

A factory produces products packed in square packets of the same height h and of the sizes 1*1, 2*2, 3*3, 4*4, 5*5, 6*6. These products are always delivered to customers in the square parcels of the same height h as the products have and of the size 6*6. Because of the expenses it is the interest of the factory as well as of the customer to minimize the number of parcels necessary to deliver the ordered products from the factory to the customer. A good program solving the problem of finding the minimal number of parcels necessary to deliver the given products according to an order would save a lot of money. You are asked to make such a program.


The input file consists of several lines specifying orders. Each line specifies one order. Orders are described by six integers separated by one space representing successively the number of packets of individual size from the smallest size 1*1 to the biggest size 6*6. The end of the input file is indicated by the line containing six zeros.


The output file contains one line for each line in the input file. This line contains the minimal number of parcels into which the order from the corresponding line of the input file can be packed. There is no line in the output file corresponding to the last ``null'' line of the input file.

Sample Input

0 0 4 0 0 1
7 5 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 

Sample Output


typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
const ll mod=1e9+7;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f
int main()
{ll a[10];ll num[4]={0,5,3,1};while(1){ll ans=0;ll tmp=0;for(int i=1;i<=6;i++){scanf("%I64d",&a[i]);tmp+=a[i];}if(tmp==0)return 0;ans+=a[6]+a[5]+a[4]+(a[3]+3)/4;//a6,a5,a4每个物品需要一个箱子,4个a3需要一个箱子ll a2=a[4]*5+num[a[3]%4];//a6,a5,a4,a3有多少个空位子可以放2*2的物品if(a[2]>a2){ans+=(a[2]-a2+8)/9;}int a1=ans*36-a[6]*36-a[5]*25-a[4]*16-a[3]*9-a[2]*4;//总共用的箱子还剩多少个能放a1if(a[1]>a1){ans+=(a[1]-a1+35)/36;}printf("%I64d\n",ans);}return 0;



Anatoly lives in the university dorm as many other students do. As you know, cockroaches are also living there together with students. Cockroaches might be of two colors: black and red. There are n cockroaches living in Anatoly's room.

Anatoly just made all his cockroaches to form a single line. As he is a perfectionist, he would like the colors of cockroaches in the line to alternate. He has a can of black paint and a can of red paint. In one turn he can either swap any two cockroaches, or take any single cockroach and change it's color.

Help Anatoly find out the minimum number of turns he needs to make the colors of cockroaches in the line alternate.


The first line of the input contains a single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100 000) — the number of cockroaches.

The second line contains a string of length n, consisting of characters 'b' and 'r' that denote black cockroach and red cockroach respectively.


Print one integer — the minimum number of moves Anatoly has to perform in order to make the colors of cockroaches in the line to alternate.









In the first sample, Anatoly has to swap third and fourth cockroaches. He needs 1 turn to do this.

In the second sample, the optimum answer is to paint the second and the fourth cockroaches red. This requires 2 turns.

In the third sample, the colors of cockroaches in the line are alternating already, thus the answer is 0.



1、当第一个字符为b时,你可以考虑要不要将它改变为r。  这里就是两种情况,改变或者不改变

2、当第一个字符为r时,你可以考虑要不要讲它改变为b。 这里也是两种情况,改变或者不改变



typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
const ll mod=1e9+7;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f
char a[100050];
char b[100050];
int n;
int solve(int p,int q,int sum1,int sum2)
{while(q!=n){if(b[q]==b[p]&&b[p]=='r'){b[q]='b';sum1++;p++;q++;}else if(b[q]==b[p]&&b[p]=='b'){b[q]='r';sum2++;p++;q++;}else{p++;q++;}}return max(sum1,sum2);//注意这里是什么意思,sum1代表r需要改变的次数,sum2代表b需要改变的次数,所以可以                              //交换的次数就是min(sum1,sum2),而剩下的就必须是改变的,大的减去小的加上min(sum1,sum2)就等价于max(sum1,sum2)
int main()
{int ans1,ans2;//sum1是b的转移次数,sum2是r的转移次数cin>>n;cin>>a;strcpy(b,a);//cout<<b;if(b[0]=='r'){ans1=solve(0,1,0,0);strcpy(b,a);b[0]='b';ans2=solve(0,1,1,0);}else if(b[0]=='b'){ans1=solve(0,1,0,0);strcpy(b,a);b[0]='r';ans2=solve(0,1,0,1);}// cout<<sum1<<sum2<<sum3<<sum4<<endl;cout<<min(ans1,ans2);return 0;


Memory is now interested in the de-evolution of objects, specifically triangles. He starts with an equilateral triangle of side length x, and he wishes to perform operations to obtain an equilateral triangle of side length y.

In a single second, he can modify the length of a single side of the current triangle such that it remains a non-degenerate triangle (triangle of positive area). At any moment of time, the length of each side should be integer.

What is the minimum number of seconds required for Memory to obtain the equilateral triangle of side length y?


The first and only line contains two integers x and y (3 ≤ y < x ≤ 100 000) — the starting and ending equilateral triangle side lengths respectively.


Print a single integer — the minimum number of seconds required for Memory to obtain the equilateral triangle of side length y if he starts with the equilateral triangle of side length x.


6 3


8 5


22 4



In the first sample test, Memory starts with an equilateral triangle of side length 6 and wants one of side length 3. Denote a triangle with sides a, b, and c as (a, b, c). Then, Memory can do .

In the second sample test, Memory can do .

In the third sample test, Memory can do:





typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
const ll mod=1e9+7;
const int maxn=1e5+10;
const ll maxa=1e10;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f
int a[5];
int x,y,ans=0;
void solve()
{sort(a,a+3);int t=a[1]+a[2]-1;if(t<=x){a[0]=t;ans++;}else{a[0]=x;ans++;}
int main()
{cin>>x>>y;for(int i=0;i<3;i++)a[i]=y;while(a[0]!=x||a[1]!=x||a[2]!=x){solve();}cout<<ans<<endl;return 0;



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