


Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The most commonly used I/O devices are as follows: file, file stream, directory, physical disk, volume, console buffer, tape drive, communications resource, mailslot, and pipe. The function returns a handle that can be used to access the file or device for various types of I/O depending on the file or device and the flags and attributes specified.


  __in      LPCTSTR lpFileName,

破解key file时经常用到的几个API函数及其用法相关推荐

  1. ERROR 126 (HY000) at line 1: Incorrect key file for table '/tmp/#sql_7b09_0.MYI'; try to repair it

    1.问题背景 我在slelect一个数据量很大的merge表时,并同时将select结果集insert到另外一张表中,报了如下错误: ERROR 126 (HY000) at line 1: Inco ...

  2. [error] [mysql]:1034 Incorrect key file for table 'table_name'; try to repair it

    [error] [mysql]:"1034 Incorrect key file for table 'table_name'; try to repair it" 现象描述: m ...

  3. mysql中大数据表alter增加字段报错:1034 Incorrect key file for table 'table_name'; try to repair it...

    mysql中大数据表alter增加字段报错:"1034 Incorrect key file for table 'table_name'; try to repair it" 现 ...

  4. mysql出现“Incorrect key file for table”解决办法

    今天mysql突然出现以下错误: mysql> select * from test;  ERROR 1034 (HY000): Incorrect key file for table 'te ...

  5. CMap在用CString做key类型时,ARG_KEY要选LPCTSTR

    CMap在用CString做key类型时,ARG_KEY要选LPCTSTR  文章来源: ...

  6. mysql old key files_mysql出现“Incorrect key file for table”解决办法

    本文来自: 今天mysql突然出现以下错误: mysql> selec ...

  7. mysql duplicate id_mysql 使用ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 时导致的自增主键id无限增大问题

    mysql 版本:5.7 python版本:3.7 问题描述:mysql表A中数据有几十条,设置了一个自增 1 的id作为主键,在程序运行一段时间后发现表中最后一条数据的id已经是几百万了 表中所有数 ...

  8. 为什么Excel2016在SharePoint打开file时显示Read Only?

     最近被用户问到为什么现在在SharePoint里打开Excel是Read Only状态.但是她清楚记得之前在SharePoint点击Excel File时显示的是编辑状态. 经过各种排查,发现最 ...

  9. unable to load client certificate private key file

    解决方法可以跳过看最后!!!o( ̄︶ ̄)o 终端执行 openssl s_client -connect -cert MyPus ...


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