by Monte Thakkar

通过Monte Thakkar

MobileSpace-关于我的激情的故事 (MobileSpace — A story about my passions)

我发现,学习和教授iOS开发的旅程 (My journey to discovering, learning, and teaching iOS development)

“Let this be the first thing you hear from me… I am probably not the smartest software engineer you will meet. With that said, I am certain that I can teach you a thing or two about software engineering.” — Monte Thakkar

“这是您第一时间收到我的消息……我可能不是您会遇到的最聪明的软件工程师。 话虽如此,我相信我可以教给您一两个关于软件工程的知识。” —蒙特·塔卡

What I have come to understand is that you don’t have to be the smartest person in the room to share your knowledge. In fact, you just need to figure out if someone else values what you know and, if so, are they interested in learning it from you.

我了解到,您不必成为会议室中最聪明的人即可分享您的知识。 实际上,您只需要弄清楚其他人是否珍视您的知识,如果是,那么他们是否有兴趣向您学习。

第1步: ? 学习 (Step 1: ? Learn)

I became interested in developing iOS apps over three years ago, in my junior year at college. My roommate and I talked about our ideas for apps, although I didn’t know how to build them to test out my ideas. This really frustrated me after a while. One day I decided to teach myself iOS development by using all the online resources I could find.

在大学三年级的三年前,我开始对开发iOS应用感兴趣。 我和我的室友谈论了我们对应用程序的想法,尽管我不知道如何构建它们以测试我的想法。 过了一会,这真的让我感到沮丧。 有一天,我决定使用我能找到的所有在线资源来自学iOS开发。

I started by building a simple “To-do list” app for iOS in Objective-C. It was not a fun process. I struggled to learn from various articles, Youtube videos, and outdated tutorials. I eventually finished the app, but it took me a lot longer than I had anticipated.

我首先在Objective-C中为iOS构建一个简单的“待办事项列表”应用程序。 这不是一个有趣的过程。 我努力学习各种文章,Youtube视频和过时的教程。 我最终完成了该应用程序,但是花了我比预期更长的时间。

第2步: ? 主 (Step 2: ? Master)

Fast forward eight months. I graduated from CodePath University’s free iOS Bootcamp in San Francisco, which gave me a solid foundation to develop iOS apps. This enabled me to work on more complex and challenging mobile apps.

快进八个月。 我毕业于CodePath大学位于旧金山的免费iOS Bootcamp,这为我开发iOS应用程序打下了坚实的基础。 这使我能够处理更复杂和更具挑战性的移动应用程序。

I also used my new technical skills to help build an MVP iOS app for Deckstr, a (remote) startup. Deckstr wanted to establish a professional social network by giving its users the ability to share virtual business cards.

我还利用自己的新技术技能为Deckstr (远程)构建MVP iOS应用 启动。 Deckstr希望通过为其用户提供共享虚拟名片的功能来建立专业的社交网络。

In hindsight, I learned that the most exciting way to learn iOS development is by working face-to-face with people who know what they are talking about.


Here are the two reasons why:


  1. The mistakes of beginners can be extremely easy to fix in the presence of an experienced developer. Having an experienced developer present can help to accelerate the learning process for beginners.在有经验的开发人员的陪伴下,初学者的错误很容易解决。 有经验丰富的开发人员出席可以帮助加速初学者的学习过程。
  2. Speaking with an experienced developer can help students scope out their ideas and projects accurately.与经验丰富的开发人员交谈可以帮助学生准确地确定他们的想法和项目。

Then over the summer I interned at Pillow, where I continued to work on mobile apps using React Native. I learned many technical and non-technical skills from the people I worked with.

然后在整个夏天,我在Pillow实习,在那里我继续使用React Native开发移动应用程序。 我从与之共事的人那里学到了许多技术和非技术技能。

By the end of the summer, I felt that the only thing that kept pushing me to learn and challenge myself was my passion for developing great mobile apps.


步骤3: 分享 (Step 3: ? Share)

Since San Francisco State University (SF State) did not offer a course in iOS development, I felt this robbed students the opportunity to discover their passion for developing mobile apps. Hence I decided to do something about it.

由于旧金山州立大学 (SF State)没有提供iOS开发课程,我感到这使学生失去了发现他们开发移动应用程序的热情的机会。 因此,我决定对此做些事情。

输入MobileSpace (Enter MobileSpace)

“A weekly meetup, in San Francisco, that enables developers to build their own mobile apps, by providing an excellent in-person community that teaches iOS development and helps accelerate project completion.”


During that time, a few of my friends talked about wanting to collaborate on building an iOS app. A few others had expressed interest in learning how to build iOS apps. Also, I found myself being involved in many side projects to which I had very little time to commit. I decided to start a mobile development meetup.

在那段时间里,我的一些朋友谈到了要合作开发iOS应用的想法。 其他一些人则表示有兴趣学习如何构建iOS应用。 另外,我发现自己参与了许多我几乎没有时间从事的附带项目。 我决定开始移动开发聚会。

Every weekend the meetup allowed anyone that was interested to learn to or collaborate on building iOS apps meetup. This would build a community of developers who were willing to set aside a few hours each weekend to learn and teach mobile development. That was the idea behind MobileSpace.

每个周末的聚会都允许有兴趣的人学习或合作构建iOS应用聚会。 这将建立一个开发人员社区,他们愿意每个周末花几个小时来学习和教授移动开发。 那就是MobileSpace背后的想法。

In the following weeks after I committed to the idea, I set up the website for MobileSpace, which provided information to interested students about MobileSpace, such as the time and date for weekly meetings.


I also created an application form, with which anyone who is interested can fill out and apply. Following that, I developed the course curriculum for MobileSpace. I built several beginner level iOS apps, as well as recorded Youtube tutorials for students to follow and learn.

我还创建了一个申请表 ,有兴趣的任何人都可以填写并申请。 之后,我为MobileSpace开发了课程课程。 我构建了多个初学者级iOS应用程序 ,并录制了Youtube教程,供学生学习和学习。

Lastly, information about MobileSpace was posted in the weekly Computer Science department newsletter to get interested students to sign up. To my surprise, I received over 34 applications within the first 24 hours.

最后,有关MobileSpace的信息已发布在每周的计算机科学系新闻通讯中,以吸引感兴趣的学生进行注册。 令我惊讶的是,我在最初的24小时内收到了34份申请。

结果 (Results)

  • The meetups lasted approximately three months and met every weekend at San Francisco State University聚会持续了大约三个月,每个周末在旧金山州立大学举行
  • At it’s peak, the community was 15 members strong在鼎盛时期,社区由15位成员组成
  • Students built three iOS apps in Swift 3, from start to finish, using Youtube tutorials, online resources, as well as provided code snippets学生使用Youtube教程,在线资源以及提供的代码段在Swift 3中从头到尾构建了三个iOS应用程序。
  • Six students successfully completed the iOS course, and they attended every meetup六名学生成功完成了iOS课程,他们参加了每次聚会
  • One alumni is currently working as a full-time iOS Engineer in SF State, and three are pursuing a career in iOS development一位校友目前在SF State担任全职iOS工程师,三位正在从事iOS开发工作

“MobileSpace helped jumpstart my career as an iOS developer. After learning the basics, I’ve successfully launched an app on the App Store, and my interest in iOS development [has grown] tremendously. I was hooked on iOS development after MobileSpace” - Sang Saephan (Alumni)

“ MobileSpace帮助提升了我作为iOS开发人员的职业生涯。 在学习了基础知识之后,我已经成功地在App Store上启动了一个应用程序,并且我对iOS开发的兴趣极大地增长了。 在MobileSpace之后,我迷上了iOS开发”-Sang Saephan(校友)

得到教训 (Lessons Learned)

  • Since I was leading MobileSpace by myself, there were times when things got really busy. I was still finishing up school and working part-time at Pillow at the same time. Hence I found myself pulling all-nighters just to record Youtube tutorials and to organize weekly assignments for MobileSpace.自从我一个人领导MobileSpace以来,有时候事情真的很忙。 我仍在完成学业,并同时在Pillow兼职。 因此,我发现自己整夜都只是为了录制YouTube教程并为MobileSpace安排每周任务。

Take away: If I decide to do MobileSpace again, I’d definitely have someone help me lead the course.

带走 :如果我决定再次使用MobileSpace,我肯定会有人帮助我完成课程。

  • MobileSpace was entirely free for anyone to attend. I had put in a lot of time and effort to make sure students were spending their time well and learning something new at each meetup. Towards the end, I would’ve liked to have organized a company tour for them as a reward for finishing the course.MobileSpace完全免费,任何人都可以参加。 我花了很多时间和精力来确保学生们度过美好的时光并在每次聚会中学习新的东西。 最后,我希望为他们组织一次公司参观,以作为完成课程的奖励。

Take away: I’d be open to receiving sponsorship from one or more companies that wants to support free education.

带走 :我愿意接受一个或多个希望支持免费教育的公司的赞助。

结论 (Conclusion)

Overall, I am extremely delighted that I was able to share my technical knowledge about iOS apps through MobileSpace. I was able to help others discover their passion for building mobile apps. I am also grateful that I was able to provide them with a stepping stone to help them kickstart their professional careers.

总体而言,我非常高兴能够通过MobileSpace分享有关iOS应用的技术知识。 我能够帮助其他人发现他们对构建移动应用程序的热情。 我也很高兴能够为他们提供垫脚石,以帮助他们开始自己的职业生涯。

I have always been passionate about technology and teaching. I am glad that through MobileSpace I was able to explore both passions. And I was able to make a positive impact while doing so. As I grow my skill sets, I’ll do my best to share the knowledge that I have and help the people around me grow as well.

我一直对技术和教学充满热情。 我很高兴通过MobileSpace能够探索两种激情。 这样我就能产生积极的影响。 随着技能的提高,我会尽力分享我所拥有的知识,并帮助周围的人成长。



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