
AirPlay (AirPlay)

AirPlay is released by Apple in the year 2004. It allows the easy exchange of audios without the use of any wired technique between the two devices. It was previously termed as AirTunes and later got its name changed to AirPlay.

AirPlay由Apple于2004年发布。它可以轻松交换音频,而无需在两个设备之间使用任何有线技术。 它以前被称为AirTunes,后来被更名为AirPlay

As one can easily understand through the term 'Air', it's all about the wireless streaming of data. A few examples of the same are – iTunes, iPads, iPods, etc.

正如人们通过“空中”一词可以很容易地理解的那样 ,这全都与无线数据流有关。 几个相同的例子是– iTunes,iPad,iPod等。

People think that if it possible for a device to play a song from a different device. AirPlay makes it all possible with its technology. Through AirPlay one can easily send music from one device and it gets played on another device.

人们认为,如果设备可以播放其他设备上的歌曲,则可以。 AirPlay凭借其技术使一切成为可能。 通过AirPlay,您可以轻松地从一台设备发送音乐,然后在另一台设备上播放音乐。

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Perhaps, other than this functionality, it also helps the user to run other media devices as well. If a user wants to add more volume into their device, through AirPlay, they can easily do it. It has many other advantages as well.

也许除了此功能之外,它还可以帮助用户运行其他媒体设备。 如果用户想通过AirPlay在设备中添加更多音量,则可以轻松实现。 它还具有许多其他优点。

Although the other media such as photos, videos, and other applications can be easily shared between the devices, AirPlay is mostly used for audio and music purposes only.
One can easily run their application into another device using AirPlay. In order to do that, they need to open the video in iTunes and then click on the AirPlay button. In that, all the other devices will be showing. Click on any device you want to see your application. It may ask for a code. After entering code, your application will get started in your preferred device. Enjoy!

使用AirPlay可以轻松地将其应用程序运行到另一台设备上。 为此,他们需要在iTunes中打开视频,然后单击AirPlay按钮。 这样,所有其他设备都将显示。 单击您想要查看您的应用程序的任何设备。 它可能要求输入代码。 输入代码后,您的应用程序将在您的首选设备中启动。 请享用!




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