
If you’ve inserted a table in Word and you now want to delete it, you may have found it’s not all that straightforward to delete the entire table without deleting other content around the table. We’ll show you a couple of ways around this limitation.

如果您已经在Word中插入了一个表并且现在想要删除它,则可能发现删除整个表而不删除表周围的其他内容并不是那么简单。 我们将向您展示几种解决此限制的方法。

To delete a table, first select the entire table.


Click the “Layout” tab under “Table Tools”.


Click “Delete” in the “Rows & Columns” section and select “Delete Table” to delete the table. You can also use the “Delete Columns” and “Delete Rows” options to delete the entire table as long as the entire table is selected.

单击“行和列”部分中的“删除”,然后选择“删除表”以删除表。 您也可以使用“删除列”和“删除行”选项删除整个表,只要选择了整个表即可。

Another way to delete the entire table once you’ve selected it, is to click “Cut” in the “Clipboard” section of the “Home” tab. You can also press “Ctrl + X”.

选中整个表格后,另一种删除方法是单击“主页”选项卡的“剪贴板”部分中的“剪切”。 您也可以按“ Ctrl + X”。

Pressing the “Delete” key on the keyboard will not delete the entire selected table. It will only delete the contents of the cells. However, if you have selected at least one paragraph before or after the table as well as the table, the table can be deleted using the “Delete” key.

按下键盘上的“删除”键不会删除整个选定的表。 它只会删除单元格的内容。 但是,如果您在表格以及表格之前或之后至少选择了一个段落,则可以使用“删除”键删除表格。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/221288/how-to-delete-a-table-in-word/



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