
For interoperability, 802.11n supports three modes, explains Hung:

* Legacy mode.

Addresses 11n APs and an 11a/g/b client environment. In this case, the client decodes the first three fields of a six-field header, which is specific to 11a and 11g. If the 5-GHz option isn’t supported in the 11n AP, there will be no backward compatibility with 802.11a.

用来解决802.11n的AP与a/g/b的兼容模式。在这种模式下,客户端首先解码首先得三部分在第六层(six-field header,我觉得是第六层也就是mac的意思)的报头,对于802.11a和g市特定的部分。如果AP是不支持5G的频带,那么这时候AP就不能向下兼容802.11a.

* Mixed mode.

Addresses 11n APs and a mixed 11n/a/g/b environment. As in legacy mode, 11a and 11g/b clients will read the first three fields of the AP’s 11n header, while 802.11n will also parse the additional three “high throughput” fields of the full 11n header. Again, if the 5-GHz option isn’t supported in the 11n AP, there will be no backward compatibility with 802.11a.


* Greenfield mode.

PS:The Greenfield mode is an optional high-throughput mode in the 802.11n standard, which is not backward compatible with legacy

(802.11a/b/g) protocols and is expected to provide maximum performance benefits of 802.11n.

Addresses a pure network of 802.11n APs and clients, taking full advantage of the high-throughput capabilities of the 11n MIMO architecture.


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