
a、直接使用sudo apt-get install valgrind



sudo tar xvf valgrind-3.8.1.tar.bz2 -C /home/worspace/




sudo make install


$valgrind ls -l


==18092== Memcheck, a memory error detector

==18092== Copyright (C) 2002-2010, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.

==18092== Using Valgrind-3.6.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info

==18092== Command: ls -l


valgrind: Fatal error at startup: a function redirection

valgrind: which is mandatory for this platform-tool combination

valgrind: cannot be set up. Details of the redirection are:


valgrind: A must-be-redirected function

valgrind: whose name matches the pattern: index

valgrind: in an object with soname matching: ld-linux.so.2

valgrind: was not found whilst processing

valgrind: symbols from the object with soname: ld-linux.so.2


valgrind: Possible fixes: (1, short term): install glibc's debuginfo

valgrind: package on this machine. (2, longer term): ask the packagers

valgrind: for your Linux distribution to please in future ship a non-

valgrind: stripped ld.so (or whatever the dynamic linker .so is called)

valgrind: that exports the above-named function using the standard

valgrind: calling conventions for this platform. The package you need

valgrind: to install for fix (1) is called


valgrind: On Debian, Ubuntu: libc6-dbg

valgrind: On SuSE, openSuSE, Fedora, RHEL: glibc-debuginfo


valgrind: Cannot continue -- exiting now. Sorry.



Possible fixes: (1, short term): install glibc's debuginfo

On Debian, Ubuntu:                 libc6-dbg

ok,执行命令sudo apt-get install libc6-dbg


三、使用方法(valgrind --help)

valgrind --leak-check=yes --show-reachable=yes ls -l


==11283== LEAK SUMMARY:

==11283== definitely lost: 80 bytes in 2 blocks

==11283== indirectly lost: 240 bytes in 20 blocks

==11283== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks

==11283== still reachable: 13,405 bytes in 23 blocks

==11283== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks 运行自己的app:

valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --show-reachable=yes ./packapp 0 0 HW9_Multimedia_256MDDR_128MFlash_CTT2_mnt.ini


==11295== HEAP SUMMARY:

==11295== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks

==11295== total heap usage: 29 allocs, 29 frees, 70,080,768 bytes allocated 可以看到堆栈heap分配了29次,释放了29次。没有reachable的block


上述关于ld-linux.so.2,non stripped ld.so,应该是关于编译链接的问题,需要好好看看《编译原理》了。

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