代做EBU5502留学生作业、代写Java编程作业、代做Database Coursework作业、代写Java语言作业
EBU5502 Database Coursework Specifications
Design and implement a relational database for The University Accommodation Office
(descriptions of the system can be found at the end of the document). Build a Java interface
to the database suitable for the database application.
This includes setting up a database schema and providing access methods to this in the form
of queries and views. The steps for doing this include:
Creating a conceptual schema in the form of an ER diagram.
Deriving a relational schema from the ER diagram.
Validating the relations using normalization technique.
Implementing this schema using SQL.
Populating the database with a set of typical data. The data should be significant but
Defining SQL queries which could be used in the Java interface.
Design and implementation of the Java interface, using JDBC to connect the database.
This coursework is to be done in groups of 3 students. You should form the teams yourselves
via QMPlus, by Friday, 2 Nov 2018).
Submission by Tuesday, 11th Dec 2018
Each group should submit a report containing (one report by one group member per group
on QMPlus):
Description of all assumptions you have made in your design (2 mark)
A conceptual schema (ER diagram) (3 mark)
The relational database schema for your database. You should also identify all primary
and foreign keys in your design. You should validate your relations using normalization,
and explain why they are in 4th Normal Form (2 marks)
The sample test data. This test data should be carefully designed in order to test that
your queries will work under any conditions. (1 marks)
A set of SQL queries for sample queries (listed in Sample Queries), with results of the
output you obtain when you run these queries. (2 marks)
Each group should also submit a zip file of all the code for your application.
A demonstration will be arranged in teaching week 4 (w/c 10th December 2018). Details of
the time and venue will be announced later in the course. Students will demonstrate to the
TA and lecturer their working system, perform extra queries and answer questions. (5 marks)
The total coursework counts for 15% of the final mark of the module.
Peer Assessment
Each student should submit a peer assessment form, give marks to the other two group
members on a number criteria. The form can be found on QMplus page.
Use MySQL as the back end Database.
The coursework should be delivered in a form so that the tables can be easily created,
data inserted and queries and views run easily by the person marking the work.
You can create your tables using individual CREATE TABLE statements, but it is
recommended that you put all of these into one script file, so that it is easier to
reconstruct your entire schema of tables should you find data or tables have been
The focus of the coursework is designing and implementing database and query
functions, not GUI design. Your coursework will not be marked on the aesthetics of
the interface, no matter how pretty it is.
The report should adhere to technical report writing style, with clear English and
logical structure.
The University Accommodation Office Case Study
The Director of the University Accommodation Office requires you to design a database to
assist with the administration of the office. The requirements collection and analysis phase of
the database design process has provided the following data requirements specification for
the University Accommodation Office database followed by examples of query transactions
that should be supported by the database.
Data Requirements
The data stored on each full-time student includes: the student number, name (first and last
name), home address (street, city, postcode), date of birth, sex, category of student (for
example, first year undergraduate, postgraduate), nationality, smoker (yes or no), special
needs, any additional comments, current status (placed/waiting), and what course the
student is studying on.
The student information stored relates to those currently renting a room and those on the
waiting list. Students may rent a room in a hall of residence or student flat.
When a student joins the University, he or she is assigned to a member of staff who acts as
his or her Advisor of Studies. The Advisor of Studies is responsible for monitoring the student’s
welfare and academic progression throughout his or her time at University. The data held on
a student’s Advisor includes full name, position, name of department, internal telephone
number, and room number.
Halls of residence
Each hall of residence has a name, address, telephone number, and a hall manager who
supervises the operation of the hall. The halls provide only single rooms, which have a room
number, place number, and monthly rent rate.
The place number uniquely identifies each room in all halls controlled by the Accommodation
Office and is used when renting a room to a student.
Student flats
The Accommodation Office also offers student flats. These flats are fully furnished and provide
single-room accommodation for groups of three, four, or five students. The information held
on student flats includes a flat number, address, and the number of single bedrooms available
in each flat. The flat number uniquely identifies each flat.
Each bedroom in a flat has a monthly rent rate, room number, and a place number. The place
number uniquely identifies each room available in all student flats and is used when renting a
room to a student.
A student may rent a room in a hall or student flat for various periods of time. New lease
agreements are negotiated at the start of each academic year with a minimum rental period
of one semester and a maximum rental period of one year, which includes Semesters 1, 2, and
the Summer Semester. Each individual lease agreement between a student and the
Accommodation Office is uniquely identified using a lease number.
The data stored on each lease includes the lease number, duration of the lease (given as
semesters), name and student number of the student, place number, room number, address
details of the hall or student flat, and the date the student wishes to enter the room, and the
date the student wishes to leave the room (if known).
At the start of each semester each student is sent an invoice for the following rental period.
Each invoice has a unique invoice number.
The data stored on each invoice includes the invoice number, lease number, semester,
payment due, student’s full name and student number, place number, room number, and the
address of the hall or flat. Additional data is also held on the payment of the invoice and
includes the date the invoice was paid, the method of payment (cheque, cash, Visa, etc.), the
date the first and second reminder is sent (if necessary).
Student flat inspections
Student flats are inspected by staff on a regular basis to ensure that the accommodation is
well maintained. The information recorded for each inspection is the name of the member of
staff who carried out the inspection, the date of inspection, an indication of whether the
property was found to be in a satisfactory condition (yes or no), and any additional comments.
Accommodation staff
Some information is also held on members of staff of the Accommodation Office and includes
the staff number, name (first and last name), home address (street, city, postcode), date of
birth, sex, position (for example, Hall Manager, Administrative Assistant, Cleaner) and location
(for example, Accommodation Office or Hall).
The Accommodation Office also stores a limited amount of information on the courses run by
the University including the course number, course title (including year), course leader,
internal telephone number, room number, and department name. Each student is associated
with a single course.
Whenever possible, information on a student’s next-of-kin is stored which includes the name,
relationship, address (street, city, postcode), and contact telephone number.
Query Transactions (Sample)
Listed below are some examples of query transactions that should be supported by the
University Accommodation Office database system.
(a) Present a report listing the Manager’s name and telephone number for each hall of
(b) Present a report listing the names and student numbers of students with the details of
their lease agreements.
(c) Display the details of lease agreements that include the Summer Semester.
(d) Display the details of the total rent paid by a given student.
(e) Present a report on students that have not paid their invoices by a given date.
(f) Display the details of flat inspections where the property was found to be in an
unsatisfactory condition.
(g) Present a report of the names and student numbers of students with their room number
and place number in a particular hall of residence.
(h) Present a report listing the details of all students currently on the waiting list for
accommodation, that is, not placed.
(i) Display the total number of students in each student category.
(j) Present a report of the names and student numbers for all students who have not supplied
details of their next-of-kin.
(k) Display the name and internal telephone number of the Advisor of Studies for a particular
(l) Display the minimum, maximum, and average monthly rent for rooms in halls of residence.
(m) Display the total number of places in each hall of residence.
(n) Display the staff number, name, age, and current location of all members of the
accommodation staff who are over 60 years old today.


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