PHP Simple File Server

This is a really simple solution to build a Central File Server for your site.




#Setup a place for your source code and Uploaded Files 创建PHP代码和文件保存目录

First, you need to setup a place to store the code and uploaded files.

mkdir ~/htdocs

cd htdocs

mkdir files

mkdir images

#Install Apache or Nginx as your web server 安装Nginx或Apache作为Web服务器

Open theweb server configuration file, edit or add location block, point to the code path.

location / {

root pathto/htdocs;

index index.php index.html index.htm;


Install PHP 安装PHP

#Test File Server 测试文件服务器

Open http://localhost/index.html, if you can see the form, the file server is up. 启动web服务器后,输入localhost/index.html,如果能够看到文件上传的Form表示服务已经启动。

Select a file and click submit, if you see a json string contains code and message, the file server should be running properly. 选择一个文件并点击提交,如果能够看到返回的包含返回码和消息的json字符串,文件服务器应该就正常运行了。

Java Code block to upload a file:

以下是实现文件上传的Java示例代码。 上传时以局域网的方式上传,返回则是可以直接在网站上引用的文件或图片的URL。

String fileServerInnerUrl = ""; //LAN

String fileServerPublicUrl=""; //WAN

String fileServerToken="asdfasdfadsfasdfwerqwer"; //token

CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();

HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(fileServerInnerUrl + "file-upload.php");

MultipartEntityBuilder meb = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();

meb.addPart("file", new FileBody(file));

meb.addTextBody("token", fileServerToken);

HttpEntity reqEntity =;


String strResult = null;

try {

CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);

if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {

strResult = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8");

JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(strResult);

//If the code is "0", the file is uploaded, string message is the path.

String code = jsonObject.getString("code");

//If the code is not "0", file uploaded should be failed, then the message is error message.

String message = jsonObject.getString("message");



//fileURL is the url of uploaded file, can be used directly in your web page.

String fileURL = fileServerPublicUrl + message;



} catch (Exception e) {



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