We’re excited to announce the release of Buried Memories Volume 1: Yggdrasil – the first Icon Pack from the Unity Icon Collective. We built the pack in collaboration with our partners Quixel Megascans, Arts United, Rokoko, Substance, and Pinewood Studios to ensure superb-quality 3D content, music, sound, and animations.

我们很高兴地宣布发布了《埋藏的回忆》第1卷:Yggdrasil – Unity Icon Collective的第一个Icon Pack。 我们与合作伙伴Quixel Megascans,Arts United,Rokoko,Substance和Pinewood Studios合作构建了产品包,以确保提供高质量的3D内容,音乐,声音和动画。

In this first volume, creators get the complete Yggdrasil diorama, which features an environment, a game-ready animated character, shaders, textures, lighting, audio and more. We have included not just environment and character art, but also animation, sound, and music to show you how everything works together in a project.

在第一册中,创作者将获得完整的Yggdrasil西洋镜,其中包含环境,可用于游戏的动画角色,着色器,纹理,照明,音频等。 我们不仅包括环境和角色艺术,还包括动画,声音和音乐,向您展示项目中所有事物如何协同工作。


Additionally, we wanted to provide assets that are development-ready. We put a lot of thought into the artistic and technical details such as using optimized textures and shaders, including art elements for the structures and environment.

此外,我们希望提供可用于开发的资产。 我们在艺术和技术细节上进行了大量思考,例如使用优化的纹理和着色器,包括用于结构和环境的艺术元素。

Finally, the pack is designed for expansion:


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背景与灵感 (The background and inspiration)

Sketches of the character’s head showing several different variation


We started from the ground up to figure out the setting of the world, how a character would fit in it, and what his or her role would be. We also wanted to incorporate historic Nordic designs into the environment and Norse mythology into the backstory.

我们从头开始,弄清楚世界的背景,角色如何融入其中以及他或她的角色。 我们还希望将历史悠久的北欧设计融入环境,并将北欧神话融入背景故事。

From a couple of sketches, we slowly narrowed our direction to what would ultimately become the narrative behind Buried Memories. This direction was inspired by the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which is a seed storage facility located halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole in the Svalbard archipelago. In Volume 1: Yggdrasil, the scene is set in the distant future outside a similar seed-vault facility in the Northern hemisphere. The facility is overgrown by vegetation and a vibrant tree of knowledge called Yggdrasil has sprouted.

从几个草图中,我们逐渐将方向缩小到最终成为埋葬回忆背后的叙述。 这个方向受到了斯瓦尔巴全球种子库的启发, 斯瓦尔巴全球种子库是一个种子存储设施,位于挪威大陆和斯瓦尔巴群岛的北极之间。 在第1卷:Yggdrasil中,场景设置在遥远的将来,位于北半球类似的种子库设施外。 该设施布满了植被,充满活力的知识树叫Yggdrasil。

We imagined a world where an unforeseen event caused an AI core to merge with the seeds in the vault. The advanced machines, which previously operated the facility autonomously, evolved and developed their own awareness and culture.

我们设想了一个无法预料的事件导致AI核心与库中的种子合并的世界。 以前由工厂自主运行的先进机器发展并发展了自己的意识和文化。

Concept art exploring how the machines live


Based on this new reality for the machines, we tried to imagine how they would feel, walk, talk and behave. We often found it helpful to act out the scenes ourselves.

基于这些新的机器现实,我们试图想象它们的感觉,行走,说话和行为。 我们经常发现自己演戏很有帮助。

It took many sketches and paintings before we were happy with the character art. In the end, it was an amazing experience seeing it all come together in the final project.

在我们对角色艺术感到满意之前,花了许多素描和绘画。 最终,在最终项目中看到所有这些内容,真是一个了不起的体验。

人物 (The character)

Character render in Unity


The package contains a full humanIK rig (MotionBuilder) and a custom Rig (Blender), and also contains 31 navigation animations (e.g., pick up item, door open, walk, run, jump, etc.), which enable you to put the character in motion.


创建角色 (Creating the character)

We used the following tools to make the character: 3ds Max, ZBrush, 3D-Coat, Substance Painter, Photoshop

我们使用以下工具制作角色:3ds Max,ZBrush,3D涂层,Substance Painter,Photoshop

The character model in 3ds Max

3ds Max中的角色模型

The character model in ZBrush


With Substance Painter, it is very easy to change and modify textures because the pipeline is non-destructive. We can change the model and update UV outside the program and Substance will read and update it accordingly. Not only is it easy to create variations in Substance, such as changes to color or types of materials, but it is simple to make updates to weathering distributions or add extra normal details directly.

使用Substance Painter,更改和修改纹理非常容易,因为管道是非破坏性的。 我们可以更改模型并在程序外部更新UV,Substance将相应地读取和更新它。 不仅很容易在物质中创建变化,例如颜色或材料类型的变化,而且很容易更新耐候性分布或直接添加额外的常规细节。

The character model in Substance Painter

Substance Painter中的角色模型

Substance directly exports to Unity’s new High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), which enables powerful rendering within Unity and directly translates to work done in Substance.


环境 (The environment)

Environment render in Unity


The pack contains more than 250 environment props and models, including modular content from Quixel Megascans’ library, providing lots of creative freedom and scalability.

该套件包含250多种环境道具和模型,包括来自Quixel Megascans库的模块化内容,提供了很多创作自由和可扩展性。

精心打造环境 (Crafting the environment)

Environment render in Unity


We used the following tools to craft the environment:


还有更多 (More to come)

Stay tuned for future blog posts revealing more about the creative process and the production behind Buried Memories Volume 1: Yggdrasil. Also, let us know if there are specific aspects about the pack you would like us to cover.

请继续关注未来的博客文章,这些文章将揭示有关Buried Memories Volume 1:Yggdrasil背后的创作过程和作品的更多信息。 另外,请告知我们您要涵盖的包装是否有特定方面。

Check out the webpage and download Volume 1 to start creating your own projects!


Get Volume 1: Yggdrasil


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/12/20/now-available-yggdrasil-icon-pack/


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