

首先,我们习惯性的打开 core 目录,瞧瞧是否有个文件名有 model 的字段,哦豁~ 还真有(Model.php),赶紧双击打开看看吧。

class CI_Model {/*** Class constructor** @link  https://github.com/bcit-ci/CodeIgniter/issues/5332* @return    void*/public function __construct() {}/*** __get magic** Allows models to access CI's loaded classes using the same* syntax as controllers.** @param  string  $key*/# 这是个php的魔术方法,当对象获取一个不存在的类对象时,会自动调用该方法.# 这里的作用是,让模型中可以按 控制器 中的 调用方法的方式,如:$this->load->model()此类# 至于如何工作的,下面会说明public function __get($key){// Debugging note://   If you're here because you're getting an error message//  saying 'Undefined Property: system/core/Model.php', it's//   most likely a typo in your model code.return get_instance()->$key;}}



defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');class Test extends CI_Controller {/*** Test Page for this controller.* /public function __construct() {parent::__construct();# 加载模型$this->load->model('Test_model');}public function index(){echo $this->Test_model->list();}
<?phpdefined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');/**
* 测试模型
class Test_model extends CI_Model
{function __construct(){parent::__construct();# 加载数据库$this->load->database();}# 返回列表public function list() {return 'list';}

我们先看控制器Test类中的构造方法有这么一行:$this->load->model(‘Test_model’),上一篇中的控制器中已经提到了 $this 这个超级对象(忘记的可以回到上一篇再看下),这里,我们可以看到它调用了load(Loader类实例)对象的model方法,代码走起~~

 /*** Model Loader** Loads and instantiates models.** @param    mixed   $model      Model name* @param string  $name       An optional object name to assign to* @param   bool    $db_conn    An optional database connection configuration to initialize* @return   object*/public function model($model, $name = '', $db_conn = FALSE){# 如果为空则返回if (empty($model)){return $this;}elseif (is_array($model)){# $model 可接受数组,所以这里循环数组调用了 model 方法foreach ($model as $key => $value){# 由于我们在控制器中加载模型时,可以给模型弄个别名# 所以这里加了一个判断,如果是普通数组的话则直接加载# 若是索引数组的话,他会将$key作为模型名,$value作为别名加载is_int($key) ? $this->model($value, '', $db_conn) : $this->model($key, $value, $db_conn);}return $this;}$path = '';// Is the model in a sub-folder? If so, parse out the filename and path.# 如果模型名中带有 / 则说明他是在 models目录的子目录中# 得到最后一个 / 所在的位置if (($last_slash = strrpos($model, '/')) !== FALSE){// The path is in front of the last slash# 分割出目录 如:blog/v1/$path = substr($model, 0, ++$last_slash);// And the model name behind it# 分割出模型名$model = substr($model, $last_slash);}# 将 $model 赋值给 $nameif (empty($name)){$name = $model;}# 若这个模型已经被加载则跳出函数if (in_array($name, $this->_ci_models, TRUE)){return $this;}# 调用 CodeIgniter.php 中的 get_instance() 方法,获取 超级对象$CI =& get_instance();# 判断当前需要加载的模型名是否存在于 超级 对象中# 若存在,则抛出异常:说明该名称已被框架核心类名占用if (isset($CI->$name)){throw new RuntimeException('The model name you are loading is the name of a resource that is already being used: '.$name);}# 是否自动连接数据库if ($db_conn !== FALSE && ! class_exists('CI_DB', FALSE)){if ($db_conn === TRUE){$db_conn = '';}# 连接数据库$this->database($db_conn, FALSE, TRUE);}// Note: All of the code under this condition used to be just:////       load_class('Model', 'core');////       However, load_class() instantiates classes//       to cache them for later use and that prevents//       MY_Model from being an abstract class and is//       sub-optimal otherwise anyway.# 加载模型基类及自定义的前缀模型(MY_开头的)if ( ! class_exists('CI_Model', FALSE)){$app_path = APPPATH.'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;if (file_exists($app_path.'Model.php')){require_once($app_path.'Model.php');if ( ! class_exists('CI_Model', FALSE)){throw new RuntimeException($app_path."Model.php exists, but doesn't declare class CI_Model");}log_message('info', 'CI_Model class loaded');}elseif ( ! class_exists('CI_Model', FALSE)){require_once(BASEPATH.'core'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Model.php');}# 尝试拼装自定义的模型类文件名,如(MY_Model),并尝试加载$class = config_item('subclass_prefix').'Model';if (file_exists($app_path.$class.'.php')){require_once($app_path.$class.'.php');if ( ! class_exists($class, FALSE)){throw new RuntimeException($app_path.$class.".php exists, but doesn't declare class ".$class);}log_message('info', config_item('subclass_prefix').'Model class loaded');}}# 模型类名首字母大写$model = ucfirst($model);if ( ! class_exists($model, FALSE)){foreach ($this->_ci_model_paths as $mod_path){if ( ! file_exists($mod_path.'models/'.$path.$model.'.php')){continue;}require_once($mod_path.'models/'.$path.$model.'.php');if ( ! class_exists($model, FALSE)){throw new RuntimeException($mod_path."models/".$path.$model.".php exists, but doesn't declare class ".$model);}break;}if ( ! class_exists($model, FALSE)){throw new RuntimeException('Unable to locate the model you have specified: '.$model);}}elseif ( ! is_subclass_of($model, 'CI_Model')){throw new RuntimeException("Class ".$model." already exists and doesn't extend CI_Model");}# 将模型名加入到数组中,方便调用$this->_ci_models[] = $name;# 实例化模型类$model = new $model();# 赋值,如加载Test_model 后,则可以使用 $this->Test_model->method() 方式$CI->$name = $model;log_message('info', 'Model "'.get_class($model).'" initialized');return $this;}


 /*** Database Loader** @param  mixed   $params     Database configuration options* @param bool    $return     Whether to return the database object* @param  bool    $query_builder  Whether to enable Query Builder*                    (overrides the configuration setting)** @return    object|bool Database object if $return is set to TRUE,*                 FALSE on failure, CI_Loader instance in any other case*/public function database($params = '', $return = FALSE, $query_builder = NULL){// Grab the super object# 同样获取 超级 对象$CI =& get_instance();// Do we even need to load the database class?# 一系列的条件判断if ($return === FALSE && $query_builder === NULL && isset($CI->db) && is_object($CI->db) && ! empty($CI->db->conn_id)){return FALSE;}# 引入 DB 文件require_once(BASEPATH.'database/DB.php');# 如果$return为TRUE,表示需要返回数据库(DB)对象if ($return === TRUE){# 这里调用DB 方法进行初始化数据库连接对象return DB($params, $query_builder);}// Initialize the db variable. Needed to prevent// reference errors with some configurations$CI->db = '';// Load the DB class# 获取数据库连接对象,并赋值给$CI->db$CI->db =& DB($params, $query_builder);return $this;}

如果我们在控制器中加载模型时,使用 FALSE 标识后,我们可以在自己的模型文件的构造方法中,使用 $this->load-database()获取数据库实例:

<?phpdefined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');/**
* 测试模型
class Test_model extends CI_Model
{function __construct(){parent::__construct();# 这里同样使用了 load 类的 database 方法$this->load->database();}public function list() {return 'list';}

好啦!这期的模型就讲完了,是不是很简单,哦,还有一点,CI加载数据库是,会根据 application\config\database.php配置去加载你配置的驱动类,根据不同的驱动是实现不同的数据库连接,这里你可以去看一下 system\database 目录的内容。
2、实例化加载的模型,并将它赋值给 超级 对象,这样,我们就能通过 $this 去方便调用它
3、如果配置的 TRUE 标识,这会自动加载数据库连接,我一般都是手动加载的。

ok,我们下一期会带大家学习 CI 的 视图(View)是如何工作的?再会~~

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