Once a week we share three of the questions we’ve answered from the Ask HTG inbox with the greater readership; this week we’re looking at white noise screen savers, efficient file naming systems, and recovering from a password compromise.

每周一次,我们从Ask HTG收件箱中分享我们已经回答的三个问题,并且读者人数更多。 本周,我们将研究白噪声屏幕保护程序,高效的文件命名系统以及如何从密码泄露中恢复。

在哪里可以找到白噪声屏幕保护程序? (Where Can I Find a White Noise Screen Saver?)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Years ago (back in the days of Windows 95) I had a screen saver that replicated the white noise/snow patterns of an early analog television set. You know the screen that appeared when the network went off the air for the night or the set was tuned to a channel that had no broadcast? I’m sure if I still had a copy it would be compatible with my new computer but I’ve lost it to the digital sands. Can you help me?

几年前(在Windows 95时代),我有一个屏幕保护程序可以复制早期模拟电视机的白噪声/雪模式。 您知道当网络停播整夜或将设备调到没有广播的频道时出现的屏幕吗? 我确定如果我仍然有副本,它将与我的新计算机兼容,但是我已经把它丢到了数字沙滩上。 你能帮助我吗?



Screensaver Nostalgic in North Dakota


Dear Screensaver,


Now there’s something kids these days just wouldn’t understand—the soft hiss of a television channel with no broadcast signal. We’re suckers for system customization of all stripes and we have a bit of a soft spot for screen savers, so you certainly asked the right people to help you find your long lost screen saver.

现在,有些日子孩子们根本听不懂-电视频道的柔和嘶嘶声,没有广播信号。 我们是针对所有条纹的系统定制的吸引者,并且我们对屏幕保护程序有一点偏爱,因此您当然需要合适的人来帮助您找到丢失了很长时间的屏幕保护程序。

In our travels we came across a few screen savers that may be of interest to you. TV Noise and TV Snow Screensaver both recreate the effect of television white noise. Mac users interested in the effect will want to check out Noise Screen Saver for OS X 10.6 and above. None of the screensavers include an audio component so if you want the full effect you’ll want to check out some of the many free white noise MP3s floating around the net.

在旅行中,我们遇到了一些您可能感兴趣的屏幕保护程序。 电视噪声和电视降雪屏保都可以再现电视白噪声的效果。 对效果感兴趣的Mac用户将要查看OS X 10.6及更高版本的“噪声屏幕保护程序”。 没有任何屏保包含音频组件,因此,如果您想获得全部效果,则需要检查一下网上漂浮的许多免费白噪声MP3中的一些。

什么是NTFS文件最有效的文件命名系统? (What Is The Most Efficient File Naming System for NTFS Files?)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Just what is the most efficient naming convention for saving files?  There doesn’t seem to be any standards but one would suspect that the NTFS file system would be most effective using some sort of standard names.

保存文件最有效的命名约定是什么? 似乎没有任何标准,但是人们会怀疑,使用某种标准名称,NTFS文件系统将是最有效的。

I’ve seen ‘dotted’, ‘dashed’, ‘underscored’, etc. names and was wondering .. Which is the best to use with NTFS? (Microsoft give some very general guide lines but never says which is most efficient.)

我看到过“点缀”,“虚线”,“下划线”等名称,并且想知道..NTFS最好使用哪种? (Microsoft提供了一些非常一般性的指导方针,但从未说过哪种效率最高。)

As an example, which of the following is the most efficient / effective (if any) way to name a file being saved?


a. My.Info.Data.File.v3.33.zip

一种。 My.Info.Data.File.v3.33.zip

b. My_Info_Data_File_v3_33.zip

b。 My_Info_Data_File_v3_33.zip

c. My Info Data File v3.33.zip

C。 我的信息数据文件v3.33.zip

d. Myinfodatafilev333.zip

d。 Myinfodatafilev333.zip

I’ve been using the ‘c’ format just for the sake of easy reading, but now I wonder if this is what I should be doing. Any help / guidance would be appreciated.

为了方便阅读,我一直在使用'c'格式,但是现在我想知道这是否应该做。 任何帮助/指导将不胜感激。





Dear File Name,


You can actually use pretty much any naming convention you’d like in modern versions of Windows. The one we definitely wouldn’t recommend is using periods instead of spaces—that could possibly lead to confusion with file extensions. You also may have to wrap the path in quotes if you’re creating a shortcut to a file or something, but that’s a rare problem.

实际上,您几乎可以使用现代Windows版本中想要的任何命名约定。 我们绝对不建议您使用句号而不是空格,这可能会导致文件扩展名混乱。 如果要创建文件或其他内容的快捷方式,则可能还必须将路径用引号引起来,但这是一个罕见的问题。

If you’re using Windows 7, 8, or Vista, you’ve got a built-in search system in the Start Menu that will work a lot better in locating your files if you simply use spaces in the file name, which is what Microsoft expects people to do. That’s the main reason to choose one over the other—easy file location. Spaces in place of other characters works best both for the human reader and for the way Windows searches for files (on the assumption that you’ve named files in a human-friendly format).

如果您使用的是Windows 7、8或Vista,则在“开始”菜单中有一个内置的搜索系统,如果您仅在文件名中使用空格,这将在查找文件时更好地工作。微软希望人们能做到。 这是选择一个而不是另一个的主要原因-易于定位的文件。 对于人类阅读器和Windows搜索文件的方式(假设您以人性化的格式命名文件),用空格代替其他字符最有效。

帐户遭到破坏后,如何恢复和管理密码 (How Can I  Recover and Manage Your Passwords After an Account Compromise)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Just recently a forum I post to was compromised. This wouldn’t be a big deal but I use the same email/password combination for the forum that I use for my actual email. That was really stupid, I know, but until this security breach I didn’t really think much about it. Now I’m freaking out and changing my passwords. I figured you guys would have some advice to help me through this and maybe make using good passwords easier. I don’t want to fall into bad password habits but I also don’t want to have to memorize a bazillion different passwords. Help!

就在最近,我发布到的论坛遭到破坏。 没什么大不了的,但是我在论坛中使用的电子邮件/密码组合与实际电子邮件中使用的相同。 我知道那真是愚蠢,但是直到发生安全漏洞,我才对此进行了认真的思考。 现在,我很害怕并更改密码。 我想你们会给我一些建议,以帮助我解决这个问题,并且也许可以使使用好密码更加容易。 我不想陷入不良的密码习惯,但也不想记住不计其数的不同密码。 帮帮我!



Freaking Out in Florida


Dear Freaking Out,


You’re not the first person to be in this position so while. Yes,  using the same email and password for a bunch of services wasn’t a good idea, but it’s not the end of the world. It sounds like the forum administrators were at least forthright enough to shoot you a quick email warning you to change your passwords. You’ve got your email password changed and now it’s time to triage the situation. The first thing you want to do is read our guide to recovering from a compromised email. The second thing you want to do is read our guide to using Last Pass to manage your passwords. Between the two articles you’ll have your passwords completely locked down in no time.

您不是第一个担任此职位的人,而是一会儿。 是的,为一堆服务使用相同的电子邮件和密码不是一个好主意,但这不是世界末日。 听起来论坛管理员至少足够直率,可以向您发送一封快速电子邮件,警告您更改密码。 您已经更改了电子邮件密码,现在是时候对这种情况进行分类了。 您要做的第一件事是阅读我们的指南,以从受感染的电子邮件中恢复。 您想做的第二件事是阅读我们的使用Last Pass管理密码的指南。 在这两篇文章之间,您将立即完全锁定密码。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it. ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/99593/ask-htg-white-noise-screen-savers-efficient-file-naming-and-recovering-from-a-password-compromise/


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