectors 是意义的。而且高频特征向量的组合也含有信息。

对角操作子只能同时提取单个特征向量的信息,即无法提取 a cohort of high frequency eigenvectors 所含有的信息。

translation invariant (平移不变性) 的实现:

linear operators VFi,jVTV F_{i,j}V^TVFi,jVT in the Fourier basis ==> translation invariant ==> “classic” convolutions

spatial subsampling (空间下采样) 的实现:

spatial subsampling can also be obtained via dropping the last part of the spectrum of the Laplacian, leading to max-pooling, and ultimately to deep convolutonal networks


in order to learn a layer in which features will be not only shared across locations but also well localized in the original domain, one can learn spectral multipliers which are smooth.

Smoothness can be prescribed by learning only a subsampled set of frequency multipliers and using an interpolation kernel to obtain the rest, such as cubic splines.

即:要实现每层的 feature 的位置共享局部连接spectral multipliers 应当 smooth,由对 frequency multiplierssubsample 来实现。

至此,GCN 在 spectral 上的卷积池化的操作和局部连接位置共享的实现已经介绍完毕,就可以实现deep convolutonal networks


CNN在image和audio recognition表现出色的原因 :

ability to exploit the local translational invariance of signal classes over their domain 。



  • multiscale:这一点确实不知道该怎么理解
  • hierarchical:层次化,信息的逐层提取。
  • local receptive fields:局部接收域(局部连接)。


  • The translation structure(平移结构) ==> filters instead of generic linear maps(滤波器替代线性映射) ==> weight sharing(权重共享)
  • The metric on the grid ==> compactly supported filters ==> smaller than the size of the input signals(小尺寸滤波器)。
  • The multiscale dyadic clustering of the grid ==> stride convolutions and pooling(卷积和池化) ==> subsampling(下采样)


Although the spatial convolutional structure can be exploited at several layers, typical CNN architectures do not assume any geometry in the “feature” dimension, resulting in 4-D tensors which are only convolutional along their spatial coordinates.

即对于一个4-D的tensor而言,其有X,Y,Z,feature四个维度,典型的CNN只能对X,Y,Z三个维度(即空间维度)进行卷积操作(通过3D convolution 操作),而不能对feature维度(特征维度)进行操作。



  • data of Euclidean domain。即欧几里得域的数据,论文中称之为grid,即具有标准的几何结构。
  • translational equivariance/invariance with respect to this grid。即有由于grid而产生的平移不变性。


generalization of CNNs to signals defined on more general domains

即GCN是CNN在domain上的推广,推广的方式是通过推广卷积的概念(by extension the notion of convolution )。从CNN的Euclidean domain(有规则几何结构)推广到更加general的domains(无规则几何结构,即graph)。

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