
So you’ve seen your dream junior developer role advertised, and are thinking about applying. It’s time to write that Resume! Nothing better than sitting down to a blank piece of paper and not knowing how to start, right?

因此,您已经看到了梦想中的初级开发人员角色的广告,并且正在考虑申请。 现在该写简历了! 没有什么比坐在一张空白的纸上又不知道如何开始好吗?

The resume is the first thing that the recruiter sees. It’s the gateway to the interview process and could be the difference between getting your dream job and, well, not getting it. And with one A4 page available, you’re going to want to make sure it’s in check.

简历是招聘人员看到的第一件事。 它是面试过程的门户,可能是获得理想工作与没有得到理想工作之间的区别。 在一个A4页面可用的情况下,您将需要确保对其进行检查。

进入正确的心态 (Getting into the right mindset)

It’s important to get into the right mindset before starting your resume. Believe it or not, your attitude will come out in your resume. Having been in the position to recruit junior developers myself, it’s easy to tell between the ones who ‘really want the job’ and those who ‘kind of want the job’.

在开始简历之前,要有正确的心态是很重要的。 信不信由你,你的态度会出现在你的简历中。 由于自己可以招募初级开发人员,因此很容易在“真正想要这份工作”的人和那些“真的想要这份工作”的人之间做出区分。

Confidence in yourself and your abilities is important. So before you start, stand in front of the mirror, put on the rocky theme tune (or whatever pumps you up), and tell yourself that you’re awesome.

对自己和能力的信心很重要。 因此,在开始之前,请站在镜子前,穿上岩石主题曲(或其他使您振奋的曲调),并告诉自己您超赞。

The main things recruiters look for in junior developers are:


  • A basic handle on technology技术的基本知识
  • Passion and a level of curiosity for technology热情和对技术的好奇心
  • Willingness to learn学习的意愿

They know that you are at the beginning of your career. You won’t be expected to lead teams and design systems from day one. They are looking for someone who has potential, but who can also bring value to the business.

他们知道您正处于职业生涯的开始。 从第一天起,您就不会领导团队和设计系统。 他们正在寻找有潜力的人,但也可以为公司带来价值。

You want to convince the recruiter that you have these traits and that you are the right person for the job.


So be bold, be confident and take pride in what you have accomplished so far. — and let’s get it all down on paper.

因此,要大胆,有信心,并对到目前为止所取得的成就感到自豪。 -让我们把所有内容都写下来。

是什么让一个好的初级开发人员简历呢? (What makes a good Junior developer Resume?)

A recruiter will spend an average of 15 seconds scanning over your resume. Yes, within the same amount of time it takes to read this paragraph, a recruiter will have decided if you are going to progress to the next interview stage.

招聘人员将平均花费15秒钟扫描您的简历。 是的,在阅读本段相同的时间内,招聘人员将决定您是否要进行下一个面试阶段。

So how do you cram all the important information into 15 seconds worth of reading?


  • Keep it simple. Fancy templates might look nice, but recruiters don’t care. Have clear headings, nice spacing between lines, and consistent, easy to read font.把事情简单化。 精美的模板看起来不错,但招聘人员不在乎。 标题清晰,行间距良好,字体一致,易于阅读。
  • Keep it to 1–2 pages.保留到1-2页。
  • Favor short bullet points over long paragraphs在长段落中优先使用短项目符号
  • Be clear and concise. Try to avoid adding fancy words just for the sake of it简洁明了。 尽量避免仅仅为了它而添加奇特的单词

量身定制 (Tailor it to the company)

Remember, you are trying to convince the company that you are the right fit for that junior developer role. Yet, if the role is for a Python developer, Focusing your resume around JavaScript and React.js won’t get you very far.

请记住,您正在尝试说服公司您适合担任该初级开发人员职位。 但是,如果该角色是针对Python开发人员的,那么将简历集中在JavaScript和React.js上不会使您走得太远。

So research the role you are applying for, and focus all your points around the criteria listed:


So, if you were to apply for this job, you want to make sure your resume has loads of details about projects and skills that show you know frontend development. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to mention how much you love video games! ;)

因此,如果您要申请这份工作,则要确保您的简历中包含有关项目和技能的大量详细信息,以表明您了解前端开发。 此外,提及您对电子游戏的热爱也无济于事! ;)

您应该如何组织简历? (How should you structure a Resume?)

The basic structure that recruiters will look for in a resume is:


  • Personal Details/Contact details个人资料/联系方式
  • Employment history (Including internships and non-software development related)工作经历(包括实习和非软件开发相关)
  • Software Projects软件项目
  • Education教育
  • Additional Experience and Awards额外经验和奖项
  • Technical Skills技术能力

Although this depends on your circumstances. Make sure to put your most valuable/impressive sections closer to the top.

虽然这取决于您的情况。 确保将最有价值/最令人印象深刻的部分放在顶部附近。

If you are a graduate in a computing-related degree, with an internship behind you, this structure is fine.


However, if you are a self-taught developer, with no prior experience, boost your Software Projects section closer to the top, as this is what will make you stand out.


个人详细信息,联系方式,链接 (Personal Details, Contact Details, Links)

This is the easy bit. Keep this concise, within the header. You’ll want to include your name in the center, along with some contact details and a link to your GitHub if you have one. Use as little space as you can here, we have more technical things to talk about!

这很容易。 在标题内保持简洁。 您需要在中心添加您的姓名,以及一些联系方式,如果有的话,请指向GitHub的链接。 在这里使用尽可能少的空间,我们还有更多技术要谈的东西!

软件项目 (Software Projects)

If you have no previous software development experience, this is your chance to shine. For a junior developer role, the recruiter will zero in on this section to see if you have the necessary skills required for the job.

如果您以前没有软件开发经验,那么这就是您闪耀的机会。 对于初级开发人员角色,招聘人员将在本节中进行调零,以查看您是否具备从事这项工作所需的必要技能。

Likewise, even if you have internship experience, listing 1–2 side projects will make a great impression and boost your chances of getting a face to face interview.


List 3–5 of the best projects that you have completed on freeCodeCamp, a coding boot camp, or from your side projects.


Make sure each project shows something different e.g,


  • frontend development skills,前端开发技能,
  • backend development skills,后端开发技能,
  • mobile app development skills,移动应用开发技能,
  • working with end users,与最终用户合作,
  • UX/Design skills,UX /设计技巧
  • collaboration and team working skills,协作和团队合作能力,
  • challenging problems挑战性的问题

…and so on. For each project, list the following:

…等等。 对于每个项目,列出以下内容:

  • Technologies used使用的技术
  • A short description of the project项目简介
  • A skill implemented and problems you solved实施的技能和您解决的问题

Link each to your GitHub, or even better, if you have it hosted, drop a link to the URL. Your code doesn’t have to be perfect. Although make sure that your code is professional. Having funny comments and variables may seem like a good idea when your code is free from prying eyes, but the recruiters might not see it that way.

将每个链接到您的GitHub,或者,如果托管,甚至更好,将链接链接到URL。 您的代码不一定是完美的。 尽管请确保您的代码是专业的。 当您的代码不被窥探时,拥有有趣的注释和变量似乎是个好主意,但是招聘人员可能不会那样看。

Use this as a chance to show how passionate you are about technology and learning new things. Remember, that is what the recruiters are looking for in their search for a junior developer!

借此机会展示您对技术和学习新事物的热情。 请记住,这就是招聘人员在寻找初级开发人员时要寻找的东西!

For example, you could say;


“I encountered a some problem, so I built a web app using React.js and Node.js which does some awesome thing . Also, I was really curious about learning server-side development”

“我遇到了一个问题,所以我使用React.js和Node.js构建了一个Web应用程序,它做了一些很棒的事情 另外,我真的很好奇学习服务器端开发”

Simple, but effective.


就业机会 (Employment)

This is where you list your employment history (e.g internships & previous jobs).


Don’t have development related employment history? Add your most recent employment history instead. E.g, if you worked as an accountant, write that down.

没有与发展相关的工作经历吗? 而是添加您最近的工作经历。 例如,如果您是会计师,请将其写下来。

If you can, add 2 previous jobs you worked at.


For each, you want to add your role, the company name, and the time you spent in the role.


List the projects you worked on during your time there, as well as a bulleted list of the things you accomplished within that role. Here’s an example of one of my previous roles:

列出您在此期间从事的项目,以及在该角色中完成的项目的项目符号列表。 这是我以前的角色之一的示例:

Don’t simply state what you did, but why you made a difference. For example, you could say,

不要简单地陈述您所做的事情,而要说明您为何有所作为。 例如,您可以说,

“I worked on adding social sign-in and registration to the application”


Which is ok I guess, it gets the point across. But how about this instead:

我猜没关系,这很重要。 但是,相反呢:

“Worked on social sign-in and registration. This resulted in quick and easy sign-in, as well as a greater number of registrations and paying customers”

“致力于社交登录和注册。 这样就可以快速轻松地登录,并获得更多的注册和付费客户”

This not only concisely outlines what you did, but also the effect it has on the business. Remember, the company is looking for someone who can make an impact.

这不仅简要地概述了您所做的事情,还概述了其对业务的影响。 请记住,公司正在寻找可以产生影响的人。

But what if you don’t have previous internships or software development experience to talk about?


Don’t worry, you can still list the projects from your previous jobs. The main goal here is to show the recruiter that you can manage projects, can work in a team, and can effectively contribute to the success of the business.

不用担心,您仍然可以列出以前工作中的项目。 这里的主要目的是向招聘人员表明,您可以管理项目,可以在团队中工作并且可以有效地促进业务成功。

教育 (Education)

Your resume is coming along nicely! Now it’s time for some final few bits of information.

您的简历进展顺利! 现在是时候获取最后一些信息了。

You’ll want to add the highest qualification you have. It’s also a good idea to add a few lines about any final year projects/dissertations you have completed. This will help if you think you are a bit light in the Employment and Software Projects sections.

您将要添加自己拥有的最高资格。 在您完成的任何最后一年的项目/论文中添加几行也是一个好主意。 如果您认为自己对“ 就业软件项目”部分有所了解,这将有所帮助。

Space on your resume might be limited at this point, so try and keep this as short as you can:


成就,爱好和技能 (Accomplishments, hobbies, and Skills)

Add any achievement and accomplishments if you have them; like leadership activities or awards. If you attend meetups or conferences in your spare time, add this to your resume well. This will reinforce your skills and passion for technology.

如果有的话,添加任何成就和成就; 例如领导力活动或奖励。 如果您在业余时间参加聚会或会议,请将其很好地添加到简历中。 这将增强您的技能和对技术的热情。

Lastly, you want to add a 1–2 liner with your technology-related skills. A simple comma-separated list will do. This is helpful for recruiters to get a quick overview of your areas of expertise.

最后,您想添加具有技术相关技能的1-2班轮。 一个简单的逗号分隔列表即可。 这对于招聘人员快速了解您的专业领域很有帮助。

不该做什么 (What not to do)

  • Try not to repeat yourself. If you mentioned that you used JavaScript, no need to repeat it numerous times尽量不要重复自己。 如果您提到使用过JavaScript,则无需重复多次
  • Leave out generic terms i.e, “I can communicate with team members” instead, show how, e.g, “working on Team Project X shows I can communicate well”.省略通用术语,例如“我可以与团队成员进行交流”,而不要说明例如“在Team Project X上工作表明我可以很好地交流”。
  • Don’t lie. If you haven’t used a certain language before, leave it out of your resume. Chances are you’ll be caught out in the interview, and nobody wants that.别说谎 如果您以前没有使用过某种语言,请将其保留在简历中。 您很可能会被面试所吸引,没人愿意这么做。
  • Don’t leave out projects or accomplishments because they weren’t complete, if it adds value, add it in!不要遗漏没有完成的项目或成就,如果它增加了价值,那就添加它!

Thanks for reading!


I’m currently creating a bunch of guides, articles, and video courses to help you along your journey into web development. If you would like to be a part of it, make sure to join the mailing list over at!

我目前正在创建大量指南,文章和视频课程,以帮助您进行Web开发。 如果您想加入其中,请确保通过chrisblakely.dev加入邮件列表!




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