


关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which, as。

关系副词有:when, where, why, how。



最简形式是简单句He is the man,从句who needs help作定语修饰the man。


最简形式是 The book will arrive, 从句that your ordered online修饰the book作定语。

1. 定语从句的类型——根据关系词分类

1.1 关系代词定语从句

1.1.1 关系代词特性



关系代词在定语 从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。

1.1.1 指人:who, whom, that, whose

He is the man who/that wants to see you.

The man whom I want to see is him.

She was the girl whom/that I saw in the restaurant.

A child whose father is lazy will be raised through widowed parenting. 有懒爸爸的孩子会被丧偶式育儿养大。

I, from whom you will learn a lot, is a self-employed person. 我,一个让你将来学会很多东西的人,是一名自由职业者。

You are no longer the man that you used to be. 你不再是吴下阿蒙。

1.1.2 指物: which, that, whose, of which

He lives in a villa whose history is longer than his father. 他住在一座年龄比他父亲还大的老别墅里

Above the the mountains are the clouds, whose exquisiteness is faithfully reflected by the lake. 山上有云,其精致被湖面忠诚地呈现。

This is the pen whose owner is a talented student. 就是这支笔,它的主人是学霸。

This is the pen (which) you want. 在从句中做宾语,可省略。

This ship in which we crossed the strait is broken. 我们乘坐过海峡的船是艘破船。

The picture which is taken by me is professional. 我拍出的照片很专业。

1.1.3 特殊用法 只能用that 不能用which

先行词为everything, anything,all,little,much等不定代词时;

Is there anything that I can do for you ?有什么我可以帮忙的吗?

Everything (that) the light touches is our kingdom. 凡阳光能照耀之地,便是我们的国度。

Jenny told her mother all that had happened.

先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时;

The only thing I expect of you is to love, and be loved in return.


This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had.

This is the first time that she love a boy so deep.


There are people and goods and plane that can be transported to the recipient 20 minutes after the plane was landed. 飞机运载的人和货物可在20分钟内被转运至接待处。


Who is the girl that won the champion? 不能用that,只能用which


This is the teacher the son of whom is a famous doctor. 这就是儿子是名医的那位老师。

China has many islands, the second largest of which is Hainan Island. 中国有很多岛屿,其中第二大的是海南岛。

Is that the new media for which you often write articles?这就是你经常投稿的新媒体吗?



The clock is that which tells the time,钟表是用来表示时间的。

The knife is that which is used to kill. 刀子是用来杀戮的。

1.2 关系副词定语从句

1.2.1 where =at, in, on which

This is the house where I lived.

Beijing is the place where (in which) the capital of China is.

He want to find the place where he worked 10 years ago.

1.2.1 why=for which

This is the reason why (for which) he refused our offer.

I do not know the reason why he failed.

1.2.3 when=during, in, on which

By the time you arrive, we had waited for you for 2 hours. You are so late!

There are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 有时你不得不屈服。

I still remember the time when I met her for the first time. She was so young and so beautiful. 记得小苹初见,两重心字罗衣。

Every time when you go away, you take a piece of me with you. 歌词

2. 根据从句效用分类

2.1 限定性定语从句

2.1.1 特点




2.2.2 例句

This is the boy you are looking for.

I lost my heart in the girl in which I fall in love last time.

She was the girl whom/that I saw in the restaurant.

Here is somebody who wants to speak to you.

2.2 非限定性定语从句

2.2.1 特点



2.2.2 例句

I like singing for the very reason that(for which) she dislikes it. 我喜欢唱歌,基于同样的原因,她不喜欢。

He has a brother who works in Google. 他有个在谷歌工作的兄弟。(我们不知道他有几个兄弟,但是肯定有一个在谷歌工作,补充说明)

His wife, who loved him very much, went to see him. 他的妻子,爱他至深,赶过去看他。

An loquat tree in the yard, which I planted in the year my wife died, is like a canopy now. 庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣


英语高中英语语法归纳总结「定语从句」by 宾宾趣谈


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