《太极张三丰》电影原声音乐-----11 舍(主唱:袁凤瑛/国语)


但愿一切 还不会太迟

《致命罗密欧》主题曲------Try Again(演唱:Aaliyah)

it's been a long time
we shouldn't have left you
without a dope beat to step to
step to, step to, step to
step to, step to
it's been a long time
we shouldn't have left you
without a dope beat to step to
step to, step to, step to
step to, step to
freaky-freaky, baby girl uh

what would you do?
to get to me
what would you say?
to have your way
would you give up?
or try again
if i hesitated
to let you in
now would you be yourself
or play your role
tell all the boys
i keep you low
if i saw no
would you turn away?
or play me off
or would you stay, oh, oh

and if at first you don't succeed
then dust yourself off and try again
you can dust it off and try again, try again
cause if at first you don't succeed
you can dust it off and try again
dust yourself off and try again, try again (and again)

i'm in to you
you into me
but i can't let it go
so easily
not till i see
whether this could be
could be eternally
or just a week
ay yo our chemistry
is off the chain
it's perfect now
but will it change?
this ain't a yes
this ain't a no
just do your thing
we'll see how it go, oh, oh
see you don't wanna throw it all away
i might be shy on the first date
what about the next date?
huh? huh? huh? huh?
i said you don't wanna throw it all away
i might be buggin' on the first date
what about the next date?
huh? huh? huh? huh?
if at first you don't succeed
you can dust it off and try again
dust yourself off and try again, try again
cause if at first you don't succeed
you can dust it off and try again
you can dust it off and try again, try again (and again)
check it, uh
it's been a long time
we shouldn't have left you
without a dope beat to step to
step to, step to, step to
step to, step to
it's been a long time
we shouldn't have left you
without a dope beat to step to
step to, step to, step to
step to, step to


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