
Sit back, relax, and enjoy some of what’s going on in the community. Today we’re digging into some resources to help you with parallax effects and audio detection, alongside some stunning looking Unity projects that we came across.

坐下来,放松,享受社区中发生的事情。 今天,我们正在挖掘一些资源,以帮助您实现视差效果和音频检测,以及我们遇到的一些外观精美的Unity项目。

Before we get started with our first Community Component, if you have some thoughts for what you would like to see, let us know in the blog comments below. We’re continually finding amazing project and resources from all corners of the community or on social media through the #madewithunity and #unitytips hashtags, and we want to share them with you! We’ve also recently opened the Official Unity Discord. Hop in and share what you’re working on, we may showcase your project in a future edition.

在开始我们的第一个社区组件之前,如果您对想要看到的内容有任何想法,请在下面的博客评论中告诉我们。 通过#madewithunity和#unitytips主题标签,我们不断在社区的各个角落或社交媒体上找到惊人的项目和资源,并希望与您分享! 我们最近还开放了官方的Unity Discord。 加入并分享您的工作,我们可能会在以后的版本中展示您的项目。

向社区学习 (Learn from the Community)

One of our favorite aspects of the Unity community, is how people will come together to teach each other and learn from one another. Here are some new learning resources that were developed by community members.

我们在Unity社区中最喜欢的方面之一是人们如何团结起来互相学习和互相学习。 这是社区成员开发的一些新的学习资源。

创建视差框 (Creating a parallax frame)

Febucci, showcases a quick and digestible little tutorial that will help you add a lovely parallax effect to your project. You can dig further into the project on their website, and they have plenty more bite-sized pieces of content. You can find all of their tutorials and resources on their website here.

Febucci,展示了一个快速易消化的小教程,它将帮助您为项目添加可爱的视差效果。 您可以在他们的网站上进一步研究该项目,他们还有很多内容可比。 你可以找到他们的网站上所有的教程和资源在这里 。

音频可视化和节拍检测 (Audio visualization and beat detection)


In this video, Kristin walks you through how you can use Unity to break down audio visualization and beat detection. It’s quick and to the point, and goes through what you need to know to get started.

在此视频中,克里斯汀(Kristin)指导您如何使用Unity分解音频可视化和节拍检测。 它快速而切入要点,并且会介绍您入门所需的知识。

社区项目展示 (Community Project Showcase)

On to the projects! Coming out of GDC and PAX East, we’ve seen some fantastic projects, experiments, and art that are truly inspiring. Take a peek at what some of your peers are working on.

进行项目! 来自GDC和PAX East,我们已经看到了一些真正令人鼓舞的奇妙项目,实验和艺术。 看看您的一些同行正在做什么。

美丽都 (Mirador)


The team over at Sauropod Studio revealed the first look at their game in development, Mirador. They’re working on an online co-op hack-and-slash game where players are facing bosses designed by other players. This is their first gameplay reveal, and you can join their community on Discord, Twitter, or add it to your wishlist on Steam.

Sauropod Studio的团队对他们开发中的游戏Mirador进行了首次展示。 他们正在开发在线合作社的砍杀游戏,玩家面对其他玩家设计的老板。 这是他们的第一个游戏玩法,您可以在Discord , Twitter上加入他们的社区,或在Steam上将其添加到您的愿望清单中。



Juncture Media announced their upcoming release date for their ultra-fast turn-based game, AVARIAvs. Over the past few years, it’s been fantastic to watch their game develop, and it’s grown to be a gorgeous take on a classic game mode amplified to eleven to be a fast and fluid experience. Support your peers by giving their game and studio a follow on Twitter, or by checking out their store page on Steam.

Juncture Media宣布了其超快速回合制游戏AVARIAvs的即将发布日期。 在过去的几年中,观看他们的游戏发展真是太棒了,并且已经成长为经典游戏模式的华丽代表,放大到了11种游戏模式,从而带来了快速而流畅的体验。 在Twitter上关注他们的游戏和工作室 ,或在Steam上查看他们的商店页面,以支持您的同行。

HDRP和VFX图形测试 (HDRP & VFX Graph Testing)

Test 396 HDRP – VFX Graph #madewithunity #unity3d #generative #creativecoding #procedural #interactive #leapmotion #vfxgraph pic.twitter.com/RHBn0Hs8Ri

测试396 HDRP - VFX图#madewithunity #unity3d #generative #creativecoding #procedural #interactive #leapmotion #vfxgraph pic.twitter.com/RHBn0Hs8Ri

— Wenzy (@ziyangwen) March 28, 2019

-Wenzy(@ziyangwen) 2019年3月28日

If you want to be mesmerized, check out Wenzy’s Visual Effect Graph experiment with the Leap Motion. They have a lot of spectacular tests over on their Twitter account, including some fun mocap ones like this one below.

如果您想着迷,请查看Leap Motion的Wenzy视觉效果图实验。 他们在自己的Twitter帐户上进行了许多壮观的测试,包括下面的一些有趣的Mocap测试。

Test 392 Crazy Bulbman #madewithunity #unity3d #generative #creativecoding #procedural #realtime #kinect #interactive pic.twitter.com/3hqedOcNYn

测试392疯狂Bulbman #madewithunity #unity3d #generative #creativecoding #procedural #realtime #kinect #interactive pic.twitter.com/3hqedOcNYn

— Wenzy (@ziyangwen) March 5, 2019

-Wenzy(@ziyangwen) 2019年3月5日


Muros Studios are working on DOOMBLADE, a beautiful 2D metroidvania where you get to spin and slash through your enemies. Show them support and give the project a follow on Twitter or check out their website.

Muros Studios正在研究DOOMBLADE,这是一种精美的2D Metroidvania,您可以在其中旋转并大幅削减敌人。 向他们展示支持,并在Twitter上关注该项目,或查看他们的网站 。

真实感研究 (Photorealistic Studies)

Yohan Talbi shared their most recent quick scene setups. The goal of these is to recreate a photograph in Unity. You can see their full post here and dive into some of the fascinating studies they are working on.

Yohan Talbi分享了他们最近的快速场景设置。 这些目标是在Unity中重新创建照片。 您可以在此处查看他们的完整文章,并深入研究他们正在进行的一些有趣的研究。

Thank you for reading our first Community Component! What would you like to see out of future ones? Let us know in the comments below.

感谢您阅读我们的第一个社区组件! 您想从未来看到什么? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/04/06/community-component-parallax-effects-beat-detection-beautiful-games-and-art-studies/



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