

// class MyStack {// private://      queue<int> q;// public:
//     /** Initialize your data structure here. */
//     MyStack() {//     }//     /** Push element x onto stack. */
//     void push(int x) {//         //后进 先出  反转队列 将新元素插到 第一个
//         int size = q.size();//还没插入新元素之前
//         q.push(x);
//         while(size--)//保证插入的第一个元素在队列的首位
//         {//             int temp = q.front();
//             q.pop();
//             q.push(temp);//插入到队尾
//         }
//     }//     /** Removes the element on top of the stack and returns that element. */
//     int pop() {//           int popele = q.front();//访问栈顶元素
//           q.pop();//删除栈顶元素
//           return popele;
//     }//     /** Get the top element. */
//     int top() {//        return q.front();
//     }//     /** Returns whether the stack is empty. */
//     bool empty() {//         return q.empty();
//     }
// };// /**
//  * Your MyStack object will be instantiated and called as such:
//  * MyStack* obj = new MyStack();
//  * obj->push(x);
//  * int param_2 = obj->pop();
//  * int param_3 = obj->top();
//  * bool param_4 = obj->empty();
//  */class MyStack {private:/**思路:这里我们不能用两个都队列(一个进,一个出)来模拟栈,queue1: 1 2 3 4 queue2: 4 3 2 1移除4 (即栈顶)此时queue1: queue2: 3 2 1如果再来俩元素的话queue1: 5 6queue2:3 2 1想要移除栈顶6的话(再将队列一的元素移到队列二)queue2:3 2 1 6 5(可以看出无法得到 栈顶元素 6)**/queue<int> q;public:/** Initialize your data structure here. */MyStack() {}//我们将每次入队的时候 将元素放到末尾,然后将其他元素按顺序出队排到其后面/** Push element x onto stack. */void push(int x) {int size = q.size();q.push(x);while(size--) {int temp = q.front();q.pop();q.push(temp);}}/** Removes the element on top of the stack and returns that element. */int pop() {int nums = q.front();q.pop();return nums;}/** Get the top element. */int top() {int nums = q.front();return nums;}/** Returns whether the stack is empty. */bool empty() {return q.empty();}
};/*** Your MyStack object will be instantiated and called as such:* MyStack* obj = new MyStack();* obj->push(x);* int param_2 = obj->pop();* int param_3 = obj->top();* bool param_4 = obj->empty();*/

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