
1. 图卷积神经网络最常用的几个模型(GCN、GAT、GraphSAGE)

2、归纳式学习(inductive learning)

3、不同于之前的学习node embedding,提出学习aggregators等函数的方式












三、Related Work










六、Theoretical Analysis && Conclusion

总结提出的GraphSAGE模型具有归纳式的能力,邻居汇聚时考虑不同的aggregator方式,讨论了几种未来方向和subgraph embedding 邻居采样方式等


1、归纳式学习(inductive learning)










3、Batch 训练方式 sample 邻居性能高效



论文中的数据集-cora数据集主要包含两个文件,一个是cora.cites表示两个节点节点是否有边另一个是cora.content 表示每个节点的特征以及labelexample:cora.cites35    1033
35  103482
35  103515
35  1050679
35  1103960
35  1103985
35  1109199
35  1112911
35  1113438
35  1113831
35  1114331
35  1117476
35  1119505
35  1119708
35  1120431
35  1123756
35  1125386
35  1127430
35  1127913
.....cora.content31336  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   Neural_Networks
""" 加载数据并对数据进行处理 """def load_cora():import numpy as npnum_nodes = 2708num_feats = 1433feat_data = np.zeros((num_nodes, num_feats))labels = np.empty((num_nodes, 1), dtype=np.int64)node_map = {}label_map = {}with open('../cora/cora.content') as fp:for i,line in enumerate(fp):info = line.strip().split()tmp = []for ss in info[1:-1]:tmp.append(float(ss))feat_data[i,:] = tmpnode_map[info[0]] = iif not info[-1] in label_map:label_map[info[-1]] = len(label_map)labels[i] = label_map[info[-1]]from collections import defaultdictadj_lists = defaultdict(set)with open('../cora/cora.cites') as fp:for i,line in enumerate(fp):info = line.strip().split()uid = node_map[info[0]]target_uid = node_map[info[1]]adj_lists[uid].add(target_uid)adj_lists[target_uid].add(uid)return feat_data,labels,adj_lists""" 构建aggregate 函数"""import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import randomclass MeanAggregator(nn.Module):def __init__(self,features,cuda=False,gcn=False):super(MeanAggregator,self).__init__()self.features = featuresself.cuda = cudaself.gcn = gcndef forward(self,nodes,to_neighs,num_sample=10):_set = setif not num_sample is None:_sample = random.samplesamp_neighs = [_set(_sample(to_neigh, num_sample)) if len(to_neigh) >= num_sample else to_neigh for to_neigh in to_neighs]else:sample_neighs = to_neighsif self.gcn:sample_neighs = [samp_neigh + set([nodes[i]]) for i,samp_neigh in enumerate(samp_neighs)]unique_nodes_list = list(set.union(*samp_neighs))unique_nodes = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(unique_nodes_list)}mask = Variable(torch.zeros(len(samp_neighs),len(unique_nodes)))column_indices = [unique_nodes[n] for samp_neigh in samp_neighs for n in samp_neigh]row_indices = [i for i in range(len(samp_neighs)) for j in range(len(samp_neighs[i]))]mask[row_indices,column_indices] = 1if self.cuda:mask = mask.cuda()num_neigh = mask.sum(1,keepdim=True)mask = mask.div(num_neigh)if self.cuda:embed_matrix = self.features(torch.LongTensor(unique_nodes_list).cuda())else:embed_matrix = self.features(torch.LongTensor(unique_nodes_list))to_feats = to_feats""" 自身节点和邻居节点进行聚合 """import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import init
import torch.nn.functional as Fclass Encoder(nn.Module):"""Encodes a node's using 'convolutional' GraphSage approach"""def __init__(self, features, feature_dim, embed_dim, adj_lists, aggregator,num_sample=10,base_model=None, gcn=False, cuda=False, feature_transform=False): super(Encoder, self).__init__()self.features = features# 变换前的hidden_size/维度self.feat_dim = feature_dimself.adj_lists = adj_lists# 即邻居聚合后的mebeddingself.aggregator = aggregatorself.num_sample = num_sampleif base_model != None:self.base_model = base_modelself.gcn = gcn# 变换后的hidden_size/维度self.embed_dim = embed_dimself.cuda = cudaself.aggregator.cuda = cuda# 矩阵W维度 = 变换后维度 * 变换前维度# 其中gcn表示是否拼接,如果拼接的话由于是"自身向量||邻居聚合向量", 所以维度为2倍self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(embed_dim, self.feat_dim if self.gcn else 2 * self.feat_dim))init.xavier_uniform(self.weight)def forward(self, nodes):"""Generates embeddings for a batch of nodes.nodes     -- list of nodes"""neigh_feats = self.aggregator.forward(nodes, [self.adj_lists[int(node)] for node in nodes], self.num_sample)if not self.gcn:if self.cuda:self_feats = self.features(torch.LongTensor(nodes).cuda())else:self_feats = self.features(torch.LongTensor(nodes))# 将自身和聚合邻居的向量拼接, algorithm 1 line 5的拼接部分combined =[self_feats, neigh_feats], dim=1)else:# 只用聚合邻居的向量来表示,不用自身信息, algorithm 1 line 5的拼接部分combined = neigh_feats# 送入到神经网络,algorithm 1 line 5乘以矩阵Wcombined = F.relu( 经过一层GNN layer后的点的embedding,维度为embed_dim * nodesreturn combined""" 定义整体结构 """class SupervisedGraphSage(nn.Module):def __init__(self, num_classes, enc):super(SupervisedGraphSage, self).__init__()# 这里面赋值为enc2(经过两层GNN)self.enc = encself.xent = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()# 全连接参数矩阵,映射到labels num_classes维度做分类self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(num_classes, enc.embed_dim))init.xavier_uniform(self.weight)def forward(self, nodes):# embeds实际是我们两层GNN后的输出nodes embeddingembeds = self.enc(nodes)# 最后将nodes * hidden size 映射到 nodes * num_classes(= 7)之后做softmax计算cross entropyscores = scores.t()def loss(self, nodes, labels):# 钱箱传播scores = self.forward(nodes)# 定义的cross entropyreturn self.xent(scores, labels.squeeze())""" 训练模型 """def run_cora():# 随机数设置seed(种子)np.random.seed(1)random.seed(1)# cora数据集点数num_nodes = 2708# 加载cora数据集, 分别是# feat_data: 特征# labels: 标签# adj_lists: 邻接表,dict (key: node, value: neighbors set)feat_data, labels, adj_lists = load_cora()# 设置输入的input features矩阵X的维度 = 点的数量 * 特征维度features = nn.Embedding(2708, 1433)# 为矩阵X赋值,参数不更新features.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(feat_data), requires_grad=False)# features.cuda()# 一共两层GNN layer# 第一层GNN# 以mean的方式聚合邻居, algorithm 1 line 4agg1 = MeanAggregator(features, cuda=True)# 将自身和聚合邻居的向量拼接后送入到神经网络(可选是否只用聚合邻居的信息来表示), algorithm 1 line 5enc1 = Encoder(features, 1433, 128, adj_lists, agg1, gcn=True, cuda=False)# 第二层GNN# 将第一层的GNN输出作为输入传进去# 这里面.t()表示转置,是因为Encoder class的输出维度为embed_dim * nodesagg2 = MeanAggregator(lambda nodes : enc1(nodes).t(), cuda=False)# enc1.embed_dim = 128, 变换后的维度还是128enc2 = Encoder(lambda nodes : enc1(nodes).t(), enc1.embed_dim, 128, adj_lists, agg2,base_model=enc1, gcn=True, cuda=False)# 采样的邻居点的数量enc1.num_samples = 5enc2.num_samples = 5# 7分类问题# enc2是经过两层GNN layer时候得到的 node embedding/featuresgraphsage = SupervisedGraphSage(7, enc2)# graphsage.cuda()# 目的是打乱节点顺序rand_indices = np.random.permutation(num_nodes)# 划分测试集、验证集、训练集test = rand_indices[:1000]val = rand_indices[1000:1500]train = list(rand_indices[1500:])# 用SGD的优化,设置学习率optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(filter(lambda p : p.requires_grad, graphsage.parameters()), lr=0.7)# 记录每个batch训练时间times = []# 共训练100个batchfor batch in range(100):# 取256个nodes作为一个batchbatch_nodes = train[:256]# 打乱训练集的顺序,使下次迭代batch随机random.shuffle(train)# 记录开始时间start_time = time.time()optimizer.zero_grad()# 这个是SupervisedGraphSage里面定义的cross entropy lossloss = graphsage.loss(batch_nodes, Variable(torch.LongTensor(labels[np.array(batch_nodes)])))# 反向传播和更新参数loss.backward()optimizer.step()# 记录结束时间end_time = time.time()times.append(end_time-start_time)# print (batch,[0])print (batch, 做validationval_output = graphsage.forward(val)# 计算micro F1 scoreprint ("Validation F1:", f1_score(labels[val],, average="micro"))# 计算每个batch的平均训练时间print ("Average batch time:", np.mean(times))
""" 模型运行结果 """run_cora()0 tensor(1.9649)
1 tensor(1.9406)
2 tensor(1.9115)
3 tensor(1.8925)
4 tensor(1.8731)
5 tensor(1.8354)
6 tensor(1.8018)
7 tensor(1.7535)
8 tensor(1.6938)
9 tensor(1.6029)
10 tensor(1.6312)
11 tensor(1.5248)
12 tensor(1.4800)
13 tensor(1.4503)
14 tensor(1.4162)
15 tensor(1.3210)
16 tensor(1.2243)
17 tensor(1.2255)
18 tensor(1.0978)
19 tensor(1.1330)
20 tensor(0.9534)
21 tensor(0.9112)
22 tensor(0.9170)
23 tensor(0.7924)
24 tensor(0.8008)
25 tensor(0.7142)
26 tensor(0.7839)
27 tensor(0.8878)
28 tensor(1.2177)
29 tensor(0.9943)
30 tensor(0.8073)
31 tensor(0.6588)
32 tensor(0.6254)
33 tensor(0.5622)
34 tensor(0.5158)
35 tensor(0.4763)
36 tensor(0.5298)
37 tensor(0.5419)
38 tensor(0.5098)
39 tensor(0.4122)
40 tensor(0.4262)
41 tensor(0.4451)
42 tensor(0.4126)
43 tensor(0.4409)
44 tensor(0.3913)
45 tensor(0.4496)
46 tensor(0.4365)
47 tensor(0.4601)
48 tensor(0.4714)
49 tensor(0.4090)
50 tensor(0.4145)
51 tensor(0.3428)
52 tensor(0.3454)
53 tensor(0.3531)
54 tensor(0.3131)
55 tensor(0.2719)
56 tensor(0.3519)
57 tensor(0.3286)
58 tensor(0.3125)
59 tensor(0.2529)
60 tensor(0.3033)
61 tensor(0.2332)
62 tensor(0.3049)
63 tensor(0.3026)
64 tensor(0.3770)
65 tensor(0.3811)
66 tensor(0.3223)
67 tensor(0.2450)
68 tensor(0.2620)
69 tensor(0.2846)
70 tensor(0.2482)
71 tensor(0.3044)
72 tensor(0.4133)
73 tensor(0.3156)
74 tensor(0.4421)
75 tensor(0.2596)
76 tensor(0.2585)
77 tensor(0.2639)
78 tensor(0.2035)
79 tensor(0.2328)
80 tensor(0.1748)
81 tensor(0.1730)
82 tensor(0.1978)
83 tensor(0.1614)
84 tensor(0.1890)
85 tensor(0.1227)
86 tensor(0.1568)
87 tensor(0.1527)
88 tensor(0.2365)
89 tensor(0.2297)
90 tensor(0.1787)
91 tensor(0.1920)
92 tensor(0.1864)
93 tensor(0.1254)
94 tensor(0.1678)
95 tensor(0.1336)
96 tensor(0.1562)
97 tensor(0.2531)
98 tensor(0.2392)
99 tensor(0.2089)
Validation F1: 0.864
Average batch time: 0.047979302406311035

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