
It’s a right-centric world, with everything from pencils to computer mice expecting you to be right-handed.  Here’s how you can train your mouse and cursors in Windows 7 and Vista to respect your left-handedness.

这是一个以右为中心的世界,从铅笔到电脑鼠标的所有事物都希望您用右手。 这是在Windows 7和Vista中训练鼠标和光标以尊重惯用左手的方式。

Using your Left Hand the Right Way


It’s easy to switch your mouse to left-handed mode.  Enter “mouse” in your Start menu search, and select the first entry.

将鼠标切换到左手模式很容易。 在“开始”菜单搜索中输入“鼠标”,然后选择第一个条目。

Check the “Switch primary and secondary buttons” box to make your mouse more left-hand friendly.  Now your primary select button is your right button, and the secondary button (commonly referred to as right-click) is the left button.

选中“切换主要和次要按钮”框,以使鼠标更加左手友好。 现在,您的主要选择按钮是右键,而次要按钮(通常称为右键单击)是左按钮。

But, it can still be awkward to select items on screen with your left hand using the default cursors.  MSDN has a free set of cursors designed for left-handed users, that can fix this problem for you.  These cursors are exactly like the default Aero cursors in Windows 7 and Vista, except they are reversed to make them better for left-handed use.

但是,使用默认光标用左手选择屏幕上的项目仍然很尴尬。 MSDN为左撇子用户提供了一组免费的游标,可以为您解决此问题。 这些游标与Windows 7和Vista中的默认Aero游标完全相同,不同之处在于,它们经过反转后可以更好地用于左手使用。

The cursors are available in 3 sizes: normal, large, and extra large.  The normal ones are the same size as the default ones in Windows 7; feel free to choose the other sizes if you prefer them.  Click each link to download all 6 cursors for your size (link below).

光标有3种尺寸可用:普通,大和特大。 正常的大小与Windows 7中的默认大小相同。 随意选择其他尺寸。 单击每个链接以下载适合您尺寸的所有6个游标( 下面的链接 )。

Click “I Agree” after selecting the cursors to accept the license agreement and download them.


Once you have all 6 cursors downloaded, select the Pointers tab in the Mouse Properties dialog.  Click the cursor to change, and then click Browse to select the new cursor.

下载完所有6个游标后,在“鼠标属性”对话框中选择“指针”选项卡。 单击光标进行更改,然后单击浏览以选择新的光标。

Browse to the folder you downloaded your new cursors to, select the correct cursor, and click Open.


Do this for each of the 6 cursors to be changed.  Strangely, the Busy cursor (the spinning blue orb) is a static cursor, so you may not wish to change it.  All the other ones look and act like their standard counterparts.

对要更改的6个光标中的每个光标执行此操作。 奇怪的是,“忙碌”光标(旋转的蓝色球)是静态光标,因此您可能不希望更改它。 其他所有对象的外观和行为均与标准对象相同。

Here’s the cursors to be changed, and their equivalents in the default cursors:


Normal Select: aero_arrow_left.cur
Help Select: aero_helpsel_left.cur
Working in Background: aero_working_left.ani
Busy: aero_busy_left.cur
Handwriting: aero_pen_left.cur
Link Select: aero_link_left.cur
普通选择: aero_arrow_left.cur
帮助选择: aero_helpsel_left.cur
在后台工作: aero_working_left.ani
忙: aero_busy_left.cur
手写: aero_pen_left.cur
链接选择: aero_link_left.cur

After changing all the cursors, click Save As… to save this mouse scheme so you can easily select it in the future.  Finally click Ok to close the Mouse Properties dialog and accept the changes.

更改所有光标后,单击“另存为...”以保存此鼠标方案,以便将来方便地选择它。 最后,单击“确定”关闭“鼠标属性”对话框并接受更改。

Now your pointers will be easier to use left-handed!




Whether you’re right-handed or left-handed, you can enjoy the Aero cursors in Windows 7 or Vista in the way that works best for you.  Unfortunately, many mice are still designed for right-handed people, but this trick will help you make the best out of your mouse.

无论您是右手还是左手,都可以以最适合您的方式在Windows 7或Vista中使用Aero光标。 不幸的是,许多鼠标仍然是为惯用右手的人设计的,但是这个技巧将帮助您充分利用鼠标。

We included all of the 6 cursors for you in a zip file you can download Here. This will make it easier for you to get them all together without having to download them individually.

我们将所有6个游标包含在一个zip文件中,您可以在此处下载 。 这将使您更轻松地将它们放在一起,而不必单独下载它们。



Download Left-Handed Mouse Pointers from MSDN


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15833/make-your-mouse-pointers-left-hand-friendly/



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