
BGN是一种同态加密方案,是Bonel h等人在2005提出的一种具有全同态性质的加密方案。和传统的仅能支持单同态的elgamal和paillier加密方案不一样,BGN能够同时支持加同态和一次乘同态运算。





package BGN;import java.math.BigInteger;
import;import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Field;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.PairingParameters;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.plaf.jpbc.pairing.a1.TypeA1CurveGenerator;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.plaf.jpbc.pairing.a1.TypeA1Pairing;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.plaf.jpbc.util.math.BigIntegerUtils;public class BGNEncryption {public static final String start = "start";public static final String end = "end";private PairingParameters param;private BigInteger r;private BigInteger q; // This is the private key.private BigInteger order;private SecureRandom rng;public PublicKey gen(int bits) {rng = new SecureRandom();TypeA1CurveGenerator a1 = new TypeA1CurveGenerator(rng, 2, bits); param = a1.generate();TypeA1Pairing pairing = new TypeA1Pairing(param);order = param.getBigInteger("n"); r = param.getBigInteger("n0");q = param.getBigInteger("n1");Field f = pairing.getG1();Element P = f.newRandomElement();P = P.mul(param.getBigInteger("l"));Element Q = f.newElement();Q = Q.set(P);Q = Q.mul(r);return new PublicKey(pairing, P, Q, order);}public Element encrypt(PublicKey PK, int msg) {BigInteger t = BigIntegerUtils.getRandom(PK.getN());int m = msg;
//      System.out.println("Hash is " + m);Field f = PK.getField();Element A = f.newElement();Element B = f.newElement();Element C = f.newElement();A = A.set(PK.getP());A = A.mul(BigInteger.valueOf(m));B = B.set(PK.getQ());B = B.mul(t);C = C.set(A);C = C.add(B);return C;}public Element add(PublicKey PK, Element A, Element B) {BigInteger t = BigIntegerUtils.getRandom(PK.getN());Field f = PK.getField();Element output = f.newElement();Element aux = f.newElement();aux.set(PK.getQ());aux.mul(t);output.set(A);output.add(B);output.add(aux);return output;}public Element mul(PublicKey PK, Element C, Element D) {BigInteger t = BigIntegerUtils.getRandom(PK.getN());
//      double t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();Element T = PK.doPairing(C, D);
//      double t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
//      System.out.println("一次对运算操作的时间"+(t2-t1)+"ms");Element K = PK.doPairing(PK.getQ(), PK.getQ());K = K.pow(t);return T.mul(K);}public String decryptMul(PublicKey PK, BigInteger sk, Element C) {Element PSK = PK.doPairing(PK.getP(), PK.getP());PSK.pow(sk);Element CSK = C.duplicate();CSK.pow(sk);Element aux = PSK.duplicate();BigInteger m = new BigInteger("1");while (!aux.isEqual(CSK)) {aux = aux.mul(PSK);m = m.add(BigInteger.valueOf(1));}return m.toString();}public String decrypt(PublicKey PK, BigInteger sk, Element C) {Field f = PK.getField();Element T = f.newElement();Element K = f.newElement();Element aux = f.newElement();T = T.set(PK.getP());T = T.mul(sk);K = K.set(C);K = K.mul(sk);aux = aux.set(T);BigInteger m = new BigInteger("1");while (!aux.isEqual(K)) {// This is a brute force implementation of finding the discrete// logarithm.// Performance may be improved using algorithms such as Pollard's// Kangaroo.aux = aux.add(T);m = m.add(BigInteger.valueOf(1));}return m.toString();}public static void main(String[] args) {BGNEncryption b = new BGNEncryption();PublicKey PK = b.gen(256);BigInteger f = PK.getN();Element P = PK.getP();Element Q = PK.getQ();BigInteger order = PK.getN();int len1 = P.getLengthInBytes();int len2 = Q.getLengthInBytes();int len3 = order.bitLength();Element msg1 = b.encrypt(PK, 20);int len = msg1.getLengthInBytes();Element msg2 = b.encrypt(PK, 25);int len6 = msg2.getLengthInBytes();Element add = b.add(PK, msg1, msg2);String jiemi = b.decrypt(PK, b.q, add);System.out.println("Addition: "+jiemi);int len4 = add.getLengthInBytes();
//      double t5 = System.currentTimeMillis();Element mul = b.mul(PK, msg1, msg2);
//      double t6 = System.currentTimeMillis();
//      System.out.println("一次同态乘法的时间"+(t6-t5)+"ms");System.out.println("Mul: " + b.decryptMul(PK, b.q, mul));int len5 = mul.getLengthInBytes();System.out.println("P的长度:"+len1);System.out.println("Q的长度:"+len2);System.out.println("阶为:"+len3);System.out.println("msg1的长度:"+len);System.out.println("加同态"+len4);System.out.println("乘同态"+len5);
package BGN;import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Element;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.jpbc.Field;
import it.unisa.dia.gas.plaf.jpbc.pairing.a1.TypeA1Pairing;
import java.math.BigInteger;public class PublicKey {private TypeA1Pairing map;private Element P, Q;private BigInteger n;private Field f;public PublicKey(TypeA1Pairing pairing, Element gen, Element point,BigInteger order) {map = pairing;P = gen.set(gen);Q = point.set(point);n = order;f = pairing.getG1();}public Element doPairing(Element A, Element B) {return map.pairing(A, B);}public Element getP() {return this.P;}public Element getQ() {return this.Q;}public BigInteger getN() {return this.n;}public Field getField() {return this.f;}


Addition: 45
Mul: 500



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