安裝MegaCore IP 6.0時,在某些電腦會出現-6001的錯誤而無法安裝,Altera原廠提出解決方法。


Solution ID: rd07272006_503
Last Modified: Jul 27, 2006
Product Category: Design Software
Product Area: Installation/Licensing
Product Sub-area: Installation


InstallShield error code -6001 when installing the MegaCore IP Library CD

You may get the following error when you install the MegaCore® IP Library CD included with the Quartus® II software version 6.0.

Setup has experienced an error.
Please do the following:
- Close any running programs
- Empty your temporary folder
- Check your Internet connection (Internet-based Setups)
Then try to run the Setup again.
error code -6001

To work around this error, delete the C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Professional\RunTime\0701 folder on your computer and reinstall the MegaCore IP Library CD.

If deleting the folder does not solve the problem, rename the C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield folder to C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield-old and reinstall the MegaCore IP Library CD.

This problem has been fixed beginnning with the Quartus II software version 6.1 MegaCore IP Library installation.

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