paper reading:[Renormalization Trick] Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks


  • paper reading:[Renormalization Trick] Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks
    • graph 中半监督学习的传统方式:
      • 核心公式:
      • 符号说明:
    • 公式成立的讨论:
      • assumption:
      • 局限:
    • 模型:
      • 模型简述:
        • localized first-order:
      • 模型适用场景(解决的问题):
      • 模型思路:
      • 模型所使用的信息:
    • fast approximate convolution :
      • layer-wise propagation rule:
      • spectral graph convolutions:
        • 卷积的频谱形式:
        • 切比雪夫多项式的截断展开化简gθ(Λ)g_{\theta}( \Lambda )gθ​(Λ)及其卷积化简:
      • layer-wise linear model:
        • 频域卷积的线性性:
        • Eq.5 λmax=2\lambda_{max}=2λmax​=2:
        • θ=θ0′=−θ1′\theta=\theta_0^{\ '}=-\theta_1^{\ '}θ=θ0 ′​=−θ1 ′​:
        • renormalization trick:
    • semi-supervised node classification:
      • 方法及适用范围:
      • 前向传播:
        • 核心公式:
        • 损失函数:
        • 训练方法:
        • 训练方法:

graph 中半监督学习的传统方式:

label information is smoothed over the graph via some form of explicit graph-based regularization, e.g. by using a graph Laplacian regularization term in the loss function:


L=L0+λLreg,Lreg=∑i,jAi,j∥f(Xi)−f(Xj)∥2=f(X)⊤Δf(X)L=L_0+λL_{reg}, L_{reg}=\sum_{i, j}A_{i,j}\parallel f(X_i)-f(X_j)\parallel ^2=f(X)^\top\Delta f(X) L=L0​+λLreg​,Lreg​=i,j∑​Ai,j​∥f(Xi​)−f(Xj​)∥2=f(X)⊤Δf(X)


  • L0L_0L0​:the supervised loss w.r.t. the labeled part of the graph。即对于有标签部分的图的有监督损失函数
  • λλλ : a weighing factor
  • XXX:matrix of node feature vectors XiX_iXi​
  • Δ=D−A\Delta = D − AΔ=D−A:unnormalized graph Laplacian of an undirected graph
  • AAA:adjacency matrix $A∈ \R^{N×N} $
  • DiiD_{ii}Dii​:degree matrix Dii=∑jAijD_{ii}=\sum _j A_{ij}Dii​=∑j​Aij​



The formulation of Eq. 1 relies on the assumption that connected nodes in the graph are likely to share the same label.

即相连接的 node 倾向于拥有相似的 label。


This assumption, however, might restrict modeling capacity, as graph edges need not necessarily encode node similarity, but could contain additional information.

graph 中 node 的连接不一定表示标签的相似性,也可以表示其他的信息。



localized first-order approximation of spectral graph convolutions


#####spectral graph convolutions:



localized first-order:

即只考虑每一个节点的一阶邻域(first-order neighborhoods),从而实现局部性(localized)。


labels are only available for a small subset of nodes.

This problem can be framed as graph-based semi-supervised learning.


We expect this setting to be especially powerful in scenarios where the adjacency matrix AAA contains information not present in the data XXX, such as citation links between documents in a citation network or relations in a knowledge graph.

即,该模型(方法)的适用场景:AAA的信息不包含在XXX中,比如 citation network 和 knowledge graph.

we consider here the task of transductive node classification within networks of significantly larger scale.


we encode the graph structure directly using a neural network model f(X,A)f(X, A)f(X,A) and train on a supervised target L0L_0L0​ for all nodes with labels, thereby avoiding explicit graph-based regularization in the loss function.

Conditioning f(⋅)f(·)f(⋅) on the adjacency matrix of the graph will allow the model to distribute gradient information from the supervised loss L0L_0L0​ and will enable it to learn representations of nodes both with and without labels.

对于有标签节点,使用神经网络f(X,A)f(X, A)f(X,A)进行监督学习 ⟹\Longrightarrow⟹ 损失函数消除λLregλL_{reg}λLreg​,仅保留L0L_0L0​


  • 计算输出时,对所有的节点计算输出
  • 损失函数,仅对训练集节点计算,即:优化仅对训练集数据进行


Our model scales linearly in the number of graph edges and learns hidden layer representations that encode both local graph structure and features of nodes.


  • local graph structure,即 graph 的 edge
  • features of nodes,即 graph 的 node

fast approximate convolution :

layer-wise propagation rule:

H(l+1)=σ(D~−1/2A~D~−1/2H(l)W(l))H^{(l+1)}=\sigma (\widetilde{D}^{-1/2}\widetilde{A} \widetilde{D}^{-1/2} H^{(l)}W^{(l)}) H(l+1)=σ(D−1/2AD−1/2H(l)W(l))

  • A~=A+IN\widetilde{A}=A+I_NA=A+IN​:adjacency matrix of the undirected graph GGG with added self-connections
  • DDD:degree matrix
  • W(l)W^{(l)}W(l):layer-specific trainable weight matrix
  • $σ(·) $:activation function
  • H(l)H^{(l)}H(l) :∈RN×D∈ \R^{N×D } ∈RN×D,matrix of activations in the lthl^{th}lth layer,H(0)=XH^{(0)}=XH(0)=X

spectral graph convolutions:


gθ∗x=UgθU⊤xg_{\theta} * x = U g_{\theta} U^{\top}x gθ​∗x=Ugθ​U⊤x

  • xxx:signal x∈RNx \in \R^Nx∈RN
  • gθg_{\theta}gθ​:filter gθ=diag(θ)g_{\theta} = diag(\theta)gθ​=diag(θ),
  • UUU:matrix of eigenvectors of the normalized graph Laplacian L=IN−D−1/2AD−1/2=UΛU⊤L = I_N − D^{− 1/2} AD^{− 1/2} = UΛU ^{\top}L=IN​−D−1/2AD−1/2=UΛU⊤


  • gθg_{\theta}gθ​ :a function of the eigenvalues of LLL。
  • $ U^{\top}x$ :the graph Fourier transform of xxx。
  • UgθU⊤U g_{\theta} U^{\top}Ugθ​U⊤:normalized graph Laplacian LLL 的特征分解。

切比雪夫多项式的截断展开化简gθ(Λ)g_{\theta}( \Lambda )gθ​(Λ)及其卷积化简:

gθ′(Λ)≈∑k=0Kθk′TK(Λ~)g_{\theta^{\ '}}( \Lambda ) \approx \sum_{k=0}^{K} \theta_{k}^{\ '} T_K(\widetilde{\Lambda}) gθ ′​(Λ)≈k=0∑K​θk ′​TK​(Λ)

  • Λ~\widetilde{\Lambda}Λ:Λ~=2λmaxΛ−IN\widetilde{\Lambda} = \frac{2}{\lambda_{max}} \Lambda - I_NΛ=λmax​2​Λ−IN​,rescaled。λmax\lambda_{max}λmax​ denotes the largest eigenvalue of LLL.
  • θ′∈RK\theta\ ' \in \R^Kθ ′∈RK is a vector of Chebyshev coefficients

从而将 LLL 的特征展开 UgθU⊤U g_{\theta} U^{\top}Ugθ​U⊤ 简化为 ∑k=0Kθk′Tk(L~)\sum_{k=0}^K \theta_k\ ' T_k(\widetilde{L})∑k=0K​θk​ ′Tk​(L),从而得到下式:
gθ∗x≈∑k=0Kθk′TK(L~)xg_{\theta} * x \approx \sum_{k=0}^{K} \theta_{k}^{\ '} T_K(\widetilde{L})x gθ​∗x≈k=0∑K​θk ′​TK​(L)x

  • ∑k=0Kθk′Tk(L~)\sum_{k=0}^K \theta_k\ ' T_k(\widetilde{L})∑k=0K​θk​ ′Tk​(L) 为 LLL 的特征展开 UgθU⊤U g_{\theta} U^{\top}Ugθ​U⊤的化简。
  • L~=2λmaxL−IN\widetilde{L} = \frac{2}{\lambda_{max}} L - I_NL=λmax​2​L−IN​
  • (UΛU⊤)k=UΛkU⊤(U\Lambda U^{\top})^k = U\Lambda^k U^{\top}(UΛU⊤)k=UΛkU⊤

Note that this expression is now KKK-localized since it is a KthK^{th}Kth-order polynomial in the Laplacian, i.e. it depends only on nodes that are at maximum KKK steps away from the central node (KthK_{th}Kth​-order neighborhood).


layer-wise linear model:


Eq.5 is a function that is linear w.r.t. LLL and therefore a linear function on the graph Laplacian spectrum.


Eq.5 λmax=2\lambda_{max}=2λmax​=2:

gθ′∗x≈θ0′x+θ1′(L−IN)x=θ0′x−θ1′D−1/2AD−1/2xg_{\theta^{\ '}} * x \approx \theta_0^{\ '}x + \theta_1^{\ '}(L-I_N)x = \theta_0^{\ '}x - \theta_1^{\ '}D^{− 1/2} AD^{− 1/2}x gθ ′​∗x≈θ0 ′​x+θ1 ′​(L−IN​)x=θ0 ′​x−θ1 ′​D−1/2AD−1/2x

  • θ0′\theta_0^{\ '}θ0 ′​&θ1′\theta_1^{\ '}θ1 ′​:two free parameters

The filter parameters can be shared over the whole graph. Successive application of filters of this form then effectively convolve the kthk^{th}kth-order neighborhood of a node, where kkk is the number of successive filtering operations or convolutional layers in the neural network model.

即,Eq.6 实现了滤波器的权重共享,同时提高了卷积效率

θ=θ0′=−θ1′\theta=\theta_0^{\ '}=-\theta_1^{\ '}θ=θ0 ′​=−θ1 ′​:

gθ∗x≈θ(IN+D−1/2AD−1/2)xg_{\theta} * x \approx \theta (I_N+D^{− 1/2} AD^{− 1/2})x gθ​∗x≈θ(IN​+D−1/2AD−1/2)x

  • IN+D−1/2AD−1/2I_N+D^{− 1/2} AD^{− 1/2}IN​+D−1/2AD−1/2 now has eigenvalues in the range [0, 2].

Repeated application of this operator can therefore lead to numerical instabilities and exploding/vanishing gradients when used in a deep neural network model


renormalization trick:

令$ I_N+D^{− 1/2} AD^{− 1/2} \longrightarrow \widetilde{D}^{-1/2}\widetilde{A} \widetilde{D}^{-1/2} ,且,且,且\widetilde{A}=A+I_N,,,\widetilde{D}{ii}=\sum_j\widetilde{A}{ij}$,则有:
Z=D~−1/2A~D~−1/2XΘZ=\widetilde{D}^{-1/2}\widetilde{A} \widetilde{D}^{-1/2} X \Theta Z=D−1/2AD−1/2XΘ

  • X∈RN×CX \in \R ^{N×C}X∈RN×C signal,CCC input channels (i.e. a C-dimensional feature vector for every node)
  • Θ∈RC×F\Theta \in \R^{C×F}Θ∈RC×F,matrix of filter parameters
  • Z∈RN×FZ \in \R^{N×F}Z∈RN×F is the convolved signal matrix

$\widetilde{A}X $ can be efficiently implemented as a product of a sparse matrix with a dense matrix

即,$\widetilde{A}X $可以实现稀疏矩阵的乘法,从而提高效率。

semi-supervised node classification:


we can relax certain assumptions typically made in graph-based semi-supervised learning by conditioning our model f(X,A)f(X, A)f(X,A) both on the data XXX and on the adjacency matrix AAA of the underlying graph structure.

即,本文方法(conditioning model f(X,A)f(X, A)f(X,A) both on the data XXX and on the adjacency matrix AAA )可以减轻 assumption (connected nodes in the graph are likely to share the same label) 的限制。



Z=f(X,A)=softmax(A^ReLU(A^XW(0))W(1)Z = f(X, A) = softmax(\widehat {A} ~ReLU(\widehat{A}XW^{(0)})~W^{(1)} Z=f(X,A)=softmax(A ReLU(AXW(0)) W(1)

  • A^=D~−1/2A~D~−1/2\widehat {A}=\widetilde{D}^{-1/2}\widetilde{A} \widetilde{D}^{-1/2}A=D−1/2AD−1/2
  • 每层有两个权重矩阵,are trained using gradient descent
    • W(0)∈RC×HW^{(0)}\in \R^{C×H}W(0)∈RC×H is an input-to-hidden weight matrix for a hidden layer with HHH feature maps
    • W(1)∈RH×FW^{(1)}\in \R^{H×F}W(1)∈RH×F is a hidden-to-output weight matrix
  • ReLU(A^XW(0))ReLU(\widehat{A}XW^{(0)})ReLU(AXW(0))的维度为N×HN×HN×H
  • ZZZ的维度为N×FN×FN×F
  • The softmax activation function is applied row-wise


evaluate the cross-entropy error over all labeled examples:
L=−∑l∈yL∑f=1FYlflnZlf\ L = −\sum _{l\in\ y_L} \sum^F_{f=1} Y_{lf} lnZ_{lf}  L=−l∈ yL​∑​f=1∑F​Ylf​lnZlf​

  • yL\ y_L yL​ is the set of node indices that have labels.


we perform batch gradient descent using the full dataset for every training iteration。

d examples:
L=−∑l∈yL∑f=1FYlflnZlf\ L = −\sum _{l\in\ y_L} \sum^F_{f=1} Y_{lf} lnZ_{lf}  L=−l∈ yL​∑​f=1∑F​Ylf​lnZlf​

  • yL\ y_L yL​ is the set of node indices that have labels.


we perform batch gradient descent using the full dataset for every training iteration。

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