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Required Info
Camera Model D435&D435i
Firmware Version
Operating System & Version Win10
Kernel Version (Linux Only) (e.g. 4.14.13)
Platform PC
SDK Version 2.25.0
Language python
Segment Robot

Issue Description

We have obtained the pixel position of the target obtained from the recognition program, and also obtained the depth (Z) of the target through the alignment of the depth map to the color map. Next, how can we obtain the actual target through the pixel position of the target? That is, relative to the X and Y coordinates of the camera?

我们已经获得了从识别程序获得的目标的像素位置,并且还通过将深度图与颜色图对齐来获得了目标的深度(Z)。 接下来,如何通过目标的像素位置获得实际目标? 也就是说,相对于相机的X和Y坐标?

Best regards,



@Dontla , converting a depth 2D pixel into 3D vertex is achieved by calling rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point API.
Note that if you’re using an “depth aligned to xxx” image then the intrinsic that you need pass to the function must be taken from the “aligned” and not the original depth frame.




参考文章:How to get the actual coordinates of a specific target captured by the camera at a certain resolution relative to the camera?


参考文章2:RealSense D415 捕捉乒乓球运动


Intel Realsense D435 如何通过图像识别出的比例点(x, y)获得实际点相对于摄像机原点的三维坐标(x, y, z)?相关推荐

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