Let’s learn to install Kali Linux on a Virtual machine today. If you want to venture into the field of cybersecurity, Kali Linux offers you all the tools ready and set up for you to start playing around with.

现在让我们学习在虚拟机上安装Kali Linux。 如果您想涉足网络安全领域,那么Kali Linux将为您提供所有现成的工具,并为您准备好开始使用的工具。

And when it comes to security testing, no Linux-based distribution comes near the reputation of Kali Linux. As Kali was designed to be installed on a portable medium to reduce tracking and improve at security, let’s walk through the simplest steps to have a functional and ready Kali installed on a Virtual machine.

在安全性测试方面,没有任何基于Linux的发行版能与Kali Linux的声誉相提并论。 由于Kali被设计为安装在便携式介质上以减少跟踪并提高安全性,因此让我们逐步完成最简单的步骤,以在虚拟机上安装功能齐全的Kali。

什么是Kali Linux? (What is Kali Linux?)

Kali Linux is a Linux distribution made with the sole purpose of providing users with the best possible environment for ethical hacking, penetration testing and network security testing.

Kali Linux是Linux发行版,其唯一目的是为用户提供道德黑客,渗透测试和网络安全测试的最佳环境。

Developed and supported by Offensive Security, Kali Linux is a Debian-derived security Linux distribution.

由Offensive Security开发和支持的Kali Linux是Debian衍生的安全性Linux发行版 。

It comes with over a hundred pre-installed tools to aid users in digital forensics. Kali Linux has a reputation for being the best offensive OS for information security personnel and ethical hackers across the world.

它带有一百多种预装工具,可帮助用户进行数字取证。 Kali Linux以其是全球信息安全人员和道德黑客的最佳进攻性操作系统而闻名。

为什么使用Kali Linux? (Why is Kali Linux used?)

Kali Linux is widely used in the fields of penetration testing, network security analysis, and digital forensics. It comes with over five hundred pre-loaded security tools.

Kali Linux被广泛用于渗透测试,网络安全分析和数字取证领域。 它带有500多种预装的安全工具。

It offers the users complete freedom to personalize their copy of the OS. Kali is hugely favored for being high quality, free and open-source operating system.

它为用户提供了完全自由地个性化其OS副本的功能。 Kali以高质量,免费和开放源代码操作系统而广受青睐。

It is an OS developed within a secure environment and features custom kernel which is patched for injections. With a wide range of support in terms of wireless and linguistic accessibility, people install Kali Linux on their machines to avail the best possible tools for their information security needs.

它是在安全环境中开发的操作系统,并具有针对注入进行修补的自定义内核。 人们在无线和语言可访问性方面获得了广泛的支持,人们在其计算机上安装了Kali Linux,以利用最佳的工具来满足其信息安全需求。

如何在虚拟机上安装Kali Linux? (How to install Kali Linux on a Virtual Machine?)

Now that we are familiar with the idea behind Kali Linux, let us proceed to install it on our system. In this tutorial, we will install the latest stable release of Kali Linux which is 2020.1 at this point in writing.

现在我们已经熟悉了Kali Linux背后的想法,让我们继续将其安装在我们的系统上。 在本教程中,我们将以书面形式安装Kali Linux的最新稳定版本2020.1。

This installation will be made on a virtual machine using Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.1.6 version.

该安装将在使用Oracle VM VirtualBox 6.1.6版本的虚拟机上进行。

先决条件 (Pre-requisites)

To install Kali Linux on our system, these are the minimum and recommended required specs.

要在我们的系统上安装Kali Linux,这些是最低和建议的必需规格。

Specs Minimum Recommended
Free Hard Disk space 10 GB 20 GB
RAM 4 GB 6/8 GB
眼镜 最低要求 推荐的
可用硬盘空间 10 GB 20 GB
内存 4GB 6/8 GB

Next, we need a working copy of the Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.6 version. This can be downloaded from the official VirtualBox website here.

接下来,我们需要Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.6版本的工作副本。 可从此处的VirtualBox官方网站下载。



Finally, we need to download the Virtualisation Format Archive file to install Kali Linux on our system. This file can be found on the Official Offensive Security website here.

最后,我们需要下载虚拟化格式存档文件以在我们的系统上安装Kali Linux。 该文件可以在官方进攻安全网站上找到。



创建和设置虚拟机 (Create and Setup the Virtual Machine)

Now that we have all the pre-requisites ready, we can begin the tutorial to install Kali Linux on our virtual machine. So let us jump into it by starting the Oracle VM VirtualBox application on our machine.

现在我们已经准备好所有先决条件,我们可以开始本教程,在我们的虚拟机上安装Kali Linux。 因此,让我们通过在计算机上启动Oracle VM VirtualBox应用程序来进入它。

Step 1: Go to the ‘File’ drop-down menu and choose the option which says ‘Import Appliance’.


Virtual Box New Machine

Step 2: Select the location where your downloaded copy of Virtualisation Format Archive file to install Kali Linux is saved. Then click ‘Next’.

步骤2:选择下载的虚拟化格式存档文件副本安装Kali Linux的保存位置。 然后点击“下一步”。

Import Appliance

Step 3: Have a look at the application settings for your Virtual machine. Note that you need to allocate at least 2GB RAM to the virtual machine for a smooth experience. Press ‘Next’ to continue.

步骤3:查看虚拟机的应用程序设置。 请注意,您需要为虚拟机分配至少2GB的RAM,以获得流畅的体验。 按“下一步”继续。

Allocate Resources

Step 4: Now, you need to agree to the Software License Agreement. Once you have gone through the agreement, press ‘Agree’ to continue.

步骤4:现在,您需要同意软件许可协议。 完成协议后,请按“同意”继续。

License Agreement

登录并设置Kali Linux (Login and Set up Kali Linux)

Step 5: Your new virtual machine has been created. Select it, and press start to launch your virtual Kali Linux machine.

步骤5:您的新虚拟机已创建。 选择它,然后按开始启动您的虚拟Kali Linux计算机。

Setup Complete

Step 6: If you see the login screen as shown below, you have been successfully installed Kali Linux on your virtual machine. Use the username ‘kali’ and the same password to log onto the default Kali Linux 2020.1 default user account. These credentials come pre-generated with the virtualization archive image file.

步骤6:如果您看到如下所示的登录屏幕,则说明您已在虚拟机上成功安装了Kali Linux。 使用用户名“ kali”和相同的密码登录到默认的Kali Linux 2020.1默认用户帐户。 这些凭据随虚拟化存档映像文件一起预先生成。

Kali Login

使用您的Kali Linux虚拟机 (Using your Kali Linux virtual machine)

Now that we did install Kali Linux on our system, we need to discuss a crucial thing. An important change in Kali Linux 2020.1 and beyond is that there is no longer a superuser account.

现在我们确实在系统上安装了Kali Linux,我们需要讨论一个关键的事情。 Kali Linux 2020.1及更高版本中的一个重要更改是不再有超级用户帐户。

The default account for Kali 2020.1 has the username and password ‘kali’. Now, you can use this non-privileged user if you are okay with it. Else you can create a new user. To do so, type the following command in the command line.

Kali 2020.1的默认帐户的用户名和密码为“ kali”。 现在,如果您可以使用此非特权用户,则可以使用它。 否则,您可以创建一个新用户。 为此,请在命令行中键入以下命令。

sudo adduser --home /newusername newusername

You will be asked to enter a new password for this user and retype it for confirmation. The remaining details are optional. Now you can log off from the current user and log into your new user. Here is a screenshot of how I created a user named ‘sirharry‘.

系统将要求您输入该用户的新密码,然后重新输入以进行确认。 其余详细信息是可选的。 现在,您可以从当前用户注销并登录到新用户。 这是我如何创建名为“ sirharry ”的用户的屏幕截图。

Create User Password

The other option is to switch to the root user. To do so, enter the following command in your Terminal Emulator.

另一个选项是切换到root用户。 为此,请在终端仿真器中输入以下命令。

sudo su

You would be asked to enter the password for the current user. Once you do, enter this command.

系统将要求您输入当前用户的密码。 完成后,输入此命令。

passwd root

Enter a new password and retype it for confirmation. Now, simply log off from the current user. You may now log into the root user with your new password. Here is a screenshot of the procedure.

输入新密码并重新输入以进行确认。 现在,只需从当前用户注销即可。 您现在可以使用新密码登录到root用户。 这是该过程的屏幕截图。

Login To Root

结语 (Wrapping up)

All the people who are serious about a career in the field of digital forensics and information security should install Kali Linux on their machines. This gives them access to high-quality security tools all ready to work with.

所有认真对待数字取证和信息安全领域职业的人们都应在其计算机上安装Kali Linux。 这使他们可以使用所有可以使用的高质量安全工具。

Kali Linux is the culmination of the Offensive Security team’s work towards developing a security focussed operating system. This work is passionately supported by the Kali Linux user community.

Kali Linux是Offensive Security团队致力于开发以安全为重点的操作系统的最高成果。 这项工作得到了Kali Linux用户社区的大力支持。

We hope that, through this tutorial, you were able to install Kali Linux on your system using the Oracle VM VirtualBox virtualization software. We proceeded to discuss the default user situation in Kali Linux 2020.1 before showing you how to enter the root user and create a new user.

我们希望通过本教程,您能够使用Oracle VM VirtualBox虚拟化软件在系统上安装Kali Linux。 在向您展示如何输入root用户和创建新用户之前,我们继续讨论了Kali Linux 2020.1中的默认用户情况。

If you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to reach out to us through the comment section below.


翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/40049/install-kali-linux-virtual-machine

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