
by John Cobb

约翰·科布(John Cobb)

面试技巧将给您带来信心并帮助您获得开发工作 (Interview tips that will give you confidence and help you land a dev job)

Landing those first few developer roles in your career can be hard.


How do you convince someone to hire you when you have limited experience? What things are critical to know? What if you get asked a question you don’t know the answer to?

当您的经验有限时,您如何说服某人雇用您? 重要的是要知道什么? 如果您被问到一个不知道答案的问题怎么办?

Do you really need to know how to write a <link> tag from scratch?

真的需要知道如何从s cratch 编写<link>标签吗?

(Spoiler: you don’t).


I’ve been working as a web developer for about a decade. I’ve held various roles in companies of all shapes and sizes — from global tech companies to small local agencies. I’ve been interviewed more times than I can count, and I’ve had more rejections than successes. As I have progressed to more senior positions, I increasingly find myself on the other side of the table.

我已经从事Web开发工作约十年了。 我在各种规模和规模的公司中担任过各种角色-从全球高科技公司到小型本地代理机构。 我被采访的次数超出了我的估计,而且我被拒绝的次数也多于成功的次数。 随着我晋升到更高的职位,我越来越发现自己在桌子的另一边。

I’m going to share some things that I look for when I’m interviewing new candidates. Perhaps more importantly, they are things that have helped me feel more confident when I’m the one being interviewed.

我将分享一些面试新候选人时需要的东西。 也许更重要的是,当我被采访时,这些东西使我感到更加自信。

The technical requirements of any given role will vary, so I won’t be giving you any suggestions about addressing those. There are plenty of articles with titles like “10 Things Every Modern Web Developer Must Know”. You can use those to guide (or more likely, overwhelm) you.

任何给定角色的技术要求都会有所不同,因此我不会为您提供解决这些问题的任何建议。 有很多标题为“每个现代Web开发人员必须知道的十件事”的文章。 您可以使用它们来指导(或更可能是淹没)您。

What I am going to suggest, overall, is that you shouldn’t fret about the things you don’t know.


1.熟悉您的经验和能力 (1. Be comfortable with your experience and abilities)

Talking about your experience is usually the starting point for an interview. It’s also usually the first thing on your CV. Showing your experience and how you’ve applied your skills and abilities is a fundamental part of any interview process.

谈论您的经历通常是面试的起点。 通常,这也是简历上的第一件事。 展示您的经验以及如何应用技能和能力是任何面试过程的基本组成部分。

It’s normal to feel the pressure of making a good first impression. As such, it can be tempting to oversell yourself and your abilities, or to exaggerate the importance of a project you have worked on.

感受到良好的第一印象的压力是正常的。 因此,可能会想卖自己和能力,或者夸大您从事的项目的重要性。

But you must remember — you’re not expected to have a wealth of experience or technical ability when starting out. Exaggerating or overselling your experience will create a less than ideal first impression, even if you’re otherwise well-suited for the role. This is something that is true at any point in your career, but it’s an easy trap to fall into when you’re starting out.

但是您必须记住-入门时不会期望您具有丰富的经验或技术能力。 夸大或夸大您的经验会给人留下不太理想的第一印象,即使您非常适合该职位。 这在您职业生涯的任何时候都是正确的,但是这是您入门之初容易陷入的陷阱。

It’s much better to simply be factual about your experience and ability. Talk about the projects you’ve worked on and your specific role within those projects. Highlight the skills you used and technology you’ve been exposed to while working on them.

诚实地了解自己的经验和能力会更好。 讨论您从事的项目以及在这些项目中的具体角色。 突出显示您在使用它们时所使用的技能和所接触的技术。

Show, don’t tell.


This is a principle in story-telling that I think also applies to job interviews.


Don’t tell your audience what is happening, show them with actions and allow them to interpret it and arrive at a conclusion themselves.


For example, if the interviewer can arrive at this conclusion by themselves:


“This candidate is experienced with Y, and is clearly passionate about X”.


That is much more valuable than you telling them:


“I’m highly experienced with Y, and very passionate about X”.


Equally as important as not overselling your skills and experience is being able to admit you don’t know something.


2.不要害怕说“我不知道” (2. Don’t be afraid to be say “I don’t know”)

It’s easy to feel pressured to answer a question you don’t know the answer to. If you do, this is what is likely to happen:

回答您不知道答案的问题很容易感到压力。 如果这样做,这可能会发生:

You’ll copy/paste together snippets of information you’ve heard or read and regurgitate whatever comes to mind first. You’ll hope to hit on the right combination of words to answer the question. You’ll stumble, sound incoherent, and get flustered.

您将把您听到或阅读的信息片段复制/粘贴在一起,并对首先想到的内容进行反省。 您希望按正确的单词组合来回答问题。 您会迷路,听起来不连贯,并且变得慌张。

Let me be as unambiguous about this as possible. Saying “I don’t know” when you don’t know the answer to something is always the best answer. Don’t pretend to know something you don’t.

让我对此毫不含糊。 当您不知道某事的答案时,说“我不知道” 永远是最好的答案。 不要假装自己不知道。

If you’re made to feel uncomfortable for saying “I don’t know” in an interview, you should treat that as a red flag. It’s usually a sign of a toxic workplace. You don’t want to work at a company that doesn’t encourage vulnerability.

如果让您在面试中说“我不知道”时感到不舒服,则应将其视为危险信号。 这通常是有毒工作场所的标志。 您不想在不鼓励漏洞的公司工作。

If you don’t know something, always be upfront and admit it. You can always follow up with what you think the answer might be. Even better, you can follow up with a question.

如果您不了解某些内容,请务必先接受并接受。 您总是可以跟进您的想法 答案可能是。 更好的是,您可以提出一个问题。

I don’t know much about X, but I think it’s related to Y. Can you give me some more detail? Are you using X in your projects?

我对X不太了解,但我认为它与Y有关。您能给我更多细节吗? 您在项目中使用X吗?

Often, the answer to your follow up questions will allow you to give a secondary response. Even though you didn’t know the answer, you can show that you understand the context.

通常,您对后续问题的回答将使您能够做出第二React。 即使您不知道答案,也可以表明您了解上下文。

3.提出问题。 其中很多。 (3. Ask questions. Lots of them.)

Asking follow up questions is also a great way to make an interview feel less formal and more like a discussion.


Interviewers are often more than happy to talk about their experience with a particular technology, or the challenges they’ve faced on a particular project. This can also help give you insight into why they consider a certain skill or technology to be important for the role.

采访者通常很乐意谈论他们在特定技术上的经验,或者他们在特定项目中面临的挑战。 这也可以帮助您深入了解为什么他们认为某种技能或技术对该角色很重要。

Also remember that an interview is also about you evaluating your potential employer. You can’t properly evaluate them without asking questions.

还请记住,面试也与您评估您的潜在雇主有关。 您不能不提出问题就对它们进行适当的评估。

What project will I be working on? What are some projects this company has recently completed? How large is the team I will be working in? What resources will be available to me for training and personal development?

我将从事什么项目? 该公司最近完成了哪些项目? 我将在多少团队中工作? 我将获得哪些资源用于培训和个人发展?

This isn’t only something that is valuable for the interview. Making an objective evaluation of your options is a daily task for a developer. To do that, you need to gather the right information — and to do that, you need to ask questions. Lots of them.

这不仅对面试有价值。 对您的选项进行客观评估是开发人员的日常任务。 为此,您需要收集正确的信息,并且为此,您需要提出问题。 其中很多。

具有最佳技术技能的候选人并不总是被录用的。 (The candidate with the best technical skills isn’t always the one that gets hired.)

My intention here isn’t to sound authoritative about what you should or shouldn’t do in an interview. Nor is it to proclaim that technical skills don’t matter.

我的目的不是要在面试中说出权威或不应该做的事情。 也不宣称技术技能无关紧要。

But, what I am trying to make clear is that learning isn’t linear. You can’t, and won’t, know everything required for a role. We all take different paths to get to where we are, and you should be comfortable with that fact.

但是,我想澄清的是学习不是线性的。 您不能也不知道角色所需的一切 。 我们所有人都走不同的道路到达自己的位置,您应该对这个事实感到满意。

Every role is different, and every organization will have different expectations for their candidates. But, regardless of your skill level, or the expectations of the role, you should:

每个角色都不同,每个组织对候选人的期望也不同。 但是,无论您的技能水平或对角色的期望如何,都应:

  • Be comfortable with your current skill level and experience.适应当前的技能水平和经验。
  • Know that it’s acceptable to say “I don’t know”.知道说“我不知道”是可以接受的。
  • Feel confident asking questions about things you don’t understand.自信地问一些您不了解的问题。

I believe these principles are not only essential for doing well in interviews, but can help you succeed in every role you will ever have, at every level.


I hope there is something you can take away from this article or perhaps you have had success with different strategies. I’d love to hear any suggestions or feedback in the comments.

我希望您可以从本文中学到一些东西,或者您已经成功采用了不同的策略。 我希望听到评论中的任何建议或反馈。

Thanks for reading!





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