
public static void demo(BigDecimal bigDecimal, int scale){System.out.println();System.out.print(bigDecimal.toString()+"\t");//循环使用8种舍入模式for (int i =0 ;i<8;i++){try{System.out.print(bigDecimal.setScale(scale,i)+"\t");}catch (Exception e){System.out.printf(e.getMessage());}}}


        BigDecimal aa = new BigDecimal("3.300");BigDecimal bb = new BigDecimal("3.344");BigDecimal cc = new BigDecimal("3.355");BigDecimal dd = new BigDecimal("3.356");BigDecimal ee = new BigDecimal("3.366");BigDecimal ff = new BigDecimal("3.512");BigDecimal gg = new BigDecimal("3.561");BigDecimal hh = new BigDecimal("3.169");BigDecimal ii = new BigDecimal("3.000");BigDecimal jj = new BigDecimal("3.001");BigDecimal ll = new BigDecimal("3.500");BigDecimal mm = new BigDecimal("4.500");BigDecimal aa1 = new BigDecimal("-3.300");BigDecimal bb1 = new BigDecimal("-3.344");BigDecimal cc1 = new BigDecimal("-3.355");BigDecimal dd1 = new BigDecimal("-3.356");BigDecimal ee1 = new BigDecimal("-3.366");BigDecimal ff1 = new BigDecimal("-3.512");BigDecimal gg1 = new BigDecimal("-3.561");BigDecimal hh1 = new BigDecimal("-3.169");BigDecimal ii1 = new BigDecimal("-3.000");BigDecimal jj1 = new BigDecimal("-3.001");BigDecimal ll1 = new BigDecimal("-3.500");BigDecimal mm1 = new BigDecimal("-4.500");demo(aa,0);demo(bb,0);demo(cc,0);demo(dd,0);demo(ee,0);demo(ff,0);demo(gg,0);demo(hh,0);demo(ii,0);demo(jj,0);demo(ll,0);demo(mm,0);System.out.println();System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------");demo(aa1,0);demo(bb1,0);demo(cc1,0);demo(dd1,0);demo(ee1,0);demo(ff1,0);demo(gg1,0);demo(hh1,0);demo(ii1,0);demo(jj1,0);demo(ll1,0);demo(mm1,0);



             值   ROUND_UP        ROUND_DOWN          ROUND_CEILING       ROUND_FLOOR         ROUND_HALF_UP       ROUND_HALF_DOWN     ROUND_HALF_EVEN     ROUND_UNNECESSARY3.300      4               3                   4                   3                   3                   3                   3                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.344        4               3                   4                   3                   3                   3                   3                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.355        4               3                   4                   3                   3                   3                   3                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.356        4               3                   4                   3                   3                   3                   3                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.366        4               3                   4                   3                   3                   3                   3                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.512        4               3                   4                   3                   4                   4                   4                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.561        4               3                   4                   3                   4                   4                   4                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.169        4               3                   4                   3                   3                   3                   3                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.000        3               3                   3                   3                   3                   3                   3                   3   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.001      4               3                   4                   3                   3                   3                   3                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.500        4               3                   4                   3                   4                   3                   4                   Rounding necessary---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.500        5               4                   5                   4                   5                   4                   4                   Rounding necessary


-3.300      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -3                  -3                  -3                  Rounding necessary
-3.344      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -3                  -3                  -3                  Rounding necessary
-3.355      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -3                  -3                  -3                  Rounding necessary
-3.356      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -3                  -3                  -3                  Rounding necessary
-3.366      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -3                  -3                  -3                  Rounding necessary
-3.512      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -4                  -4                  -4                  Rounding necessary
-3.561      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -4                  -4                  -4                  Rounding necessary
-3.169      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -3                  -3                  -3                  Rounding necessary
-3.000      -3              -3                  -3                  -3                  -3                  -3                  -3                  -3
-3.001      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -3                  -3                  -3                  Rounding necessary
-3.500      -4              -3                  -3                  -4                  -4                  -3                  -4                  Rounding necessary
-4.500      -5              -4                  -4                  -5                  -5                  -4                  -4                  Rounding necessary



    /*** Rounding mode to round away from zero.  Always increments the* digit prior to a nonzero discarded fraction.  Note that this rounding* mode never decreases the magnitude of the calculated value.*/public final static int ROUND_UP =           0;


    /*** Rounding mode to round towards zero.  Never increments the digit* prior to a discarded fraction (i.e., truncates).  Note that this* rounding mode never increases the magnitude of the calculated value.*/public final static int ROUND_DOWN =         1;


    /*** Rounding mode to round towards positive infinity.  If the* {@code BigDecimal} is positive, behaves as for* {@code ROUND_UP}; if negative, behaves as for* {@code ROUND_DOWN}.  Note that this rounding mode never* decreases the calculated value.*/public final static int ROUND_CEILING =      2;


    /*** Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity.  If the* {@code BigDecimal} is positive, behave as for* {@code ROUND_DOWN}; if negative, behave as for* {@code ROUND_UP}.  Note that this rounding mode never* increases the calculated value.*/public final static int ROUND_FLOOR =        3;


    /*** Rounding mode to round towards {@literal "nearest neighbor"}* unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round up.* Behaves as for {@code ROUND_UP} if the discarded fraction is* &ge; 0.5; otherwise, behaves as for {@code ROUND_DOWN}.  Note* that this is the rounding mode that most of us were taught in* grade school.*/public final static int ROUND_HALF_UP =      4;


    /*** Rounding mode to round towards {@literal "nearest neighbor"}* unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round* down.  Behaves as for {@code ROUND_UP} if the discarded* fraction is {@literal >} 0.5; otherwise, behaves as for* {@code ROUND_DOWN}.*/public final static int ROUND_HALF_DOWN =    5;



    /*** Rounding mode to round towards the {@literal "nearest neighbor"}* unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case, round* towards the even neighbor.  Behaves as for* {@code ROUND_HALF_UP} if the digit to the left of the* discarded fraction is odd; behaves as for* {@code ROUND_HALF_DOWN} if it's even.  Note that this is the* rounding mode that minimizes cumulative error when applied* repeatedly over a sequence of calculations.*/public final static int ROUND_HALF_EVEN =    6;


    /*** Rounding mode to assert that the requested operation has an exact* result, hence no rounding is necessary.  If this rounding mode is* specified on an operation that yields an inexact result, an* {@code ArithmeticException} is thrown.*/public final static int ROUND_UNNECESSARY =  7;


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